Weight lifting for fat loss

While I do enjoy running, I want to up my weight training in order to shift this last tyre of fat around my stomach. I currently attend a pump class once a week, but I know this isnt enough?

Can anyone suggest how many times a week I should be lifting and a good routine for overall toning?



  • jensmith1984
    I had thought about doing the Pump at home workouts and I know that is only 3 times per week which is how often you should do weight training because you need to give which ever body part you lift with a day of rest before doing it again. I did some weights with P90X and that was 6 days a week but never the same body parts twice in a row :) hope this helps some!
    Jen Smith
    FB: @Jen.Smith8 IG: @Jen_D_Smith
  • JewelSmith
    JewelSmith Posts: 155 Member
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I do 2-3 days a week of 45 mins weights and 15 mins HIIT.
    I do an all over body routine.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I posted on your wall what I'm doing, but I want to reiterate that I was doing NROLFW (the group that was linked above) and then I switched to Stronglifts 5x5. Both are great beginners programs, and so is starting strength and live fit. and from what I can tell, stronglifts is a great program to transition into intermediate lifting, when you get to it.

    I only lift 3 x per week and it works great for me! i wish I had time to go 4x a week but I don't right now. Maybe over the summer! I don't do cardio. But if you like it then you can! Body pump is a great workout (tried it once just didn't like it) but I prefer heavy lifting. If you want to keep that up you could do body pump a couple times a week instead of a different program. Up to you.

    Just find what you like best :)
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    can you be more specific about your goals? so do you want the focus to be on core?
    there is no such thing as 'toning'