

  • I love all the support. Sounds like there are a few people taking on the P90X challenge. Regarding the Tough Mudder and P90X: I definately think this will help you gear up for the obstacles in the course, I would recommend spending some time running as well just to make sure your cardio gets some attention too :0) I did a…
  • "I'm kicking diseases in the *kitten*: certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, osteoperosis", "If I ever need to put up a fight I will be the strongest that I can", "I will walk around holding my shoulders back after a great work out." "There are men and women who have lost their legs for my freedom who would…
  • "You can chose to be miserable or you can chose to do something about it."
  • I am absolutely in love with my FT60S....has completely changed my fitness routine.
  • I give you major kudos for even taking the steps needed to get started on making your lifestyle changes. Let me ask you this: is Jenny Craig going to be a program that you plan on continuing for ever? My guess is that you started it to "take a few pounds off and get you rolling" but then you planned to not keep up with it…
  • I like to use 2lb weights on my ankles when I ride my bike and use the treadmill. Its fun to switch it up on the mill between feet and arms for a little extra buuuuurrrrnnnnnn.
  • Have you been making sure you are getting a variety of foods into your daily nutrition? Sometimes when we are focused on eating healthy it is easy to fall into eating the same foods because we know they are safe. Adding variety to your food is important. Also--interval training with high intensity bouts of exercise is…
  • I love the coffee in the morning, cuddling with my hubby, kisses from my puppy, hugs from my neices and nephews, a nice pinot noir, the smell of spring, the smell of line dried towels, my heart rate monitor
  • Don't be embarassed! You are taking control of your health and that is very important. Good work and welcome. I hope you find this site motivating and educational. One trick in regards to the changes you want to make is to not get overwhelmed and start changing things slowly. Focus on portion sizes rather than completely…