Very hungry and discouraged

I started Jenny Craig last week. I didn't have the motivation to plan my own meals and eat healthy so I thought I would give this a try. It's only been a week and I am disappointed. The food isn't that great and I am HUNGRY. I find that I am very hungry all day. Part of me wonders if this is honestly worth the money. I am not even sure I lost any week this week. I hate to quit so early since it's only been a week but I don't want to be hungry with bad food. I feel like I cannot quit because my boyfriend will rub it in my face. He tells me I never stick to anything. He doesn't understand since he has never had to diet or worry about his weight.

What are everyone's thoughts on this? Try to stick it out with Jenny Craig? Quit and just count calories? I will say Jenny Craig is slightly embarassing when I go out with friends. I have a BBQ to go to tonight and probably won't be able to eat anything.


  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    Tell your boyfriend to get knotted. Being supportive is not difficult. So Jenny Craig makes bad food that doesn't taste good or fill you up, you've tested it out and it wasn't for you.

    Try a food diary for a week, eating normally like you would normally, print it out and go through it and see where you can make some changes, like your snacks, or different options for meals, there are so many things you can change in your eating habits that make things just that little bit easier. Plan your meals the day before, it makes it easier.

    Social gatherings with food are difficult when you are dieting, but hopefully you're not under that pressure every day so it's one day, one meal, don't worry, relax and look forward to tomorrow with an action plan.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't follow a particular "diet" plan. I just feel like it is easier to count calories. I will tell you ... I'm NEVER hungry. If you're hungry all the time - you'll want to give up.

    And if the food is icky and you aren't enjoying it, maybe a change is in order? If something doesn't work - try something else. That isn't failure. Failure is saying "Screw it" and not doing anything.
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    I've tried weight watchers, atkins, dukan, slim fast, cabage soup (gross), and THIS is the only thing that has worked for me. I find writing down what I am eating really helps, and the amount that I eat some days is unbelievable! You can earn so many extra cals through exercise, and eat huge amounts of food as long as you're smart with what you eat.

    One of my favourite dinners, as it takes little effort, is fish or chicken, and a LOAD of roasted veg! Usually carrots, onion, peppers, asparagus, leek, but you can stick loads of things in there! I tend to avoid potato and bread and use whole wheat pasta as the cals are lower, and it's just as tasty :smile:
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    I was VERY discouraged my first week using MFP. I was ready to give up too...Some really awesome people though called me out on my pity party and told me to stick with it, that I CAN do it. So far I think I have been a member a little over a month and have lost about 6 pounds. I don't know about Jenny Craig, but I can tell you that I wouldn't use it if I didn't like the food or get any results. You should still be able to go to and enjoy your BBQ, just try small portions of things and stay away from anything too crazy...I still enjoy going out to dinner, having a drink now and then and live my life...The only thing that's different is the portions and I try to choose better options. (Oh, and I have been using my gym membership more frequently...might as well, I pay for it right??) That's where I am headed now...So, don't give up, just see if you can find that program that clicks and works with you. Good luck!
  • coachweaver
    I give you major kudos for even taking the steps needed to get started on making your lifestyle changes. Let me ask you this: is Jenny Craig going to be a program that you plan on continuing for ever? My guess is that you started it to "take a few pounds off and get you rolling" but then you planned to not keep up with it and just start eating better on your own. I might be wrong with that guess so I pre-apologize if I am. I am a HUGE cheerleader for making realistic lifestyle changes that you will be able to keep up with for as long as you need to or for life. Its a cliche these days but "lifestyle" changes is really the way to go. So I guess I would say jump off the J. Craig wagon and start using myfitnesspal regularly. By tracking your calories daily you will naturally learn what foods are going to be the best for you and have the least amount of calories. You will soon realize that its okay to go to a social event like your friends BBQ and actually eat a long with everyone else but you will find that you taylor your day to allow for some extra calories for your burger or a few cold beverages. Using myfitnesspal is a lifestyle change and keep in mind that positive change that lasts might take some time to get going but in the end its so much better and more sustainable than anything else. I would recommend taking a week to track what you normally eat without making any changes. At the end of the week reflect on your foods and brainstorm ways that you could cut back on calories or improve the quality of food that you are eating. Week 2 apply one or two of those changes into your routine. Week 3 continue with those changes. Then slowly try to shoot for the recommended calorie amounts for your goal weight loss. Its important to mention that exercise is key too if you can fit it in, if not just stick to the calorie recommendations. Anyway I hope this helps a little! I am a health coach and constantly recommend that people I work with focus on realistic and maintainable changes that will last. Good luck! Message me if you have any other questions or feedback. :0) Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    A huge part of sticking to a healthy eating plan for life is being able to enjoy what you eat, indulge once in a while, and know that you're fueling your body properly. If you're feeling like Jenny Craig may not be the thing for you, there's no shame in that! As someone else mentioned, you gave it a whirl, and it's not your cup of tea. No big deal.

    The thing I love so much about MFP (as others have mentioned) is that I can eat ANYTHING I want, I just hold myself accountable to tracking it. If I know I'm going to splurge with a dinner out or a few drinks, I try to make sure I fit in enough excercise to counteract that (for example, I was naughty and had McDonalds for breakfast. So I have to burn off 600 calories today to break even, which equates to about an hour of good for me fitness!).

    At the end of the day, you need to feel as though you've found something that fits into you life... because it's a lifestyle change we're aiming for, not a diet :)
  • tsmith6569
    tsmith6569 Posts: 63
    MFP makes it easy to count and manage calories and I hardly ever feel hungry or deprived. I havent had 5 days out of the last 12 weeks where I ate more than 1300 calories either. It's not always the healthiest food, but most of the time it is and ALL of the time I like what I am eating. Best of all it's free and it really works!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Hey - I did Jenny Craig to start off with - and when people ask me I tell them it taught me about healthy portion sizes - and how to put balanced meals together....

    If you are hungry bulk up on your vegetables..... I must say that is one thing I could not really say ever - that I was hungry, I ate tons of vegetables, salad - and still do!

    Totally agree with you on the food though - it is edible - but for someone that loves good food I ended up eating about 5 or six things all the time! I also found most of their snacks way too sweet, so did not eat those and went to rice crackers....

    I was soooo happy when I could start cooking good tasty food again....

    The bottom line I would suggest - stick with them for a couple of weeks - get your body used to portion control again....

    And then getbyourself a kitchen scale and start planning out your own way - with the tips and tools you got from JC.....

    Have a look at my food diary - and you will see what I say about bulking up on vegetables.....just ignore Monday to Saturday this past week - I had a tummy bug - so not a normal week for me....
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    One of my favourite dinners, as it takes little effort, is fish or chicken, and a LOAD of roasted veg! Usually carrots, onion, peppers, asparagus, leek, but you can stick loads of things in there! I tend to avoid potato and bread and use whole wheat pasta as the cals are lower, and it's just as tasty :smile:
    Yes, this. I stirfry my veggies in a little oil, a big half-plate of them, and eat 3-6 ounces of lean beef, chicken, or fish, and it's both tasty and filling. A low fat yogurt for snack/dessert a couple of hours later, and I can count on never being hungry in the evenings. I'll leave it to others to advise you on the rest of the day!
  • SarahAlt
    SarahAlt Posts: 44
    Hi sweetie. Let me start out by saying that I don't know much about Jenny Craig except that it's supposed to be "convenient weight loss". Well, the bad news is that weight loss, healthy weight loss is not easy or convenient. I don't think it's good to be hungry. I don't think it's good to be hungry and discouraged. I glanced at your profile and you admit that your lowest weight was reached by eating healthy and exercising. There's no need to be hungry while you lose weight...

    The good news is you already know how to be healthy because you've admittedly done it before. So why get on an expensive fad diet when it's better for numerous reasons to make it a lifestyle change. Do you really want to eat Jenny Craig food forever? I certainly wouldn't.

    By exercising and counting calories from food you love and can pick yourself you're teaching yourself the discipline you need to make eating healthy and exercising a habit.

    Perhaps, you should just go back to square one and eat healthy balanced meals that you make yourself. If you make it yourself you're sure to like it and it's sure to be filling. Not only that, but again, you're giving yourself the skills you need to succeed.

    Don't worry about what your boyfriend says. You just have to find what works for you. If you're not happy after the first week, that's a pretty big red flag. You can't stick to something that disappoints you... or at least I can't.

    Good luck dear and go to that BBQ and eat something tastey. Then start new tomorrow. The MFP community will support you no matter what you decide.
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    I did Jenny craig years ago and it worked really well for me. It was the first time in my life I had any idea as to how much food I should be eating if I wanted to lose weight. For the first week I didn't eat anything that wasn't allowed and I lost 6 pounds. I lost the remainder of my weight during that first month on the program - 20 pounds in all. I loved their little chocolate bars they had for snacks. Also when you are really hungry everything tastes good. Good luck to you and I hope you find something that works for you.
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    With all due respect to your boyfriend, the fact that you are in graduate school (or done your dds?) says that you DO finish what you started. Finding the right lifestyle for a busy student/career person is not easy. Maybe Jenny Craig is not it, but make that decision on your own....for you....not because your boyfriend is going to rub it in. I wish I could take an ounce of my husband and give it to every person on here who has an unsupportive partner. It really pisses me off.
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    Some questions........First, how many calories a day are you consuming? On MFP most of us women start out at 1200 a day.

    Second, are you eating back your exercise calories?

    When I first started here the 1200 was enough to keep me satisfied most days. Then my metabolism shifted and while i was still minding my P's and Q's I wasn't losing anymore. At first, I wasn't hungry for breakfast or lunch, I ate a little something 'cause I knew I should. About 3 in the afternoon.........I was STARVING!! I'd have chewed the hardware off of the kitchen cabinets if there hadn't been food in there!

    Now, I'm hungry at all meal times, but still have the afternoon munchies. I went into my settings and checked to see how many calories I'd have in a day to maintain my current weight. 1870. Then how many to lose a half pound a week. 1570. I set my daily minimum to 1500. I'm losing weight again.

    Just starting out, your body is adjusting to fewer calories, it is going to tell you you are dying. There is an period where it seems like this just isn't working. Or maybe the minimum isn't enough for your body. Everyone is different, if you need to adjust your daily intake up a bit, do it.

    Make sure you eat at least most of your exercise calories. The calorie deficit required to lose is already built in, the extras you've earned.

    Take the effort to eat normal food. You can't live on boxed meals the rest of your days, you live in the real world with real food. Good choices can be made.
  • culpemj
    culpemj Posts: 1
    1. I hope you are doing this for YOU.. and know - this isn't a weight loss program. Consider this a life changing opportunity.

    2. I am not a fan of pre-established foods. Many times there are tons of sodium and msg that I don't want. I've had a lean build and gained weight a few years ago. I originally lost 30 lbs and have gained a few back.. My husband and I are completing the MyFitnessPal together so we both can be healthier.

    Here is what is working for me:
    * Use this online program (I've lost 4 lbs in 1 wk). I try to plan my menu a day or two before and KEEP to it.
    * Look for high fiber and protein foods.
    * Cut out sugar.. unless it's naturally provided in fruit (stawberries, watermelon, cantelopes, etc). Try to have 3 servings of fruit.
    * Reduce bread - use all grain wheat options. Tonight at the BBQ - stick to the meat...
    * I buy Snackwells prepackaged 100 calorie packs (vanilla yougart covered pretzels - YUM... Oreo thin crips, Nabisco Snack mix). These are ALL 100 calorie and help me portion size.
    * If I have a potato - skip butter and sour cream. Pour a tbsp of LITE Ranch dressing and dip your potato in dressing for flavor.
    * NEXT - Exercise - don't get the closest parking spot.. get the one a little farther (that is still safe) and walk. Just something as walking and housecleaning burns calories.
    *Get a good night sleep...
    and LAAR - eat within the first 30-45 mins in the morning... YOU HAVE to eat. I eat 5 times (630AM bfast, 915 snack, 11:30 lunch (deli cut turkey, 2 pcs of bread - no mustard or mayo.. add tomato if you want), snack at 3pm, and dinner by 6pm..

    GOOD luck on a new you!!!
  • mamaredhead
    mamaredhead Posts: 112
    uhm, just sayin: you don't need anything rubbed in your face. you got yourself going.
    and if anyone is NOT supporting you, rub it in their face ;-)))))

    no, seriously: you don't have to stick with ANYTHING that doesn't suit you. if you can turn it into something useful, fine. if you can't and it bothers you all the way and you are not being happy, sticking with it would be like cheating on yourself. don't do that. be honest. that's a major part of losing weight. being honest and letting go of funny excuses ...

    right now i am hungry. that is because i had two very big and yummy pieces of cake at my friend's birthday this afternoon. and i'm trying to not overdo my calories, so it's just my fault ;-) and it's no problem since i think that being hungry every once in a while doesn't kill me, wouldn't want to have it like that every day tho!!!

    you will find your way through!!!
    have fun on that journey of yours!
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    The food diary is the way to go. You need to eat the things you like and that are healthy for you not because a "diet" is planned a certain way. When you make out your food diary and see which of the foods are too calorie loaded, cut back (not necessarily cut those food out) on those, and eat the lower calorie foods. Be sure to eat foods that help you feel satisfied, you can not deal with being hungry all the time. MFP is a good learning tool but you will need to make it important to record the foods and stay aware. Good luck, you can do it. FG
  • KevKidd
    KevKidd Posts: 26 Member
    Having a support "group" or person is very important. You don't need anyone rubbing it in your face, as many here have said. My wife and I started using MFP on January first of this year after we saw photo's of us at her Christmas party. I have since lost 35 pounds, am down to my goal weight of 195 and been on maint. calories for about a month now and holding. My wife has lost 30 pounds and has 10 more to go for her goal. We have tracked everything we eat, make menu's the day before so we know what we are going to eat the next day, and are very careful when we are out and eat. We even went on a cruise within the first month of started this, we enjoyed the food but watched what we ate, walked every morning on board and used the gym. When we got home we had held fast, hadn't lost any weight, but we hadn't gained any either. And the amazing thing is, that we have NEVER felt hungary. I have told my wife a number of times that I feel like I am cheating. We are able to enjoy alot of the same foods (We have cut some of the real fat ladden stuff out) only in smaller portions. MFP made losing this weight very easy. And we are there to support each other when one of use falters, no "rubbing" it in the others face. You will have days when you don't stick to it, or may go over, but remember tomorrow is another day. It all averages over the week. Good luck!
  • RockerDDS
    RockerDDS Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support and advice. I am suppose to go back to Jenny Craig on Wednesday to weigh in and buy more food. I am debating if I should give it another week or not. I guess the one thing it has taught me is to eat smaller portions. I just worry I am wasting money when the food is honestly not that great. As some of you had said, I do need to learn how to eat healthy because I cannot stay on Jenny Craig for the rest of my life. It's also hard if I have a party or event to go to since I am suppose to be eating only their food. But in a way, I feel embarassed quitting after a week. But I'll have to make a decision by Wednesday.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I dont do a diet plan - I know I cant, as I know that I have no motivation, and if I restrict myself, I will just give up and binge eat.

    Instead, I am just counting the calories. If I want chocolate, I'm having chocolate, I'm just working it into my calorie allowance or doing more exercise.

    I know this is the only way it can work for me.
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I did Jenny and lost about 40lbs but the second I stoped eating thier food I gained it all back plus more, it doesn't teach you anything. Count your calories, exercise, learn so you don't gain it back!