Check this out. Not sure if this is a good study but it could be an issue. Gut Bacteria, Artificial Sweeteners and Glucose Intolerance
Check this out Gut Bacteria, Artificial Sweeteners and Glucose Intolerance No idea if it's a good study.
for later
Hubba Hubba ....
AHHHHHH.......oh... yeah I am in...
I concur it should get it's own thread, but it's also related to this topic and was posted here. It does support the OP topic "A calorie is not a calorie is not a calorie." It appeared to be ignored. The thread is focusing on KCAL=KCAL argument when this study and it's related studies indicate cal composition may matter.…
Acg67 posted the following in this topic, did anyone read it? Increasing Protein, or Decreasing Carbohydrate…Which Gives You a Metabolic Advantage? It's conclusions were: "The Bottom Line The bottom line is that there is no metabolic advantage to a low carbohydrate…
misunderstood Q
The original study stated this in the summary: "4. At a level of intake of 2000 calories per day, weight was maintained or increased in for out of five obese patients. In these same subjects SIGNIFICANT weight-loss occurred when the calorie intake was RAISED to 2600 per day, provided this intake was given mainly in the…
saving for later
for later
Now you are talking....nice.
It's about Tacos ;)
OP you are not a women. Oh... cruzing for chicks.. got it... how's it working out?
What are your concerns on the enviro with roundup? Do you have concerns on the ingestion of roundup (AKA does the plant absorb it and do we eat it?) Does this residue of roundup in food have an affect on human gut bacteria? I have seen a few articles/studies in this area but don't know if they hold water.
I read about him and he is a genius. This is a quote from the wiki and the really cool experiment Mendel conducted on bees. "He produced a hybrid strain (so vicious they were destroyed)" "After completing his work with peas, Mendel turned to experimenting with honeybees to extend…
What did you end up getting? Thanks
How is it holding up? I saw reviews that the seams are faulty.
This guy is a riot. You have to see the first video on Broscience. Oh yeah, Question to OP. Did you have a training period of at least a week or more prior to your first class where they provided instruction and demonstrations with zero weight (PVC Pipe)? For your workout did the…
Binge on some carrots 3 oz is only 35 calories and 1/8 cup of nuts. I did this yesterday and the day before, it helped.
That sucks, man. I know a friend of friend who was a former NFL player who is now a trainer that messed his system up on just in-taking protein and carbs and no fat (I heard this second hand so I not sure of the full story but I will get the details) for years. His digestion (not sure about thyroid) is messed up now.…
How does the calorie restriction burn out your thyroid?
Cool, let's see your diary and how do you do it?