clarabkyu Member


  • Yeah, I lost my boobs with the first couple of fat pounds I lost. It kind of discouraged me... They were out further than my stomach... But they're still out further than my stomach so my self esteem is still in tact!
  • You are gone for about as long as my mother on a good day. So I'm going to guess you're really exhausted after you come home from work and just want to relax. I would suggest doing your workout in short spurts. And you don't need to do them for long. You work for half the day, so just keep eating healthy. The short…
  • Yes! Planks are excellent. Those basically challenge your entire body. Weight lifting will be much more noticeable in terms of strength and muscle definition; depending on how much weight you use and how many reps. It will burn fat, but it will also demand more out of you in order to keep that definition. Try body weight…
  • Huah!! You have a ton on your plate. I'm basically a kid myself so I don't know what it's like to juggle another life while caring for my own. BUT! Maybe while you're nursing or comforting your baby you can do some squats, lunges, or calf exercises. I don't know when you're comfortable with this, but take your baby out in…
  • As said: Brace. It will help stabilize your knee. Also invest in aleve if the pain gets bad on those certain days. I messed up my knee badly a few months ago and I'm still paying for it. I went to a doctor and he told me it was just major bruising; advised me to strengthen my leg muscles. Quads, hammys, everything in the…
  • More than likely bruising. It's happened to me a few times as well, on various parts of my body. You had a high intensity workout, from what you described, and it put a lot of strain on your arms. Might want to baby your right arm for a bit, ice it or massage it a little in case it's deeper than what it appears to be.
  • You have possibilities for reasons.. Water weight, as mentioned before. It fluctuates day to day. Random decisions in your digestive tract. An awesome breakthrough for you!
  • For sure try out some body weight exercises. Those will help a tone because it will build and tone lean muscle. If you ever feel like doing some at home, just look up some 'ab exercises' on youtube. Scroll through and pick out what you like most!
  • It seems more like the intimidation factor and the fact that it's something that is very annoying and rude to OP that's preventing her from going to get what she needs in the free weights area. Totally understandable. Unfortunately, what you need to do, OP, is exactly what everyone says; just ask. It helps if you ask in a…
  • Well, you've only been working out 'religiously' since August. Give it some time. Maybe take up some pilates to help more with lean muscle. Keep up with your cardio, that's your fat burner; just don't become a cardio bunny. That will do nothing for you. I've been doing pilates for a few months and even with my silly…
  • Maybe a banana or some kind of gluten-free cracker snack. Bananas will fill you up pretty fast and they're excellent for health. Especially the super yellow ones.