Losing inches but not weight...help!



  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Your intake is probably higher than you think it is, especially if you don't weigh and/or measure your food. Buy a food scale and use it for everything. A tablespoon of peanut butter, for example, is deceiving, even measured with a tablespoon. That 16g measure isn't as big as you think it is.

    Losing inches is a really good thing though. That's probably coming from your exercise. But weight loss IMHO is all about intake vs. output: Intake < output.

    Good luck!
  • clarabkyu
    clarabkyu Posts: 11 Member
    Well, you've only been working out 'religiously' since August. Give it some time. Maybe take up some pilates to help more with lean muscle. Keep up with your cardio, that's your fat burner; just don't become a cardio bunny. That will do nothing for you. I've been doing pilates for a few months and even with my silly college diet, it's helped me lose a few pounds and a number of inches. Also, check how much sugar you take in everyday. We are genetically made to keep in a lot of fat and sugar, so that might help you lose some of the jiggle.

    A few more tips:
    Lots of water
    Eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day
    Sleep! (3 kids, I can imagine that being a little difficult)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi there I am 30 year old female, I'm 5'4" and weigh 170lbs. In the past 5 years I have had 3 babies and gained 35lbs, in my pre-pregnancy days I was about 110lbs. I would like to be 125lbs again but am having a very hard time. I am eating healthy consuming about 1300-1400 calories a day I also workout daily for an hour. I run 3-4 miles or get in the elliptical. I have lost inches but not a single pound. Does anyone have any suggestions?! I really could use some I would like to start shedding some weight. I have been working out religiously since August.

    With that kind of workout, no you aren't gaining muscle.

    Depending on how long you are doing it though, you could still be increasing glucose storage, and that combines with water.
    That's more LBM, that's higher metabolism, still a good thing.
    Blood volume will also increase if this is newer exercise.

    That increasing while losing fat keeps the weight the same.

    So basically you are eating at maintenance, and therefore getting the most out of your exercise.

    So you can either figure out why your are eating at maintenance, either your logging of intake is inaccurate, and you need to weigh everything except liquids which are measured for volume.
    Or your logging of exercise is inflated and when you correctly eat that back to keep a reasonable deficit, it's actually more than you think.

    Or, you have slowed down your metabolism, or in addition which usually happens first, you've burned off some muscle mass because of eating too low for level of activity.

    End result is the same, you are currently eating at maintenance. Either a suppressed maintenance because you body has adapted, or real maintenance and your calorie logging is just bad.

    Starters on setup, if those kids are still at home and you are active, I hope you selected Lightly Active as honest level.

    But you need to cut probably 250 calories from what you eat in total. So on exercise days when you correctly eat more, leave out 250 calories.
    Non exercise days the same.

    If you do that method, do NOT try to get more accurate on your food logging and exercise logging. Leaving out 250 calories on sloppy logging will take care of the issue - because you are obviously eating more than you think.

    Or, keep your goals where they are, and get a scale, and really see how much you are eating.
    Then for exercise, how are you getting exercise calories for eatback?
  • shrinkingbrian
    shrinkingbrian Posts: 171 Member
    Losing inches but not weight, as others have indicated, is generally a good thing. You might want to try to cut back on your calories more. I measure my chest, waist, and hips every two weeks. It's neat to see the progress.
  • kamizink
    Can you explain to me what eating at maintenance means. I am very active I am on my feet all day taking care of my children and working around my house plus a very intense 60-80 minute work out daily!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It's great you are losing inches, but I understand why you want to get to a healthy weight. There is no reason you can't do both.

    You are nut building actual muscle because your have to eat at a surplus to gain muscle, but it sounds like you are getting fitter. That's a good thing.

    As for not losing weight-it sounds like you are eating at maintenance. I say this because you are eating the amount of food to where you are neither losing or gaining weight.

    Do you weigh all solid food and measure all liquids and log everything you put in your mouth?

    How do you estimate your calories burned? MFP, gym machines, and phone pedometers, over-estimate calories burned.

    It would be helpful if you opened your diary up so that we can give you more concrete advice.
  • vanessap72
    vanessap72 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I was in a similar situation as you and what changed for me was doing LESS long drawn out cardio and switched to HIIT (high intensity interval training) for only 30 minutes and changing WHAT I was eating...I have cut back drastically on packaged processed foods, always get in fruits and vegetables, low fat proteins, and healthy carbs...I still indulge in a little piece of chocolate, ice cream, or glass of wine but maybe once or twice a week. I lost 15lbs since May of this year and see muscle definition now which is so exciting. Muscle is more dense and takes up less space than fat so be happy for the first signs of progress in your transformation. You are gaining muscle like people are mentioning but is on a small scale and evident from losing inches. (body builders eat alot more and weight train intensively to gain muscle mass so you don't have to worry about that)... I started with Jillian Michaels "ripped in 30" which varies work outs over 4 weeks time so no thinking required, just turn it on and do it...I did work with a kettle bell trainer for 3 months (all I could afford) and that was 45 minutes at a time but again no long drawn out cardio...I have found the right balance for me and I hope you do too :-)
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    The weight will come. You are losing weight, your clothes fir you better, be patient. Make sure you log ALL of your food, be carefull of the carbs. Get at least 90 gs of protien each day. Protien burns fat !!
    You are doing great !!!

    I'd like to add you to my friend list
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Who cares what the scale says if you're getting smaller???? For the love of all that's holy, just be grateful for the inches lost.
  • LadyPaparazzi
    LadyPaparazzi Posts: 1 Member
    Thank GOD someone who is going thru the same thing as I am. I have went from a size 16/18 to a size 12 but the weight is not coming off either. I exercise everday, I switch it up, from the treadmil, and weights and them Zumba, Dance and Step Aerobics. I can see the difference and have been shopping because my clothes are falling off. I started loosing weight in April 2013. To date I have lost 30 lbs. i joined MyfitnessPal about 6 weeks ago and have lost about 6 lbs. since I started. I am usually dead on or under my calories daily. Does this make sense? When I report to the doctor in January, they are not looking at inches, they weigh me!