erikanunns Member


  • I'm with you on this one - pineapple on pizza is just WRONG!
  • Hey chook - I am 39 with a 6 and 2 year old and am from the other side of the world (New Zealand) happy to offer support! Have no idea how to send a friend request thing so feel free...I have quite a lot of ideas on healthy living - My daughter (6) and I often play the 'good food choice' game - where I say two food types…
  • Hey there - yes family cn be a big old bunch of bottoms can't they? You might need to retrain your ma a bit when it comes to the homemade stuff like the lighter options (e.g. using light sour cream etc) but as for giving you a lot of food - its up to you to be strong here and only eat what you need. If they give you grief…
  • Hey you fellow kiwi girl! ok get the normal battered fish and then PEEL OFF the batter - seems a crying shame I know but thats where the majority of the fat is kept. If the fish and chip shop has the right temperature in the vat of oil the batter only acts as a covering and the fish is cooked from temperature - however if…
  • healthy eating is a journey not a destination!!! Keep up the good work and don't stress about the hiccups
    in hiccup Comment by erikanunns June 2011
  • Im an early work starter as well so I can finish early to be with the kids. And I totally know what you are saying. I try to park my car/get off the bus much sooner than my normal stop so I HAVE to walk (about 30 minutes each way). Not too sure of your situation - if this will allow this type of 'forced' exercise. Your…
  • did you have a good time though?? sounds like you had a ball.
  • Must admit though - the last time I commented on a persons weight loss - she informed me (nicely) that she was undergoing treatment for cancer. Felt that the floor could have opened up and sucked me in on that one.... but then again we had a pretty good conversation about it. :)
  • I definitely reckon its okay to have a wee blow out - once in a while. I think its great you can still stick to your calorie budget eating comfort food! I guess its all about having a little bit of what takes your fancy - just not everyday!