Jinji Member


  • I second these bits of wisdom. We eat for a *reason*. Some reasons are healthy, some are unhealthy. Eating to satiate our hunger is healthy. Eating for other reasons is not! If we can figure out our reasons for overeating, then we can meet those needs in a healthy way (i.e. playing sports, going to therapy, playing music…
  • This is great! I'm in.
  • I'm printing this out to put on my fridge.
  • I have the same problem, so I know it's a tough one. I've found a few things that help me. My first step is to fill my cupboards exclusively with healthy foods. For me, this means no junk food, no peanut butter (my weakness), no chips nor crackers, and when I really need to control myself, no beer or wine. I've found…
  • Welcome to MFP! Do feel free to add me so I can follow your progress & success.
  • Welcome! Friend me as well. Community keeps us strong!
  • Just go as you are -- striving towards your goals. Slow but steady wins this weight-loss race. When you compare yourself to others, it is motivation to push onto your next success. Stay beautiful inside!
  • My solution has been to focus on my breathing or the environment. If I focus on my body then I feel every ache and strain, and am full of hate for the exercise. But if I focus on breathing or focus on how lovely the day is, I enjoy the time. The easy path is never the right one, right?
  • I feel ya. Me and my contemporaries waited until after our professional degrees to have kids. It may always seem "too late" or "too early." It's never the right time . . . and then when it happens, it is always our chance to learn how to be a loving parent because being a loving family is one of the greatest treasures the…
  • I am inspired by (and maybe a bit jealous of) your self-control and willpower. WAY TO GO! Good for you making the right choices for your health, day to day and week to week. Stay strong, you amazing woman.
  • Well done! You've accomplished so much already, stay strong through your goal! I can only imagine the inspiration you give to your family, especially your kids. You're showing us that it IS possible to live a healthy life in modern America. Kudos to you.
  • Thanks for the correction. My typo-bad.
    in Should I? Comment by Jinji June 2011
  • I can compare because I used low-carb for three years and calorie-counting for one year. I prefer calorie-counting. From 2006-2009 I worked with a low-carb diet because I'm diabetic and reducing carbohydrates helped me to stabilize blood sugar levels. I noticed that if I could actually restrict my carbs (it is *extremely*…
    in Should I? Comment by Jinji June 2011
  • You guys are amazing! Food cans and milk jugs for weightlifting ... sharing workout videos through internet, library, neighbors and Netflicks ... and just GETTING OUTSIDE. THANKS Y'ALL And I started that couch-to-5K thing. I'm on it. I guess if anything's going to get me fit, running's it. :)
  • I've been a healthy eater for a long time because I have type-one diabetes. You can check out my public food journal if it helps.
  • The sunshine's streaming from MFP! I'm from Portland, OR, and from where I'm sitting I can see one thin strip of blue sky ... hallelujah! It's great to see y'all here.
  • Portland, Oregon, the River City! We've got sun today and the rain's stopped for a hot second, so I'm having a happy day.
  • One, find substitutes for your weak spots. I substitute tea and coffee for soda and snacks, and that's helped me. Two, I like to keep cut-up veggies around for snacks. If I have veggies prepared then I can snack when I want while sticking to the plan. I'll be eating carrots, celery, peppers, bok choy, etc. Three, savor the…
  • I loved the 100 pushups program when I started it last January. I fell of that wagon but found this post -- you guys helped me back on the wagon. Thanks! First test = 15 pushups