

  • I just don't count them. Even if they are on there I add it up myself on paper & don't go over what my daily intake without exercise should be.
  • I found it on YouTube and it's the full videos. If you have a computer just turn it towards an open area & workout. I'm going to try this.
  • Wow... What an inspiration you all are. Seeing the pics of the Great progress made. Great job ladies.
  • I think of how unhappy I have been.
  • I enjoy having a candy bar once a month on my way home from the store. I NEVER let anyone see me eating it. :o/ man is it good. The thing is I an NOT a "sweets" person, :o)
  • To be honest I don't consider those "exercise calories". "EXTRA". I will add up my calories & make sure I stay within my regular intake for the day.
  • WONDERFUL! What a great feeling it must be. Keep up the Great work.
  • GREAT JOB! What an inspiration.
  • My bf of 7 years has never ask my weight & anytime I mention "Man, I went up or lost X amount" He always says "I think you look great". I would tell him IF he ask.
  • You are so right... Welcome back. I don't think any of us are "New" to diet & exercise. It's all about NOT giving up. We can do this! We can all lose the weight & become healthy. The biggest key is Consistency. I look forward to hearing what works for you & sharing what works for me.
  • I'd love to be friends. I could use some motivational, encouraging friends as well. I have 3 that are Wonderful. It's never easy losing weight & we can all use as much support from those who understand we can get. I have 40 pounds to lose & I've got a little added speed bump... I have MS BUT I am NOT letting it stop me.…
  • Welcome, You've come to the right place. People are very encouraging here. What a wonderful thing to do for your family & YOURSELF. It makes such a difference in your overall health. I love all the wonderful options this site gives you in logging. You can do this!!! I'm here if you ever need encouragement. GOD Bless
  • I haven't found most of what I've eaten. I sometimes just go with what is near what I've eaten & closer to the calories. I never go under the calories but always make sure if anythingnto go a little over. Say it's a Birrito (Bean & cheese) I log it as something I'd get from Taco bell... :o) I should probably log each…
  • Bottom line is MFP is supposed to be a place everyone can come to get support & track their weight-loss. There are days when I will only eat 500 cals for the day. It's something that happens from time to time. Plus PLEASE remember that sometimes medical problems prevent a person from eating from time to time. I have MS &…
  • I understand some days being worse but I can go all day & only have 300 cals for the whole day. It's rare that I won't eat at all but it has happened. Those days are when something is truly going on with me (I have MS & can get what's called MS fatigue which puts me out for days or weeks just being too tired to do…
  • Thank you all. Good to hear it's not just me. The meal replacement sounds like a good way to go.
  • Celery, cucumbers & lettuce are all great to snack on. It's said celery is a negative calorie because of the chewing & the fact it's mostly water. I love it as a snack. #1) Celery One cup of celery (120g) contains only 19 calories. It takes far more than 19 calories to prepare, eat, digest and eliminate this one cup of…
  • I'm here for you. You can do it! NEVER give up. If you have a set back pick yourself up & start over. I always say "The weight didn't come on overnight... It won't go away overnight. It took a lot of work (food) to get in the shape we're in... It's gone take a lot of work (exercise) to get our bodies back into shape". You…
  • Sandra, I understand your position or at least I think I can. I have MS & there are times I can't do things because of a "Flare". I keep telling myself though... I WILL do what I can... When I can. I will NOT give up! If I can't do the treadmill... I'll left some weights with my arms... If I can't do anything at the time…
  • Reading these post & seeing the little ladybugs moving lower on the weight "track" is very motivational for me. I can't wait to see mine moving & I know it will. I know we can each do this! It's just consistency & believing in yourself. Easier said then done sometimes... Good luck everyone!
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