Just not hungry...

I'm a bit worried about ruining my diet/healthy lifestyle & weight-loss by not eating.
I just don't feel like eating, no appetite (sp?) whatsoever. I try to force myself to eat something but it can sometimes make me sick.
I always try to get one good full meal in during these times but I wonder if it's holding back my weight-loss...
Any thoughts?
I don't always feel this way but it can hit for days or weeks at a time.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.


  • candy69apple79
    candy69apple79 Posts: 36 Member
    I have the same problem sometimes like today so then I force myself to eat something my suggestion get some meal replacement shakes so even if you arent hungry your getting some nutrition into you. just my thought on it
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Make sure you are getting your daily nutrients. Especially protein!

    You can also try to add in meal replacement shakes such as slim fast WITH a meal. This will bump up your calories and add a lot of extra nutrition.
  • I've been feeling like that the past couple days too...feels like I'm forcing myself to eat.
  • Thank you all. Good to hear it's not just me. The meal replacement sounds like a good way to go.
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    You are fairly new to mfp, this could be the reason. I felt the same during my first 2 moths or so, THEN I go so hungry on most days that I could eat the house. But my burns are hight 800 to 1012.

    My advice eat when you are hungry because there are days when you will be very hungry and you will worry that you are going over.

    Your body does not follow a program. Today I don't have much of an appetite for the first time in a month. On most days I eat about 1400 to 1500 calories.
  • I understand some days being worse but I can go all day & only have 300 cals for the whole day. It's rare that I won't eat at all but it has happened. Those days are when something is truly going on with me (I have MS & can get what's called MS fatigue which puts me out for days or weeks just being too tired to do anything) But when I am feeling good & don't have an appitite that's when I think a "Meal Replacement" will work best.