mymodernbabylon Member


  • The only macro I try to stick with is protein, but most important to me is calories. And even with that, I don't worry if I go over, under, etc for one day as it all evens out for me in the long run.
  • My goal weight was a range that I'd be happy to maintain for the rest of my life while enjoying the food and drink that I enjoy. I looked at the TDEE of my goal weight for the amount of working out that I would realistically do over the next few years - if it was too low, then I wouldn't do it (for me, that would be at…
  • This is why I follow the TDEE method with a 15% deficit - no 1200 calorie diets for me. I lost 20 lb using it, drinking and eating all the normal foods I ate in the past with a focus on hitting my protein macros (which meant I ate more protein in the past and added some foods to my diet but I didn't stop eating anything as…
  • It could do with something other than the reset - a bit more salt, a hormonal thing, etc. Who knows? Our bodies are weird.
  • I do want to point out that you are at a healthy weight so you may find losing 'weight' difficult. I do think you should get your metabolism going by doing a reset...but after that, you may find doing a body recomposition a better idea than losing pounds.
  • Yup. Stick with Scooby for now as it gives you a good solid goal. Truly, this is an experiment as sometimes it's under, the same or over for different people. Definitely continue to head up - you will see weight fluctuations - they are normal. Think about a few things...glycogen stores will fill, you'll probably get more…
  • I would honestly give it more time eating at the level you are at - at the most, you would normally see a lb or 2 gain over a full month which is slow. You are gaining fast, which typically means water weight.
  • Weight lifting or bodyweight exercises is what he means by resistance training. It's actually even better than cardio in some ways for fat loss.
  • Um...I go up randomly 1-4 lb on a regular basis. Unless you are up for a long period of time, I wouldn't sweat it. Hormones, salt intake, lack of water, etc, can easily put on lbs. Scale going up once is NBD!
  • What's the rush? Seriously. You have have an entire life to live. And why would you not want to be able to eat as much as you possibly could while living it? I took 9 months to lose 20 lbs. And I didn't suffer, I could work out without any issue and going into maintenance is so easy as there isn't a huge difference...I've…
  • If it's less than a week after vacation than it's probably water weight as it's close to impossible to gain 5 lb in a week and have it all be fat. My bet is that you will lose that weight again in about a week or so. Fast gain = water weight most of the time.
  • Cool. Now you know your trigger. So, what can you say to yourself, that you would believe, that is not so harmful to you? For example, I say to myself when I've eaten a bit too much (which happens on occasion) - "Boy you ate a lot of food. What's going on? Were you hungry? If so, did I starve myself before this and need…
  • Most people binge when they are on strict diets do so because they haven't fed their bodies. Once you actually feed your body and eat regularly, you may find that the binges go away. If not, then it might be worth seeing a therapist and working through it. I can also suggest the book, Overcoming Binge Eating, by…
  • Why are you stuck on your weight? Who cares if you lose weight as long as you keep losing fat? Sounds like you are already at a very healthy weight/body fat...what you are doing sounds like it's already worked well...why not keep at it?
  • I have used the app which I find very handy. There are some programmes available on it as well as a list of potential exercises for various body parts.
  • Having been an athlete my entire life, I take at least one rest day a week - I am less likely to burn out, hurt my body and actually allow my body to recover (muscles to grow, etc) if I take at least that one day. It doesn't mean I'm necessarily sitting on my tush, but I'm not 'working out' - I may do some light yoga, go…
  • Good job at looking after your body. You will be amazed at what happens to your strength gains as you feed your body. It's awesome!
  • I used a scale to lose most of my 20 lbs. And for part of maintenance. It really helped a lot and gave me a better idea of serving sizes. And then I began intuitive eating and took a break from the scale. And it worked. It was fine. I'm now trying to lose that last bit of fat that I want to lose and I'm back to the scale…
  • Great job on holding through - this is why we always say the scale lies!
  • You are doing so well!
  • I eat around 2000 calories but all I am concerned about is reaching my protein goal. I clean my food if it needs it but that's all the 'clean' I worry about. I want to do this for life and so eating and drinking the foods I enjoy, even while on a 'diet' is what I'm doing. I've lost 20 lb, kept it off for a while, and just…
  • Please do realise that at 5'8", 117 lbs is at a low BMI (below 18). This might not be a healthy goal for you to have as you are already at a very healthy weight. Have you considered doing a body recomp instead (trying to work on muscle versus lose weight)?
  • This is the reason I began to eat my TDEE-15%. I wanted to just eat the same amount every day. I was usually consistent in my exercising weekly. And remember that TDEE also includes more than exercise - it's also daily activity (which, for me, usually bumps me up a level on Scooby).
  • I never worry if I'm going over my other macros as long as I reach my protein ones. But I enjoy protein shakes.
  • That's awesome detective work (and nice to know that you are burning a lot).
  • I think my friends say these things about me - I'm talking about losing weight and yet I'm eating more than they do, plus enjoying it all too!
  • You can still do this and not lift weights. It's just that weight lifting or body weight exercises will help you better maintain your muscles - but you can do what you can do. Even w/o a gym or weights, you can do a body weight workout that will help muscles remain...I like the You are your own gym app.
  • I would honestly eat at TDEE for a few weeks to allow your body to heal and recover. This is not a race and so allowing your body to get what it needs is a better thing than just losing weight and having a longer recovery!
  • If it's always been an issue, then it sounds like an issue with your scale or the surface you are on. Might be time to check if the surface thing makes a change or if you need a better/new scale.
  • I took 4 months off recently. Didn't gain a thing. But I had been doing the tracking for over a year.