norrishbex Member


  • Wow, that's really sad about your friend! Not a pleasant sounding thing at all. My girl is all good now, I think she got a slight sprain when I jumped her the day before. I've not been real happy with the surface of the arena for a while now, it is quite uneven and really deep in places. I think that jumping on it was just…
  • Good luck at your dressage comp :) I've got a dressage comp coming up start of August, I'm hoping it goes better than the one I went to yesterday! Was freezing cold and dark when I loaded up to go the comp, get to the show grounds, unload, plait her up (they were perfect too) and then discover her off fore was hot. So I…
  • I have 1 major goal with my mare. That is to finish the competition season at Medium level dressage. I now have the right coach and her diet issues are managed well, so there shouldn't be anything stopping us! The goal with the gelding is to get enough weight off of so that he stays sound. He's a bit of a lump and has weak…
  • I workout at home too. For the horizontal wood chop I used an 8kg kettlebell, I definitely felt it. Did workout B for the first time today. Picked weights that I thought would be light enough to get proper form for the whole set but challenging enough to feel it after I was done. Completed the workout, felt fantastic.…
  • This is my nemesis too! I have deloaded back down to 20kg after hurting my back because of poor form, so I am staying at this weight for the foreseeable future until my abs catch up to my back strength. The heaviest I got was 30kg.
  • I wish that the SL app would be fixed! I can't change the weight on it and it is driving me nuts! Workout B completed this morning. Because I had a bit of a break (well, lost motivation/discipline/will power) for a few weeks, I have scaled it all back a little. Squats: 50kg 5x5 OHP: 20kg 5x5 - this is my nemesis lift. It's…
  • I climbed back on the wagon today. It's been a couple of weeks since my last workout, and it just sucks how quickly I have lost strength. Today's stats: Squat: 45kg Bench: 30kg Barbell Row: 40kg Also added some knees to chest, my core isn't as strong as I would like it to be, which is causing issues as I am over using my…
  • Hugs Roxy, it is never easy losing a parent. Well my last workout was a few days ago as I was away at a horse show over the weekend, and now I don't know when my next workout will be after being driven head first into some really hard dirt yesterday. Got my first trip in an ambulance and everything. Everything checked out…
  • Thanks, I figured it would probably be the best thing for it. I also need to work on my core strength. After googling some, it would seem that my sore back is most likely related to my abs being not strong enough, and my back is taking the strain rather than my abs. So a deload to ensure correct form and extra core work…
  • Saturday was my last SL workout. Finally got the 5x5 on the OHP, but have hurt my back doing it, darn it. Squats: 47.5kg Overhead Press: 27.5kg Deadlift: 65kg So now I need to decide what I am going to do with the overhead press. Do I deload and focus on my technique, or do I keep increasing my weights, but drop the number…
  • Session Number 11 yesterday! Squats: 45kg 5x5 Bench: 32.5kg 5x5 Barbell Row: 42.5kg I think I need to stay at the 42.5kg for the barbell row for a couple of sessions, I am rolling my wrists to get the bar up those last couple of inches, which probably isn't good. And I am stuck on the OH press at 27.5kg, I fail the last…
  • I hate the OHP too! It's my worst lift by a long long long way! I used a broom handle to practice my form duing my rest breaks, and it has made a huge difference when I am actually lifting with weight.
  • Workout B today! I had my first failed rep today :grumble: the last rep of my 4th set in the overhead press. I knew it had to happen, but it still sucks. I rested for 5 minutes before my last set and got the 5 reps. Workout B: Squat: 37.5kg 5x5 Press: 27.5kg 5,5,5,4,5. Deadlift: 55kg 1x5 I am so glad I have the equipment…
  • That just sucks. Its not just not having food ready for you, but it's the disappointment when you discover your awesome dinner isn't actually cooked like you had been thinking about all day and looking forwards to... Can you tell I have had slow cooker problems in the past? I feel your pain! Workout A for me. I didn't want…
  • It is me riding there. My riding is why I do the lifting, I am a much better rider when I am stronger, especially when I am jumping. It's also why I am being possibly over cautious with increasing my weights. The last time I lifted to much weight with poor form I ended up injuring myself and I couldn't ride for over a…
  • 5'3' and my heaviest was 80kgs. I got stocky, solid, well built, cuddly, the list goes on. My favorite though, is that I am "built for comfort, not for speed" which is kinda true, as much as I enjoy running I can't run out of sight in a week. :tongue:
  • Hi all! I have been stalking the group for some time now, and I figured it was time to show my face in here. I've only just started up again after falling off the wagon for the umpteenth time. I seem to lose interest in exercising after about 2 weeks or so, but I am determined to stick with it. I've worked out a plan where…
  • I thought about this, and my next dog will be a different breed. My last dog was a rescue greyhound, she was a 1 in a million type of dog. Unfortunately she was mauled so badly by another rescue greyhound that she had to be put to sleep. I would never have another greyhound, or a rescue, I just don't trust them.…
  • I think unfortunately you have 2 options with this horse: 1. Buy it from its owner asap, or 2. Walk away before you get badly hurt. As heartbreaking as it would be to walk away from this poor creature, you need to always be safe. And while he's being ruined by the owner, you can't be safe. It is heart wrenching though, the…
  • There are so many reasons why I like lifting, but the main ones are: I actually enjoy it. Vanity - I like the shape my body is starting to take. But the biggest reason why I lift is because of the improvements I have noticed when I ride my horses. I am a much more effective rider, and have had huge improvements in both how…
  • I have done Lite N' Easy in the past, when my (now ex) hubby was working FIFO on a 4 and 1 roster. It was mostly for convenience, as it meant that while he was away I didn't have to think about food and I would be eating something remotely healthy rather than sulking and eating crap.
  • Witchetty grubs - taste not to bad, kinda like almonds Emu Kangaroo - its actually a staple in our diet now. Snake Goanna Crocodile Horse - his name was Harry and he tasted terrible, smelt bad cooking and gave everyone really really bad gas. Our neighbour made Italian sausages out of what was left over and they were so bad…
  • I have one!!! I have always had a problem with my lower leg flipping backwards when I jump. Last night I had my first jumping lesson in almost 2 years, and my lower leg was really still! So much so that even my coach commented on it! I'm sure that its because of the strength training I have been doing, along with the hours…
  • Hello! Another horse mad gal here! I have 2 horses, plus 1 that I ride for a friend. My main girl, Key, has just had the all clear from the vet to come back into full work after a long layoff thanks to injuries, colic and ulcers. Can't wait for her to get back into the swing of things. My goals with her is to get back…
  • Mon, Wed, Fri mornings I do weights, the time varies between 45-60 minutes Tues, Thurs, Sat mornings I am doing the C25K program, currently in week 2, about 40 mins Tues-Sun I ride horses, which varies from 1 hour up to 3 or 4 hours depending on what I am working on or if I am competing. Although I don't really count horse…
  • I would say 60% vanity, 30% to be able to compete in my chosen sport better (being fit isn't necessary, but it helps) and 10% health.
  • Hi :) I'm from Perth too
  • I've reached the point where I am pretty happy where I am on the scales, but I would like to get stronger and fitter so that I am a more efficient rider! My horsey related goals: Get my main horse to Medium level dressage - those flying changes are killing me! Get back showjumping. Also want to do a couple of low level…
  • What works best for my hot hot hot TB mare is hay. As much hay as she'll eat.
  • I got my OH to hide ours. We only have a small house, but I'll be stuffed if I can find the stupid thing!