fatfighter1979 Member


  • so there are plenty of us that cannot get out of this habit we all have, and i must admit reading all your comments i too am the same, what i often try to do is not buy the foods in the first place, if it isnt in your fridge or cupboard then the temptation is not there. also brushing your teeth can help that often take…
  • i take these every day, i either mix it with my protein shake or mix it in with a yogurt, you may need to add a little water to your yogurt though as it can give it a much thicker texture if left...more like wall paper paste! lol
  • hi gemmalouise!! congrats on your journey so far you have done brilliant!! i need some friends to hun, :O) ill pop you over a requst x:happy:
  • hi all i have just joined the low carb group and so far through reading through the posts and seeing all your delicious meals im loving it!! you lot have given me so may recipe ideas cheers kerry :O)
  • hi thanks for the replys, if only dust would do the job, that would be nice and cheap on the shopping bill, lol my omlette that i have in the evenings is usually made up of 5 eggs, 1 whole egg and full of spinach and peppers then i have the added veggies as well, i think i may up the tuna and have a whole tin and up the…
  • Im 5.3 and am 122 was aiming for 112 hoping to do this in 9 weeks ready for hols x
  • hi everyone im new here have just started about a week ago and was looking at getting a fit bit. please can you advise if they are worth getting, i work in an office so am sitting at the desk for most of my day but i do attend the gym before work though i have a polar heart rate monitor for this so i roughly know how many…
  • I have done low carbs in the past my diet consisted of chicken salads tuna salads omlettes and veg and nuts thats pretty much it in a nut shell x