Hi all! I'm Jaclyn, 32. I have been on this app off and on for years with ups and downs. Right now I am at a low. I am looking to lose around 50lbs before my wedding in October 2017
Many people will tell you to cut the processed right out, but if you find that too difficult right away, try substituting things until eventually you cut the bad stuff out. If you like soda, try to switch out one for a carbonate water if you like them until you are just drinking the water. Then try switching to Crystal…
I feel the same way. I have been on and off MFP for almost two years and am looking to get remotivated!!
I know the feeling of 'being away' all to well, lol. I am looking to get back on track as well. Let's look at it as continuing on your journey, and not starting over!! Glad you are back!!
Congratulations! It looks like you reaped fantastic results, way more than just five lbs. Way to commit!
I read in Shape magazine that when you get the urge in snack, you should mentally say to yourself, you can have it after the workout. Usually, the body has forgotten about it when said and done :) brushing your teeth is a great tactic too, one I sometimes use, especially at night when I still want to eat.
I heard Carrie Underwood does that..she has a list of exercises and whatever card she draws from the deck she does; a suit represents a type of exercise and the number equals the repetitions.
With the burpees!!!
Last two days! Finish strong! You don't quit when you see the finish line, that's when you give even more than you started, push through!!
It has been a while since my last weigh in so.... Starting weight: 166.2 Last week: 165.0 This week: 166.2 Change: 1.2 gain
I like that you guys keep posting about the low calorie intakes, it is an absolute important point to stress and couldn't agree more!
Good morning, my name is Jaclyn and I am 28 y/o. My sister is kristen807, group leader lol. I admire her and am very much inspired and proud of her for running this group and coming as far as she has fitness wise :) she is the one who introduced me to this site, for that I am grateful because even though I have not been as…
I agree, I don't think you are eating enough. If you are exercising as avidly as you say, you are probably burning off all of the calories you consumed..and essentially running on empty. Calorie is just another word for's what kind of energy you are fueling your body with.
However you get your 30 minutes in a day works. It might be even better because you'll go harder on the ten minute intervals than a full 30 minutes..
Add me. If anything, I can be your little cheerleader (well, hope to be little cheerleader)!
..having a great attitude, sprinkled with some humor!
Thanks guys!!
I totally agree with that!
Thank you sooo much guys for the support!!
You can have them after a workout, but a hand full of natural almonds could probably do the same for you and they are not man made if that is what you are concerned about. Don't get me wrong, I drink them, usually when I am running late and can't make breakfast or just substitute it for that meal entirely. I usually drink…
I am going through the same thing as you Shellebelle...I am only a week back into the routine and exercising is going well, but I have already had two insanely bad eating days... What I can tell you is do not dwell on the is a fresh start! Look to the positive in what you did that day, like I may have not eaten…
I log it as circut training for 20 minutes as well.
I got my first 'bar, analog' phone when I was 18 and heading to college. Had that sucks for years! I have only owned 4 phones my whole life thus far..I literally just upgraded to a smartphone from an nv..and oh yeah, I'm 28.
Day #6 of 30 Day Shred complete!
Day # 6 of squats complete...I still need to get in my 20 minutes of cardio from 8/5. It will and can be done!
Hiya! I just saw this post..I started my 30 Day Shred on August 1st and just finished day 5. Five more days and I have successfully made it through level 1 for the first time after numerous attempts..Wish me luck! And good luck to all of you!!!
I have been a consistent, non consistent eater/exerciser my whole life it feels. So, I know exactly how you feel! My sister introduced me to this site about a month ago and it has been a real help!
I'm in :) Starting weight 168.4. I missed the first day, so, I am going to do Day #1 and #2 today!
I think portion control is a great way to start without shocking your system in to depravity of your favorite foods, but at some point your body may reach a plateau where you can't lose anymore; that's where clean eating should start to come in to play. A lot of the fast fixes out there have a lot of preservatives and…
Just what I needed to hear today :)