df1982 Member


  • So curious how the reintro goes - I've never done it properly!
    in Reintro Comment by df1982 October 2014
  • I always miss red wine more than anything. Every time I reintroduce it after a break, it never tastes quite as good as I imagine (but still pretty darn good!).
    in alcohol Comment by df1982 October 2014
  • Good for you! Yeah, about the forums, I just now FINALY figured out how to get here on my iPhone. I've been so super busy with work, I usually check in on here when I am on the bus, waiting in line for something, etc. It seems harder to do that with the new set up. Congrats kirkor on getting to day 19! Amazing!
  • Awesome! I think you are wise to keep it simple and doable. Whatever works for you, while sticking with the guidelines, is fantastic. Congratulations on completing 1/3 of the program!
  • Thanks to everyone for the well wishes! I am almost through a SECOND round of antibiotics now and things are looking up. It seems I contracted a really nasty strep infection. I should be back to work this week, and I've stocked my fridge full of Whole30 compliant food. Looking forward to getting back to the program in a…
  • Thanks for sharing this! So needed to read this right now!
  • I just wanted to say, you are not alone. I've done the Whole30 in the past with amazing results, but am now struggling to be consistent with it (as a result getting seriously ill over the past two weeks, work stress at an all-time high, and probably a bunch of other reasons I have yet to identify). I also know that the…
  • I would say my experience is limited! I have done one Whole30 before this successfully, but I am finding this one way, way harder. I'm not even sure why. I think it is a mindset thing.
  • This seriously sounds amazing. Maybe I'm getting my appetite back! Thank you for sharing!
  • Oh yeah - and I eat pretty high carb on the program. I know my body well enough to know that low carb does not work for me! I have a demanding job and totally melt down without my sweet potato and fruit every day.
  • Thanks for this. That's a good point. That Whole30 timeline can be a blessing and a curse in that way! I suppose I mean I'm having a harder time during this Whole30 in terms of energy levels than when I did the program previously. I seem to have gotten unlucky with getting sick this time around. I do try to walk or bike to…
  • Congratulations to all for getting this far! Sorry for bing MIA. I'm out with a killer flu. Somehow, I've managed to keep up my Whole30, although my meals have obviously been small, not perfectly balanced - or non-existent.
  • How's everyone doing this weekend? I feel like I am finally back on track after I accidentally ate that soy. I'm still a little low energy (work stress!), but I am going to attempt a workout today. I did tons of Whole30 cooking yesterday, which was motivating. Hope that everyone has a great day, Elma
  • @triplestep - I was actually thinking of making Chocolate Chilli this weekend! It's really good and super filling! Good for you for getting through some of the hardest days. I have been feeling really tired this time around as well. If I need to snack, I do it. I also can't afford to melt down at work as my body adjusts. I…
  • Hi, Thanks so much for that insight. I'm on Day 3, but I restarted my 30 days recently after making it to Day 12 or so. I accidentally consumed some soy, which I know is a big no no on the program (I also know I don't do well with soy). Anyways, I started over, and I'm actually thinking about keeping it up until Halloween.…
  • @girlcalledryan: The first 5 days are SO freaking hard, for me at least. You should be very proud for getting through them. Good for you! @kirkor: You are smart to do so much prep. It really does make all the difference. I'm trying to cook more in batches this time. My goal is to make enough for a meal, a lunch and a…
  • Hi and welcome! Those are all good questions. I am not a lot of help with the eating out (I still haven't figured that part out, other than sashimi at a Japanese restaurant!). I suppose a steak and veggies always works too, if you are at that kind of restaurant. Just make sure there is no soya sauce and soy in the sauces…
    in Day 1 Comment by df1982 September 2014
  • Yes! I'm getting the emails. They are awesome - totally worth the $15 in my opinion. I've read their book It Starts With Food, but I don't feel like reading it again :) The emails summarize a lot of the same information and it feels SO good to click the link at the bottom of each email to "confirm" that you did, indeed,…
  • Hi Morgan, Here is my advice, although I am also struggling with hunger at the moment (I think that is quite normal for the first week as your body adjusts)!: 1. Eat a lot of fat with your meals. For example, if I am having a 3 egg omelette with veggies for breakfast, I use a whole tablespoon of oil to cook it. I might…
  • Hi Andrea, This program (and, I'm sure, anything similar) is great for autoimmune conditions. You're probably already on this, but they have a Whole30 autoimmune protocol: http://whole9life.com/2013/06/expanded-iswf-shopping-lists/ It might be worth looking at in addition to your own program. Good luck today! E
  • Many materials are completely free on the Whole30 website. Check out this link: http://whole30.com/pdf-downloads/ I would also recommend following Whole30 and Whole30recipes on Instagram. The only thing you would have to pay for is their book It Starts With Food. It's a good read, but (in my opinion at least) not necessary…
  • Hi Maria (and all!) I've been looking for ways to involve myself in that Whole30 forum. How do you like it? There is SO much going on there, I thought I would start a group on here as well, since it is what I know. As for me, why did I start this group? I struggle with emotional eating as well as a mood disorder. I eat…
  • I like your mantra JoyfulToday! Life is too short to get caught up on perfection, especially when we are so hard on ourselves. Enjoy your trip! I forgot to put down a reward - next week, just before I leave for the wedding, I will be treating myself big time. I'm booking a mani/pedi today, and I also plan to do a little…
  • Welcome back Ramen237! So glad you are still here with us. I think that I am just about through telling myself I can have anything and everything in moderation, after years of following that philosophy. I would LOVE to be that person, but as soon as I allow daily treats and junk food into my diet they completely take over.…
  • I stepped on the scale today and FINALLY things had moved in the right direction. I was down 2.5 pounds! It just goes to show that for my body at least, a MONTHLY weigh in would be more accurate in terms of tracking my progress than even a weekly one. Tomorrow is the half way point of the challenge, so this small victory…
  • We have a really solid group of us here, as we hit the half way mark! I didn't include you in my last post Taylorxxlynne - yay to those of us still here! It's cool that a few of us are doing the C25k! I'm STILL on week 5. I do the runs in the mornings with my puppy, and neither of us have been able to get through the whole…
  • Yes, it seems like we have lost almost everyone in the group! I get it, because there have been many times when I haven't wanted to check in - with myself, or the group - knowing that I'm not where I would like to be at the almost half way mark. I'm sure there are lots of other reasons why people have dropped off - some…