

  • Do belly rolls when you are not typing! Move your belly in and out and until you are either out of breath or you can feel your stomach getting a work out. You will be surprised by how much of a work out this really is. Your stomach muscles will start to get sore but it will burn a little calories while your sitting down…
  • Since MFP doesn't separate natural sugars from artifical sugar, try subtracting the amount of sugar from the fruit from the total so you get a better sense of what might be added artifical sugar depending on what you eat for your other meals if your still concerned about your sugar intake. But still try not to eat too much…
  • ^^^ This sometimes i eat back and maybe of the cals never all of them when I am hungry and other days I don't because my body just doesnt feel hungry and I have no desire to eat anything else. the weight is still coming off steady and I feel good. Make sure you eat lot of protien during the day though to make sure your…
  • ^^^^ That is what I have been doing but I do not strength train as long as I do cardio anyway.
  • I am new at this but so far i have been snacking on either a dannon light and fit yogurt, hummus with raw veggies( cucumber,baby carrots,celery etc... or if i have room for wheat crackers no more than 16 of the reducded fat wheat thins. TBS of peanut butter and a celery stick. Certain fruit, easy on the grapes they can…
  • Here is a link to to a calculator that a zumba instructor desgned to help determine how much you are burning according to your weight, intensity of the zumba class(or wii game), and the amount of time you spent exercisng.
  • This calender and sticker idea sounds like a great way to keep motivated! Thanks!
  • THIS^^^^
  • I am still trying to overcome the binge eating. I have made some great progress. Thinking about my triggers which are the slighest bit of boredom and stressful emotions. I suggest Measuring your food so you get used to eating proper portions, I was surprised to see what a real portion of some of my fave foods are as to…
  • Hi, have you tried Leslie Sansone walk way the pounds?? I like her it's not to hard but u do break a sweat . Hope this helps. :) THIS^^^^ really low impact but still has an affect and burns cals. i did this for a month and now can do the harder exercises like Zumba. Good luck!
  • I have a desk job scanning paper all day from 8-430pm. I am lucky and get two 15 min breaks a day and my half hour lunch at 1pm so I eat at 1230 while i work to prevent from eating too fast and not feeling satisfied. I make sure I bring my own lunch to avoid the take out being ordered (and spending money) and as long as it…
  • Don't give up. I weighed 218 when I started here end of july as well. This site has helped me manage my portions and intake on fats, cals, and all that good stuff I was cutting out everytime i tried to diet. Now I feel that is is just a lifestyle change than a diet. I exercise as much as I can but it not very regualr…
  • Either nature's valley honey and oats crunchy granola bars, or an instant oatmeal packet using hot water not milk. Thats at around 8am When i have been awake almost 2hrs already. Then around 1030-11 and snack of fruit or hummus. to hold me off until my lunch break at 1pm.
  • I had a really big problem with portion control. It didnt matter that I ate alot of chicken and veggies during the week or salad because i would eat creamy dressings and too much of it. Chocolate was my best friend. It literally felt like detoxing when I went on MFP. I always almost always drank water so that was good but…
  • I am trying to raise the % for protien like you suggested but i can not figure out where in settings to change it? any help?
  • I did it for some time and got much better results from zumba. And I had more fun doing zumba too.