Frustration with Workout/Diet

I have dieted my whole life and fought 20lbs off and on. Thepast 4 years I have used crash lo-carb diets to maintain my weight. Going to the gym some but not consistently. Going into ketosis to lose fat. BUT - never satisfied with the loose skin and cellulite I was left with. I decided late July to do a complete change up. I stared running every morning, lifting 3 days a week, and addin back into my diet good carbs and fats. (Whole grains, almonds, nut butters) I am taking multi vitmins, Fish oil, adding ground flax seed to foods, and additional calcium. I turn 41 next month, just to let you know my age. My jeans are getting tighter in the legs, which I know is muscle, but I am feeling leaner through the abdominals and I feel less "jiggly"! BUT - I felt I would see a few lbs come off and the jeans getting tighter is such a downer! I just don;t feel like I am getting anywhere.


  • Sammyjo4486
    Don't give up. I weighed 218 when I started here end of july as well. This site has helped me manage my portions and intake on fats, cals, and all that good stuff I was cutting out everytime i tried to diet. Now I feel that is is just a lifestyle change than a diet. I exercise as much as I can but it not very regualr mainly alot of walking. And for strength train to prevent the loose skin effect I have been so no resistance strenght training I only use 5lbs for my training with my arms. I havent been able to weight myself since july I need to buy a scale but I did take my measuements when i started. I waited over a month to remeasure because i felt no change. But I did loose inches. I felt so much better because I too was ready to give up. My clothes still fit pretty much the same to me but i did make progress. I know that when you change you routine like you did to the strenght training added it takes some time for your body to adjust and depending on your weight and age it may take extra weeks than it would for others. The only adivice I can give is would be to rethink your strenght training. I dont know how much weight you are using but if you are gaining muscule faster than you would like you should try lowering the weight or doing non resistance strenght training, this way you wont loose muscle mass but still work the muscles and keep things tight while you loose weight. I hope you stick with it and start seeing what you are looking for. Good luck!