


  • ladysalmonroe
    Thank you Everyone. I going to log it in. :)
  • Sammyjo4486
    I log mine so I can see the numbers on the vitamins and minerals go up. Not everything is about calories.

  • refinley2
    refinley2 Posts: 52 Member
    I believe you have misunderstood me. I did not say not to count calories. I'm not "going around telling people not to count calories" that is a silly thing for you to say. I said I would rather go over calories with fruits and veggies than with crap. I said to log the fruit and veggies. And like I said, in my experience, going over calories with fruits and veggies does NOT cause me to gain. Calories are not all made equal, some burn and digest differently for everyone. Some have higher calorie from sugar, natural sugars or not. I'm sure you know all that.

    I feel I was being encouraging not to beat yourself up if you go over your calories IF it is calories from fruits and veggies.

    With all due respect, you obviously don't know enough about WW to say it doesn't teach you to look at foods. It is a point system, yes, but it isn't just about that. That is what is to people who know nothing about it. If you know about WW and do it long enough (and long enough meaning a month or more), you will be able to tell how many points a food item will be by looking at the nutritional panel. I am pretty sure that is teaching you how to look at what makes up each food.

    And no, I was under the impression your mom's breakfast is just a smoothie, I didn't realize she ate a breakfast on top of that. Maybe she hasn't readjusted her points and that is the reason for her plateau. I hope when you get to a plateau you will find someone who is willing to help you instead of telling you it's because your way of dieting is wrong or doesn't work.

    She's right. You can exceed your caloric intake in fruits and vegetables everyday and still lose weight. While this approach seems physically impossible (exceeding calories while losing weight? wtf?) by maintaining a diet solely of fruits and vegetables (not recommended,you need Essential fats too) your body learns to digest more efficiently. If a majority of the calories counted are coming from processed foods, heavy in sodium, hidden sugars, or enriched starches, the body will take much longer to process these foods (breaking apart all those complex chemicals ain't easy) which consequently slows your energy and your metabolism.
    By counting calories, you will lose weight, but you will lose it much faster by placing free range on the fruits and vegetables and avoiding unnatural foods. Gotta eat the veggies before you get dessert.

    Also, is she putting milk or yogurt in that smoothie? Because that defeats the whole nutritional purpose of fruit for breakfast. So does second breakfast.
  • lessele
    lessele Posts: 40 Member
    I think that is not accurate...If I eat 3 avocados a banana and 2 baked potatoes I am going to gain weight. I am a huge fan of fruit and vegetables of all types. It is dangerous to think that there are so called "free foods". I have tried just about every diet in the world and I can tell you that what you put in your mouth is never free. Eating a healthy balanced diet filled with nutrient rich foods; fruits, veggies) makes the most sense. A lot of us here have other issues, emotional or binge eating etc. I still say remaining accountable and logging is important. Taking processed, fried and junk foods out of your diet is important. Eat whole foods but low fat foods. What works for me is measuring certain items that I know I have issues fats, proteins, starches. Fruits and veggies have a lot of the nutrients we humans need to live, but if you are a strict vegan vegetarian, you better be using supplements or know how to supplement your diet with some of the nutrients that are not found in the regular consumption of just fruit and veggies. Granted if you eat a bucket of salad without oil on it versus a bucket of pretzels you are not going to have the same amount of calories, but a bucket of anything isnt the way to go....let's practice moderation and listen to what our bodies need. "Free foods" is a slippery slope for this girl...