Question on Sugar intake



  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    If the sugar is no issue for you, then ignore it. If it is an issue, as it is for me, then eat more vegetables instead. I limit my fruit to maximum 2 servings per day, and prefer berries. I get all the great stuff that fruit has, with less sugar, from vegetables.

    Though everyone will jump on me, I'm going to say it anyway: for people needing to lose weight, limiting sugar is often beneficial and eating lots of fruit will sometimes impede weight loss for some people. No, I did not say EVERYONE.

    There's an obesity epidemic in America. The culprit?


    Can you please re-read my post. I made absolutely NO ridiculous blanket statements. Obviously fruit did not cause the obesity epidemic but for SOME people, limiting sugars helps with getting back to a healthy state. Gimme a ******* break.
    Someone needs more sugar.
    Quickest way is through the nose.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Eat fruit, don't track sugar, next.
  • lol..these have been some interesting comments...I've learned to avoid processed sugars and that natural sugars are okay as long as I am not eating apples every day as apples cause deer to become obese. Did I get all that right? ;)
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I get like 250g of sugar a day, and sometimes when I fart, I fart sugar. Its like a gentle snowfall.

    Strange but true.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I believe it is generally ADDED sugars that should concern you, some products have boatloads of sugar packed into them to make them tasty (like a lot of salad dressings for example). Sugars from fruit are the same, but at least the fruit gives you beneficial vitamins, too.
  • I don't worry about sugar from fruit, it's natural and there's fibre, vitamins, and minerals in the fruit that are good for you. And as other's have noted, since MFP's recommendations don't distinguish processed sugars from natural sugars, the number is rather arbitrary.

    I keep an eye on added sugars in foods I eat and I very rarely eat anything with sugar substitutes, but if I eat something that has added sugar, like the yogurt I have almost every day or a vanilla latte every couple of weeks or tonight at my company Christmas party, the pecan pie (my fav) dessert that's part of the meal (there's no damn way I'm NOT going to eat that) I don't worry too much about it. Like anything else, just be mindful and keep it in moderation, no need to obsess about it.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I get like 250g of sugar a day, and sometimes when I fart, I fart sugar. Its like a gentle snowfall.

    Win. First lol of the day for me. :drinker:
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    If the sugar is no issue for you, then ignore it. If it is an issue, as it is for me, then eat more vegetables instead. I limit my fruit to maximum 2 servings per day, and prefer berries. I get all the great stuff that fruit has, with less sugar, from vegetables.

    Though everyone will jump on me, I'm going to say it anyway: for people needing to lose weight, limiting sugar is often beneficial and eating lots of fruit will sometimes impede weight loss for some people. No, I did not say EVERYONE.

    Edit: most veggies are lower in calories too. However, I am in disagreement that you should only be seeking lower calorie foods. Healthy fats will likely help you lose weight better than just filling up on low cal stuff.

    Wait...I need to lose weight and I don't care about limiting sugar. I'm more focused on a calorie deficit and some exercising. How does fruit impede my weight loss if it falls within my calorie goal?

    Am I doing something wrong?
  • For the past 1 1/2 months I cut my sugar intake down to around 60 grams a day my lifestyle is very sedentary. I currently am loosing about 1.5 lbs a week. I was on a plateau but since I cut down the sugar intake it greatly improved the scale moving. I cut out the liberal fruit eating I used to eat a lot of fruit in a day thinking I was doing the "healthy" thing. No wonder the scale never moved! Oh! here's an interesting article about hidden sugars in fruits ESPECIALLY APPLES which was a major bummer to me I have 2 pecks of Honeycrisp apples in the fridge. I will surely monitor my fruit intake now and I weigh my apples to be more accurate for the sugar in them. The article also states to limit sugar intake to 25 grams per day, I could not do that though. There's also a group on here called 'The Skinny On Obesity'. It's very informative about sugar and diet I learned a lot from there too. Much luck to you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.:smile:
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Look up the glycemic index on food. It's basically a diabetic diet, but it helps you prioritze foods that are high in sugar (natural/unnatural etc).

    I think though, not sure if I'm right, berries are supposed to be the lower fruit for sugar. But still delicious and all that. :)
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I would say "ignore" the sugar you intake from fruits/veggies. Some diets (Paleo) recommend staying away from a variety of fruits becuase of the sugar but it's my opinion that if the sugar is natural then don't stress over it. I agree with the one person who said that MFP sugar intake #s are "arbitrary". Their macros are a generalization... not necessarily what works for everyone. Just keeps you sugar intake natural and watch your simple sugar intake (i.e. stay away from "white" foods).
  • dwoodmanjr
    dwoodmanjr Posts: 89 Member
    I am over my sugar by the time I'm done with Breakfast (banana and 10 oz OJ), but I'm still losing weight an average of 3 lbs a week since January, 2012, so I don't worry about sugar intake at this point. Once I get to my goal weight, then I'll starting worrying about it.

    It hasn't had an impact on my weight loss
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If the sugar is no issue for you, then ignore it. If it is an issue, as it is for me, then eat more vegetables instead. I limit my fruit to maximum 2 servings per day, and prefer berries. I get all the great stuff that fruit has, with less sugar, from vegetables.

    Though everyone will jump on me, I'm going to say it anyway: for people needing to lose weight, limiting sugar is often beneficial and eating lots of fruit will sometimes impede weight loss for some people. No, I did not say EVERYONE.

    There's an obesity epidemic in America. The culprit?


    Can you please re-read my post. I made absolutely NO ridiculous blanket statements. Obviously fruit did not cause the obesity epidemic but for SOME people, limiting sugars helps with getting back to a healthy state. Gimme a ******* break.
    Someone needs more sugar.

    I need more sugar because someone says a ridiculous blanket statement in response to my comment? Granted, I don't have the same sense of humour, however, I'll let you eat my extra sugar. Thanks.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    If the sugar is no issue for you, then ignore it. If it is an issue, as it is for me, then eat more vegetables instead. I limit my fruit to maximum 2 servings per day, and prefer berries. I get all the great stuff that fruit has, with less sugar, from vegetables.

    Though everyone will jump on me, I'm going to say it anyway: for people needing to lose weight, limiting sugar is often beneficial and eating lots of fruit will sometimes impede weight loss for some people. No, I did not say EVERYONE.

    Edit: most veggies are lower in calories too. However, I am in disagreement that you should only be seeking lower calorie foods. Healthy fats will likely help you lose weight better than just filling up on low cal stuff.

    Wait...I need to lose weight and I don't care about limiting sugar. I'm more focused on a calorie deficit and some exercising. How does fruit impede my weight loss if it falls within my calorie goal?

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Google "glycemic index". Everyone's journey is different. Sugar intake is sometimes a major factor for people to lose weight... it is for me. It's the way you r body reacts/uses this sugar. You may not have an issue with sugar so you may not have to worry about that.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If the sugar is no issue for you, then ignore it. If it is an issue, as it is for me, then eat more vegetables instead. I limit my fruit to maximum 2 servings per day, and prefer berries. I get all the great stuff that fruit has, with less sugar, from vegetables.

    Though everyone will jump on me, I'm going to say it anyway: for people needing to lose weight, limiting sugar is often beneficial and eating lots of fruit will sometimes impede weight loss for some people. No, I did not say EVERYONE.

    Edit: most veggies are lower in calories too. However, I am in disagreement that you should only be seeking lower calorie foods. Healthy fats will likely help you lose weight better than just filling up on low cal stuff.

    Wait...I need to lose weight and I don't care about limiting sugar. I'm more focused on a calorie deficit and some exercising. How does fruit impede my weight loss if it falls within my calorie goal?

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Nope, I did not say that fruit is impeding YOUR weight loss. However, it does for me, and enough other people that I am not universally unique. For me, it has to do with satiety signals. When I get too much sugare, REGARDLESS of source, I start to crave and over-eat.

    I'm sure that you are just fine and sugar is no issue for YOU.
  • Since MFP doesn't separate natural sugars from artifical sugar, try subtracting the amount of sugar from the fruit from the total so you get a better sense of what might be added artifical sugar depending on what you eat for your other meals if your still concerned about your sugar intake. But still try not to eat too much fruit because overloading in natural sugars can start to affect your carbs. You really should be fine though if its some fruit for breakfast though. But as the saying goes too much of anything is not good. It may be heathly but too much of one thing could off balance something else. Just try to find your balance and you will be fine.
  • yvettesalva
    yvettesalva Posts: 8 Member
    Its interesting you would mention the issue of sugar intake. I just published a blog post about this topic, for me sugar is a poison, but when I start eating something sweet or full of sugar I just can't stop. Read more about my struggle and suggestions to deal with Sugar cravings
  • alycat1990
    alycat1990 Posts: 88 Member
    I eat a lot of fruit in my diet like strawberries, blue berries, apples, pommegranates, and bananas just to name a few. I eat at least 3 whole fruits a day, since the day I started dieting and have lost 35 lbs :)

    Just think about weight watchers, or some special "all natual" diets out there, they never limit fruit -unless you are really trying to watch your carb intake I wouldnt worry so much about going over your sugar levels - unless its un-natural.
    I go over my sugar everyday ;)
  • Its interesting you would mention the issue of sugar intake. I just published a blog post about this topic, for me sugar is a poison, but when I start eating something sweet or full of sugar I just can't stop. Read more about my struggle and suggestions to deal with Sugar cravings

    I agree- cant stop and after having high amounts of it- it feels like food poisoning - I struggle with it daily.