hscheuerman Member


  • I picked up a great piece of advice at a Weight Watchers meeting years ago - if you go off plan, such as at a special event, just relax and enjoy (try not to go too far off plan but definitely RELAX and enjoy the occasion). Then, when you get home, get back on plan immediately - even if it is a glass of water, before going…
  • Set small, easy to reach goals, i.e., 5 pounds at a time. And SMILE when you reach a goal. Appreciate the plateaus as a way to stabilize before the next steps. And remember - this is not a short term process, this is probably the rest of your life so find foods that you like that are good for you. Look at it as a new and…
  • There is a lot of very sound advice here! Two tips I heard at weight watchers years ago have helped me a lot when I get the urge to binge: 1 - it is ok to have a holiDAY - just do not make it a holiWEEK, holiMONTH or holiYEAR! 2 - when you(I, we) go off program - enjoy it and then get back on program the very same day!…
  • I just started looking at what I was choosing BEFORE it got near my mouth and making conscious choices instead of reflexed face-stuffing. It was amazing to realize how much junk I was eating! When I started paying attention and actively deciding if each candy/bread/pastry/etc was worth it for for my long term goals, I…
  • I have the same problem and stopped trying to fight it, now I just plan for it. I leave enough calories in my daily plan for a small, satisfying late evening snack and put a full water bottle on my night stand. This way, I can control the cravings, stay out of the fridge, fill up on water and still have the scale look…
  • Been there & done that myself. Just hang in there and, above all, trust your own instincts!!!!!! This is so important - only you will know what is really right for yourself - everyone around you will be offering advice as they did with me, I listened politely and, in the end, made my own decisions and have never regretted…
  • I have been with MFP since about March and I can relate to the 11 pm cravings - my solution is very probably "politically incorrect" but here it is anyway - My all time favorite food is Dove chocolate - MFP shows it to be 44 calories for each square. I keep a bag in a drawer in a room far from my bedroom and I have one or…
  • First of all - you are NOT, NOT, NOT a failure!!!! You need to remind yourself that, when you put your mind to it, you can be/are successful - you have your degree and three children - these are accomplishments that you can, should be, very proud of. Having just finished getting my degree at age 66 and am now in the…
  • I have to try this! It's easy, healthy and not a lot of strange ingredients - very nice find. Thanks for posting!
  • I like the 100 calorie popcorn packs that I can pop myself as well as fresh fruit. I've been using MFP for over 4 months and I have been finding ways to modify my (long term) favorites to make them healthier. It usually means smaller portions or changing ingredients. I have lost 35 lbs so this seems to be working for me.…
  • My tip for the drinking sessions, I have done this for years, even before joining MFP since I don't like to drink - I ask the bartender for a diet non/cola and ask for it in a wine glass. I can have several of these and it looks like I am drinking wine - no one questions it and everyone is happy. And yes, the bartenders…
  • YES! I have found it a great way to stick to my plan/goals. I have lost 18 pounds in 6-1/2 weeks and couldn't have done it without this tool. When I don't plan my meals for the day (i.e., weekends), I find myself nibbling and guessing. When I do plan for the day, I tend to stay on track and focused. Guess I should start…
  • You look great and your hips look like they are in a nice proportion to the rest of you! The "new" you may seem scary to you but you should be proud of your accomplisments and your great look. My mother (and a lot of other mothers!) was right when she said "stand up straight and hold your head up" - you should follow her…
  • First - relax!!! The more you stress, the more likely you are to go off program. Second, have you tried on something that didn't quite fit in May? It could be that you are turning fat into muscle which weighs more. Third, mix up your foods - don't eat the same things all the time, if you do, your body can start thinking…