

  • Wow! You look great. I keep doing the 30 day shred, stopping & restarting. I think I'll actually stick to it this time with you being my inspiration! (: Did you do it for the full 30 days?
  • My best friend is on Zoloft. She has gained about ten pounds in around 4 months which actually, I believe, isn't a whole lot on that pill. But she also works out more than anyone I know and eats very small portion sized meals. I'm very proud of her because her depression is getting better and she's starting to get a hold…
  • I loved Level 3. I have done that work out so many times that I could do it without actually having to watch the DvD. It is more challenging and it's supposed to be. The first few times you do it, it might be quite difficult because of all the new weight usage but, you'll get used to it and you're REALLY going to be…
  • Yeah, I am gonna try and eat more, I've been trying! I just get full sooo easily that it's kinda ridiculous. I've been trying to cut out little things like, white bread for whole grain. It could be my time of the month. But, it's been kind of unpredictable lately. I'll start eating a bit more and let'cha know how this…
  • Agreed. you'll weigh more now after going throughout your day & such. Especially if you've already worked out, you're probably retaining a lot of water. I'd just wait till tomorrow morning. (:
  • I did the 30 Day Shred over the summer & people actually started to tell me that I looked better after just a week & a half. You have to be motivated to do it & I quit after awhile 'cause I got too busy with school. But, I'm starting it up again pretty soon! So, I'm with ya. :)
  • I'm in. :) I gained a pound since my last weigh in & I'm really trying to kick butt this week because I just feel so terrible about myself! So, this will just keep me motivated. :)
  • Thanks so much, guys! I appreciate it! I think I'll stick to making my own sandwiches now! :)
  • I didn't know since when I went on Applebee's website, it only showed my area. I didn't stop to think that it was just because it knew my zipcode. Silly me! Panera does that?! Well, that just has FABULOUS written all over it!
  • Special K does a fabulous job at having little snack bars and such at around 90 calories. Nabisco also has a lot of 100 calorie packs.
  • I know how you feel, I quit drinking Diet Coke; I'm not sure how much; but, drinking water will help you lose weight a whole hell of a lot faster. It helped me! I feel like it takes a way a lot of bloating, that's just me, though. :)
  • Okay, I don't really get on here much; but, this forum peaked my interest. I'd just like to say that, I had the WORST Diet Coke addiction. My whole family does. Especially my mother. We would all drink maybe 10 cans a day and would get headaches from lack of caffeine if we didn't have any in the morning. I've always been a…