

  • Wow. You guys are SO knowledgeable. THANK YOU ALL! I have read every word, with great interest, on all points of view. I think we can all agree that: 1. Processed food is not good for the body. 2. Stay away from sugar, candy, sodas, and "simple" carbs that are manufactured. 3. Vegetables, meats, fish, and complex carbs,…
  • DAGGONE! I had NO idea this topic was such a hot-bead of ideas. I printed off my reports of the past three weeks. My carbs have been hovering around 185gm per day. I faxed the reports to my doctor, who believes the carbs were a tad high. So, since Sunday, I have made a diligent effort to eat good protein, with some good…
  • My blood type is B+.....
  • One thing is for certain: No two bodies are made alike..and everybody has to find their own balance. Right now, I am sitting here wondering what to have for lunch (at 2:30!). Breakfast is my favorite menu, for I love eggs. I am not a huge meat eater, but do like seafood. I am thinking of going to the salad bar near me and…
  • I just had an appointment with my internist..who is excellent. I have been to nutrionists before..and some like the lower carb meals, other hover towards a mix/balance. I guess my surprise is that I do workout, and that I have stopped eating any sugar. I don't drink alcohol or any kind of beverage (diet or regular). I do…
  • SHboss- I am trying to figure out the right balance...I know..too much of anything isn't good for you. Upon reviewing my food log, my carbs are usually around 160g for the day. It is within the parameters Fitness Pal dictated for my goal weight..but yet, I have gained a pound, not lost. I am confused.
  • You all have talke me OFF the ledge! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am reviewing my reports....As a runner, how many carbs should I be hovering around?
  • Hi Arielle. My water intake needs improvement, for sure! Veggies? Not great. I will try your suggestion. I love your profile (especially the tattoo reward!).
  • The gym issues are valid! I know I caught many colds from there... It is also difficult to watch people workout incorrectly....or on the treadmill talking on their cell phones, which is prohibited but not enforced. I finally just put my own gym in my basement.
  • Yes, indeed. Watch Tyra Banks' "America's next top model." The show is brutally honest..and sometimes, what is obviously beautiful does not translate to the camera. The show gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the modeling world. Unfortunately, and I mean that will all my heart, the fashion industry is freakish when it…
  • Eva - you are spot-on. Your information is fabulous. Many people believe that a glass or two of wine, each day, "won't hurt," or that diet soda is "harmless." I believe much of weight gain is from the human body saying "What IS this? I cannot process it!" I scratch my head at the frozen foods, processed foods, that claim…
  • You can do it...this place is a wonderful source of support and inspiration. Begin with trying to eat the most natural, whole foods. Stay away from processed garbage, filled with chemicals (i.e. those daggone micro-wave frozen meals..ewwww). Try not to eat sugary treats..I know, hard but doable! If you like soda, even…
  • Yes..eating well and healthy is pricey. I know that when I buy organic, etc., it is taxing on the budget...but Trader Joe's, in my area, is pretty inexpensive. You have to make sure to eat it quick or many things will rot (unless put in the refrigerator!). But just think of the savings for future prescriptions for disease,…
  • Thanks for all the responses. Lots of reasons for the 130 thing..too long to get into here! I run marathons, so I do love cardio. I do lift weights. Just want to get that tiny bit off.
  • Maintenance calories would be 1600, sedentary.
  • The Protein Bar I eat is called "Pure Protein." It is so weird. I have run 6 marathons, and even then you have to watch caloric intake. The body is amazing: It adapts to EVERYTHING.
  • 1200 to eat, when not exercising: 1560 to eat, when exercising.
  • Yes, I are correct about my height/weight. So many issues over the years... I am turning 50 in November, and had a total hysterectomy 2 years ago (family history of ovarian cancer!). I am on bioidentical hormones, feel great, and don't want to "blow." I had so many warn me that after their surgeries, they were…
  • It seems as if the 300 calories, four times a day, is the charm. I just get so bored of food! I know, sounds crazy. Au Bon Pan, has created small portioned meals with caloric information, which I think is terrific. I was able to gauge what I was eating yesterday. I went with cousins last weekend on a 24 hour girls' night.…
  • Thank you so much for your support. Okay, please don't wince, but I am 5'9 and presently weigh 136. I would like to get down to 130. I start off my day with a shake, concocted by my doctor: Almond Milk, fiber powder, Estrium, etc. It usually comes to 280 calories. Then, lunch. Sometimes I will have a couple of hardboiled…