1200 Calories feels very low...



  • justdoingit
    justdoingit Posts: 185 Member
    Thank you so much for your support.

    Okay, please don't wince, but I am 5'9 and presently weigh 136. I would like to get down to 130.

    I start off my day with a shake, concocted by my doctor: Almond Milk, fiber powder, Estrium, etc. It usually comes to 280 calories.

    Then, lunch. Sometimes I will have a couple of hardboiled eggs, and a salad (no dressing) (let's say 300 calories

    I may throw in a skim cappuccino (60 cals). Maybe a couple of bananas throughout the day.

    I might then have a protein bar - 280-300 calories.

    That is an example of my day....usually, by the time I get home, I have about 300 calories left.

    I too have a sedentary job. However, I love to run, and when I do exercise/run, the profile calculates that I have approximately 1600 calories to consume when I do exercise...but of course, that makes me even hungrier.

    Traditionally, I am a careful eater. I never drink alcohol, sodas or fast food. I stumbled upon this site, just to trim a few pounds, and I am astounded (as we all are!) over what is in food. 1200 just seems so low!

    It is usually the little things that are the culprits! protein/meal bars have a ton of calories and carbs and aren't very filling. Instead of the protein bar, have a fiber bar that is only 140cals. The shake you drink is really good, but if you want a change of pace from time to time, try Kashi Go Lean High Protein High Fiber cereal. With a half cup of 1% milk, it is about 200 cals. Instead of reaching for a snack, I have iced raspberry tea or some other tea with a fruity flavor. Bananas are great but they are very high in calories so you may want to try strawberries or other fruits that isn't as sweet.

    If I have no time to cook dinner, I get half an avocado and a can of Healthy Harvest Southwest Veggie soup. It is extrememly filling and it is only 250 cal.s
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I'd take a good look at that protien bar. That one bar is pretty much equal to all my snacks during the course of the day.

    I mostly snack on fruit, yogurt and veggies. If it's a work out day, i'll throw in a serving of triscuits and an ounce of cheese and maybe a 90 cal granola bar or some almonds.

    I also only have oatmeal for breakfast. It's 120 calories. Quaker makes a high-fiber and a weigh loss version. Both are very filling.

    I usually find i have to add some food at the end of the day to get up to my 1200.
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    I know what you mean! If I don't exercise and get more calories I feel like I am starving. However, I have found that eating a huge lettus salad at lunch with vinegar as dressing really helps. Also certain fruits are filling and low in cals like blueberries and strawberries.

    I agree with the others that the protein bar is probably not the best for being satisfying with few calories.

    I saw some suggestions for the high fiber food - be careful it causes me problems :blushing:

    I have been able to lose about 1/2 per week which is ok until I had a week long relapse.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    ok so you're a very small person, a maintenance of 1600 generally means about 5' tall or so. That's fine, you just need to find foods that are high in fiber to keep you full without adding too many calories, like veggies and the like.
  • Thanks for all thr great advice ....
    I too am on only 1,200 a day.
  • jen1000
    jen1000 Posts: 33 Member
    That's because it IS very low, especially for your height. While I don't think you need to lose weight, I understand that you want to, but with calories that low, your body isn't going to give up that weight easily. I've found MFP's calorie suggestions way lower than other calculators. I would suggest adding a few hundred calories until you feel better and have more energy - that will help you figure out where you need to be. Eating too few calories will make your body think it's starving and will only hurt you in the long run.
  • Just wondering why you would want to get to 130 lbs? For your weight of 5' 9'', I believe you would be underweight. :ohwell: If you're just looking to lose body fat (maybe a tummy or some flabby bits), consistent exercise (strength and cardio) with a good diet at your maintenance calories would be just what you need (you should probably eat some of those exercise calories too if it was an intense workout). I'm wondering what your calorie deficit is (should not be more than 250 calories)? For your height and current weight, I believe that losing 6 pounds of fat will be extremely difficult unless you commit to a more active lifestyle. There's no need to go on a 1200 calorie diet unless you're trying to lose some serious weight.

    1600 - 1200 = 400
    400 calorie deficit is way too much. Your body will not allow you to lose at that rate. Especially factoring in your age, your metabolism may take a dive.
  • Just wondering why you would want to get to 130 lbs? For your weight of 5' 9'', I believe you would be underweight. :ohwell: If you're just looking to lose body fat (maybe a tummy or some flabby bits), consistent exercise (strength and cardio) with a good diet at your maintenance calories would be just what you need. I'm wondering what your calorie deficit is? For your height and current weight, I believe that losing 6 pounds of fat will be extremely difficult unless you commit to a more active lifestyle. There's no need to go on a 1200 calorie diet unless you're trying to lose some serious weight.

    Thanks for all the responses. Lots of reasons for the 130 thing..too long to get into here!

    I run marathons, so I do love cardio. I do lift weights. Just want to get that tiny bit off.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Just wondering why you would want to get to 130 lbs? For your weight of 5' 9'', I believe you would be underweight. :ohwell: If you're just looking to lose body fat (maybe a tummy or some flabby bits), consistent exercise (strength and cardio) with a good diet at your maintenance calories would be just what you need. I'm wondering what your calorie deficit is? For your height and current weight, I believe that losing 6 pounds of fat will be extremely difficult unless you commit to a more active lifestyle. There's no need to go on a 1200 calorie diet unless you're trying to lose some serious weight.

    Thanks for all the responses. Lots of reasons for the 130 thing..too long to get into here!

    I run marathons, so I do love cardio. I do lift weights. Just want to get that tiny bit off.

    wait, you're 5' 9"? I missed that. There's no way your maintenance cals are 1600, not unless you're already in starvation mode. Even sedentary you would be around 1700 cals, but you say you run marathons, which I assume means you run at least 3 or 4 times a week, which means you probably aren't sedentary.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If you only have 9 pounds to lose, you're going to need to take it slow. If you don't feel satisfied with the amount you're eating, try eating a hundred or two hundred calories below your maintenance amount- or, alternatively, eat at your maintenance amount, and add in some extra cardio. It's pretty much guaranteed your body is going to hold onto that 9 pounds pretty hard.

    5'9, 139...what I wouldn't give to have those stats!
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