Wits end about Carbs



  • jovigal1959
    jovigal1959 Posts: 26
    One thing is for certain: No two bodies are made alike..and everybody has to find their own balance.

    Right now, I am sitting here wondering what to have for lunch (at 2:30!). Breakfast is my favorite menu, for I love eggs. I am not a huge meat eater, but do like seafood. I am thinking of going to the salad bar near me and putting something nice together (I even hate salad dressing! LOL!).

    You all have given me a lot ot chew on...pardon the pun!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Oh come on guys...... really?

    Carbs are not bad!

    The reason why you can lose a lot of weight quickly when you get off the carbs is because you go into ketosis. Seriously guys, carbs are not bad, eating too many carbs are bad, but so is eating too much protein, or too many fats. If you want to learn more about a ketogenic diet, then you can google it. You'll understand why your doctor and his wife have suddenly lost a bunch of weight. But this isn't a diet, ketogenic diets are a lifestyle, fine if you're willing to commit, but completely temporary if you aren't.

    I love carbs but my body hates them lol , I wish I could eat the 262 grams of carbs that MFP suggests but if I did that then I wouldn't be losing ...I would be gaining and feeling bad. Some can tolerate higher carbs than others and then some can't go over a certain amount of carbs daily , it just depends on the person.
  • Oh come on guys...... really?

    Carbs are not bad!

    The reason why you can lose a lot of weight quickly when you get off the carbs is because you go into ketosis. Seriously guys, carbs are not bad, eating too many carbs are bad, but so is eating too much protein, or too many fats. If you want to learn more about a ketogenic diet, then you can google it. You'll understand why your doctor and his wife have suddenly lost a bunch of weight. But this isn't a diet, ketogenic diets are a lifestyle, fine if you're willing to commit, but completely temporary if you aren't.

    I love carbs but my body hates them lol , I wish I could eat the 262 grams of carbs that MFP suggests but if I did that then I wouldn't be losing ...I would be gaining and feeling bad. Some can tolerate higher carbs than others and then some can't go over a certain amount of carbs daily , it just depends on the person.

    Blood type A's can deal with carbs better then O blood types. I wonder which one you are.

    All carbs are not created equal. Get yourself a nutrient density food list. As long as your energy levels don't crash, reducing your carb intake is fine (just don't reduce it to low)

    I adjust the amount of Carbs, Protein and Fat I suggest to my clients. If your want more lean muscle mass then no more than 30 grams of protein per setting.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I am trying to lose the last 7 or so pounds, and after talking to many friends that do fitness competitions, they say to keep my carbs during the day only, so unless I am doing hard core workout after I eat my last meal, I keep them during the day. It seems to have worked so far for me! Good luck!
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    I'm a big proponent of the Zone diet (actually lifestyle). I eat 40%, 30%, 30%, carbs, fat, protein. The important thing is balance at each meal and snack.
    The most IMPORTANT thing to me was waking up to the fact that fruits and veggies ARE carbs! The best carbs! I do eat whole grain breads but try to get the most from fruits and veggies.
    Also, you can eat "in the Zone" very easily and eat a vegetarian diet. Dr Sears actually promotes that. I eat meat but I've basically gotten off pork and eat beef very occasionally. Mostly fish, chicken, and turkey. I've lost 27 lbs. total and still have a long way to go but I am feeling SO much better. I have more energy and don't get winded easily anymore.
  • jovigal1959
    jovigal1959 Posts: 26
    My blood type is B+.....
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I think low carb is very YMMV. Some love it, some hate it, some approach it in different ways...Some post flame wars on message boards about it, but I say hey, if you find it works for you, then good!

    I've found over time that if I keep my carbs low, I maintain my weight better. I also maintain a healthy fasting blood glucose level. I'm at a "sweet spot" between 35g-75g depending on level of activity. If I raise them above 120g/daily, yikes, I'm ravenous and seeking sugar. I've tried allowing more in my diet, I've allowed more carby cheats, and...that's resulted in weight gain (hence why I'm here keeping tabs on what I eat). Vegetables, meat, dietary fats, eggs, nuts, dairy, and some fruits are pretty key to my diet. I like a variety of them and I'm really striving to improve the quality of what I eat (baby steps). Processed food is generally bad - I don't EVER recommend following a low carb lifestyle that encourages eating them as a staple. Nor should your diet be an all meat diet. Variety is good.

    Don't get me wrong - I allow some cheats here and there. I also understand the importance of a carb re-feed once I begin to up my activity level. It's understanding what level is acceptable and will not send me spiralling out of control on a sugar crash.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I get what you are saying about some people like it and some don't. I guess you will find that there will be 'flame wars' as you say in places like this about these topics. I agree with you that some people find low carb diets 'work for them' to lose weight. But the long term effects of low carb diets are terrible - possibly more so (although less researched) than obesity. I guess that's not what most health professionals consider as 'working' so it frustrates us to see these things thrown about on here as though they are gospel.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,996 Member
    I eat plenty of carbs and have lost 27 pounds since August doing so. Right now, I'm doing P90X, eating about 1,800 calories/day, incluing 200+ grams of carbs. I tried severely limiting my carbs for a short time once, and I felt so lousy, I couldn't do it long enough to even find out how it affected my weight loss. I have my ratios set at 50/25/25, and I feel leaner, stronger and more energetic than I have ever felt, and I will be turning 50 this year. I say, "Three cheers for carbs!"
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,996 Member
    P.S. For what it's worth, my blood type is O+.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I get what you are saying about some people like it and some don't. I guess you will find that there will be 'flame wars' as you say in places like this about these topics. I agree with you that some people find low carb diets 'work for them' to lose weight. But the long term effects of low carb diets are terrible - possibly more so (although less researched) than obesity. I guess that's not what most health professionals consider as 'working' so it frustrates us to see these things thrown about on here as though they are gospel.

    Again, YMMV. My cholesterol (not only total level, but HDL, LDL) checks out, BP 110/70, fasting BG 80-90 mg/dl, adequate levels of vitamin D in my blood. It's a rarity for me to get sick (outside of some seasonal allergy woes). Cholesterol levels can be skewed depending on the type of test utilized and the doctor's own knowledge of what the numbers mean. VAP tests are the most accurate. I need to have another done as my last was one year ago.

    I get regular check-ups - my doctor is a supporter of how I eat, some doctors aren't. Like with any means of eating, it's not a free pass to pig out on fat and processed meat, hence why most low carb diets have such a terrible medical stigma.

    And unfortunately most medical reviews of "arterycloggingsaturatedfat" as I call it are skewed - they're typically a review of those eating a high saturated fat diet ALONG with high refined carbohydrate content. You can't have it both ways. I'm sure I would have terrible medical stats if my fat content was coming from processed foods and trash, too.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Most doctors couldn't tell you any reliable nutrition facts and you can't really blame them for that - it's not their speciality and there is so much they need to know. As a dietitian it wasn't your cholesterol I would be thinking of - if your protein sources are lean then this shouldn't be too much of an issue. Unfortunately the effects of low carb diets aren't things you see until a long time later - things like kidney failure because of the stress that ketones put on them...

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like YOU should stop doing it. I usually leave people (other than my patients of course!) to their own devices on what they choose to do but the original question here was genuinely asking if people thought low carb was a good idea, that's what I started off replying to. I guess I was a little insulted by the flame wars comment (but I'll be the first to admit that I'm very passionate about what I do!).
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I eat plenty of carbs and have lost 27 pounds since August doing so. Right now, I'm doing P90X, eating about 1,800 calories/day, incluing 200+ grams of carbs. I tried severely limiting my carbs for a short time once, and I felt so lousy, I couldn't do it long enough to even find out how it affected my weight loss. I have my ratios set at 50/25/25, and I feel leaner, stronger and more energetic than I have ever felt, and I will be turning 50 this year. I say, "Three cheers for carbs!"

    Yeah, it's so relative to the individual. I followed the nutritional plan in P90X, initially lost, then regained it in phase 3. I felt like a slug in phase 3...Well, a slug with nicely defined arms (and a puffy belly). I wanted so badly to trust the nutrition program and let it work but it just wasn't right for me. I cut the carbs after my 90 days and my energy levels skyrocket. There's the "low carb flu" factor which for most, ends in 2-7 days after the onset of the diet (or ketosis). I had recently lowered my carbohydrate to Atkins Induction levels for a few days to bust through some bad sugar cravings and was foggy for about 2 days. My energy has come back and I've gradually begun to increase my carb levels back to an "active" amount (60-80ish grams) for when I start 30 day shred next week. I feel good, lost the sugar jones.

    If high carb works for you, stick with it - it's all about finding a lifestyle that works and keeps us healthy :drinker:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Most doctors couldn't tell you any reliable nutrition facts and you can't really blame them for that - it's not their speciality and there is so much they need to know. As a dietitian it wasn't your cholesterol I would be thinking of - if your protein sources are lean then this shouldn't be too much of an issue. Unfortunately the effects of low carb diets aren't things you see until a long time later - things like kidney failure because of the stress that ketones put on them...

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like YOU should stop doing it. I usually leave people (other than my patients of course!) to their own devices on what they choose to do but the original question here was genuinely asking if people thought low carb was a good idea, that's what I started off replying to. I guess I was a little insulted by the flame wars comment (but I'll be the first to admit that I'm very passionate about what I do!).

    Yeah, I'm not going to disagree with you about the long term effects of what I'd define as a ketogenic diet. I produce ketone bodies when my net carbs are around 40 or lower. I'd venture a guess I'm producing them now because I'm staying pretty low in terms of net carbs, but will most definitely up my carbs back to my active level and get out of ketosis. I have a pack of Ketostix and I should probably test to ensure I'm NOT in ketosis once I return to a more rigorous fitness schedule.

    I wanted to give a very low carb diet a whirl to see if it would help me bust my sugar cravings and get me back on track after too many treats. It definitely did. But it's certainly not sustainable outside of specific medical concerns and regular advice from a doctor.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I am an accountant and just got through tax season...so I have gone back to my good habits as of 3.5 weeks ago. I know, not too long of a time, but I was hoping for some budge on the scale. During tax season, my days consisted of five hours of sleep, no exercise, and bad food choices. While my calories stayed low during tax season, the content was BAD!

    Well stress and lack of sleep ALWAYS wreak havoc on my diet! I'm also an accountant so I completely understand what you're going through. Also, I'm assuming this time means A LOT of sitting for you as well.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Oh come on guys...... really?

    Carbs are not bad!

    The reason why you can lose a lot of weight quickly when you get off the carbs is because you go into ketosis. Seriously guys, carbs are not bad, eating too many carbs are bad, but so is eating too much protein, or too many fats. If you want to learn more about a ketogenic diet, then you can google it. You'll understand why your doctor and his wife have suddenly lost a bunch of weight. But this isn't a diet, ketogenic diets are a lifestyle, fine if you're willing to commit, but completely temporary if you aren't.

    Carbs from nuts, fruits and veggies = NOT BAD.............

    Carbs from GRAINS = BAD.

    Yes, it is the truth. We as humans are mostly blinded by conventional wisdom and what the "authorities" have been telling us since the 1950's.............and it has not gotten us healthier. Low fat / high carb mentality has gotten us FAT as a nation and VERY, VERY SICK.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Check out the Primal Blue Print by Mark Sisson!!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Oh come on guys...... really?

    Carbs are not bad!

    The reason why you can lose a lot of weight quickly when you get off the carbs is because you go into ketosis. Seriously guys, carbs are not bad, eating too many carbs are bad, but so is eating too much protein, or too many fats. If you want to learn more about a ketogenic diet, then you can google it. You'll understand why your doctor and his wife have suddenly lost a bunch of weight. But this isn't a diet, ketogenic diets are a lifestyle, fine if you're willing to commit, but completely temporary if you aren't.

    Carbs from nuts, fruits and veggies = NOT BAD.............

    Carbs from GRAINS = BAD.

    Yes, it is the truth. We as humans are mostly blinded by conventional wisdom and what the "authorities" have been telling us since the 1950's.............and it has not gotten us healthier. Low fat / high carb mentality has gotten us FAT as a nation and VERY, VERY SICK.

    For the record, I don't agree with the statement

    Carbs from GRAINS = BAD

    I would maybe agree with a modefied version of that. I.E.

    Carbs from GRAINS that have been processed and enriched = BAD

    but that's about as far as I'd go. And I also don't believe that grains have made america sick. I would say that a very complex equation involving big food, highly processed foods, ever expanding serving sizes, and people's "me me me" and "now now now" attitude has gotten america sick.

    The only reason grains are demonized is because they are the easiest bulk food to process, which means they last longer in storage, and are easier to ship, therefore are the most popular food staple. Translate that however you like, but it doesn't mean that grain is evil.

    That's equivalent to saying iron is evil because people make guns out of it.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    When people make statements like this, I wonder why the people in Asia for example that practically live on rice are all super skinny...
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,996 Member
    Low fat / high carb mentality has gotten us FAT as a nation and VERY, VERY SICK.
    Low fat / high carb has gotten me leaner than I have been in my adult life, and I feel better than ever as well. It's hard for me not to trust that.
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