lost 14 but gained 10 pounds back. help?? Im trying to come

newmeforlife Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all, I am new to my fitness pal. I was on a diet b4 and I lost 14 pounds but gained 10 back when I decided to take a break from diet and exercise.
I am looking for buddies that would offer me some support and that would like to be supported as well.
I can be really good at staying on track when I have someone by my side; encouraging me to stay put.
Please....... help me.... I need to loose at least 10 pounds by december. (my daughter's BD is coming up) :sad: :flowerforyou:


  • You can do it...this place is a wonderful source of support and inspiration.

    Begin with trying to eat the most natural, whole foods. Stay away from processed garbage, filled with chemicals (i.e. those daggone micro-wave frozen meals..ewwww).

    Try not to eat sugary treats..I know, hard but doable!

    If you like soda, even diet, ditch it. Try to stay away from ALL alcohol.

    Stay away from vending machines.

    Keep hardboiled eggs handy, fruits, and vegetables. Indulge in salads, with only olive oil for a light dressing. And throw in protein with each meal (tuna fish!).

    Start moving. Walking is wonderful.

    You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • I feel your pain. I lost 53 pounds (265 down to 212) last year. I'm back up to 240 and I have cut myself off. Back to straight Atkins. I liked being much lighter and the only thing that kept me from staying there was I ate what I knew better than to eat...for me, I've got to be on constant vigilance or I'm going to gain the weight back. I took too much care in losing that weight (and frankly in buying new suits) to reverse that...

    Wish my luck as I attempt to re-plummet.

    Good luck on bouncing back...log everything. It does two things: keeps you busy when you want to eat and secondly shows you the reality (in calories, fats, carbs, etc.) of what you are eating. It helped me back when I was losing on a constant basis and I'm coming back. :)
  • Thanks for the support guys. I really needed it and still do and will need it....... thanks a million..
    and im here for you too.
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