

  • Yes, it makes perfect sense... I have played tennis with a wrist injury, and I understand what you mean... I also got used to the pain my shoulder sometimes causes me while swimming, but I have learned what is normal and what is not... I just need to apply the same logic to running since I do not want to use this pain as…
  • I only look down when I am running on a new surface (street, etc) that I don't know... but when I run in the track, I don't usually look down. But good point though!
  • I did change my chair at work and at home since I spend about 9-10 hours typing on a computer....
  • Thank you to all who responded! A+ Although you clearly stated that you are not Drs, I think you all speak from experience. I have made an appointment to go see my M.D. and I have consulted with a close friend who deals with sports injuries and rehab. One possible explanation is that when I was in high school I got my left…
  • So the question is about which is better; and the indirect question is which do I enjoy more... I believe all exercise has its benefits when done well, safely and continuously. I'll say that you burn more calories, and get a higher general workout with biking, but according to research, about 25 min of sustained exercise…
  • You know, keeping up with your daily diary is a great exercise and tool to really identify the problem areas. Since I started here, I have learned that often the body looses weight by just changing what we eat, and not necessarily by how much exercise we do. I mean, inserting some physical activity during out day is always…
  • I'll wake up early on the run days and think of you running... I'm in So Cal...
  • Welcome!!! This is a great place to find support! Good luck...
  • Welcome!!! This is surely the right place to seek help... Don't be afraid to send friend requests and build up your support group.
  • Yes... just stay motivated....It works differently for everyone.
  • Not to get you off your schedule, but do remember that the body gets used to the same exercise that is done repeatedly... So maybe all the swimming you are doing has created a routine for your body. Have you spoken with your trainer about changing some exercises or routines to create what the creator of P90X calls "Muscle…
  • Interesting question... My personally take is that several variables need to be considered in the equation in order to fairly calculate speed. For example, it the equivalent of a 100m dash the same as the maximum speed a swimmer can can swim the 50m? I personally do not think that any other athlete could run faster than…
  • Thank you MissMornie for the thoughtful response. You made several valid points... I have modified my eating habits quite a bit, and have increased my exercise... This is all a learning experience... I figured it took this long to get to where I am that I cannot expect to be at where I want overnight... Thank you again,…
  • Wow Lilliam, that's remarkable! Congratulations... Please share your secrets... I have (I'm committed) to loose about 35 lbs. according to all tests, I need to be at 174lbs in order to keep my BMI under 22... Hope we can become friends. Thanks, Mauricio
  • I just learned that dark chocolate is really great for you!!! Have you received support from those close to you? For example, do you have to cook your own food because those at home want to have a BBQ chicken pizza? Thank you, Mauricio
  • I just realized that typing in the iPad is different from e website... Sorry if my responses do not show separate..
  • This is my intention... To form a group where I can really call you "friends"... I'll look into how to create one. Thank you for your reply Mauricio
  • I'm at a point where I want to try anything said from starvation!!! Tabita huh! Thanks!
  • Hi Shannon, Many thanks for the reply. I just bought a pretty expensive treadmill with ifit and it is helping me follow preset workouts. I also have Nike+ running that helps me keep track when I run outside. But I'm really interested on trying the bodtmedia fit as I'm very curious to find ut what my actual level of…
  • That is the key word: motivated... This is the right place to get support! Good luck.
  • Hi Megan... Thanks for the honesty. I think we all fall off the wagon at some point... I've just signed in (3 days) and am pretty hooked on this. Count on me to give you a hand when you are falling off; or vice versa! Moe
    in Hello! Comment by ticho9 July 2012