I'm new here

Okay, so I'm a mom of two beautiful daughters (ages 7 and 3). I'm 36 years old, will be 37 next month. I have a lot of health problems running in the family, not me...and I'm moving towards doing something about it. I have a pre-diabetic husband, so my health choice MUST impact my husband :o). Soo, I need a TON of advice. I've started tracking what I eat, it's junk I know, the key is admitting it and now moving forward to changing it. So, advice please, any and all is very much appreciated. Trying to stay away from the kitchen at work where I KNOW that munchkins are dwelling until the work folks eat them up (so I don't!!!). I am trying to get healthier and then losing some weight for my 10 year anniversary which is coming up in Janurary. I have time so I'm not on some crash diet, I'm looking to change my life!!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :flowerforyou:


  • ticho9
    ticho9 Posts: 25
    You know, keeping up with your daily diary is a great exercise and tool to really identify the problem areas. Since I started here, I have learned that often the body looses weight by just changing what we eat, and not necessarily by how much exercise we do. I mean, inserting some physical activity during out day is always helpful, but eating healthy is always better... It would also make sense if you could make your diary viewable to your friends so we can also see what you are eating, and maybe provide you with some ideas or suggestions... what do you think?