BLAH.. 3 lbs in 2 months .. really.. so frustrated

SO back in october i started my journey, started at 254, im down to 217 but ive been between 220 and 217 since april.. i cant seem to break this plateau.. ive tried eating more, eating less, eating whatever i want, working out hard, not working out at all, no carb, low carb .. you name it lol... this is making it really hard to keep going.. i dont know how to keep going if im not going to see any progress... anyone been in my shoes? im sure i will keep at it.. i told my trainer i would work with her for a year.. and its coming up fast.. im just ready to be there, ready to be at my goal.. or atleast full steam ahead.. :(:sad: :sad:


  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    Have you been tracking your measurements? We sometimes lose inches before the scale moves, try to see if you see a difference with weekly measuring. I plateau on my weight sometimes but still end up losing inces every week.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I just broke through a 4 or 5 month plateau recently. The only thing I changed was I began walking a couple of miles two or three days per week. Can you add just a couple of 30 minute cardio sessions per week and see what happens?
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Don't despair! Stop looking at the scale, seriously. Just keep on doing what you are doing, make that part of your life, enjoy the feeling of clothes fitting better, more energy, better sleep and all that great stuff. You will be surprised next time you step on the scale. I hate to be disappointed by numbers too..and I have had my own ups and downs..but staying away from regular weighing really keeps me happy and on track!
  • maryjboom
    maryjboom Posts: 137 Member
    I have been on the same plateau since the spring, staying between 206 &209lbs. I have decided to look at it as 'at least I have not gained'. I have more to go, but I'll take what I can get.
  • dajacoty
    dajacoty Posts: 6 Member
    its good to know im not alone.. i guess you have expectations .. like.. i expected this summer the lbs would drop like crazy because its summer, and im always SO active when the kids are out of school... the nothingness has really surprised me.. and yea i measure with the trainer but we only do it every 3 months..

    and its hard to add anymore cardio, im so busy already.. i swim 4x a week for 5 hours at a time or more (snorkeling looking for things, lots of diving and fighting currents) plus my 2 trainer workouts.. i have one day off where i try to rest but with 4 kids its almost impossible

    i will keep going, keep fighting.. its just rough.. if i ever get where i want to be it will be well deserved lol
  • ticho9
    ticho9 Posts: 25
    Not to get you off your schedule, but do remember that the body gets used to the same exercise that is done repeatedly... So maybe all the swimming you are doing has created a routine for your body. Have you spoken with your trainer about changing some exercises or routines to create what the creator of P90X calls "Muscle Confusion"?
  • dajacoty
    dajacoty Posts: 6 Member
    yea we have changed things up.. the swimming thing is just a hobby i do during the summer, that will stop here in about a month once school starts :( im thinking when that happens ill have more free time to work on different things.. i guess we will see..
  • ticho9
    ticho9 Posts: 25
    Yes... just stay motivated....It works differently for everyone.