Oatmeal with whole fruit.
Sliced banana, cashews, and coconut flakes. "Monkey Salad"
Food is hard because humans eat socially so it really can feel rude when someone refuses to break bread (or cake) with you. On the other hand, when we're really trying, really pushing toward a goal of health and long life, having someone interfere is so objectionable that it deserves a little verbal shove. My old weight…
If you're not constipated, I'm not sure it's a problem to not poop daily, is it? Ask your doc. If you are constipated, track your fiber here. It's amazing when you start to look, how easy it is to up your fiber with food choices. Lentils, avocado, oranges = yes. Lettuce = not so much. Meat, egg, cheese = none.
GilBrennan, please. 'Some people may think nightshade vegetables are harmful because they’re confusing them with “deadly nightshade' Read more at"
I am not a fan of veggies either. I feel like the only human on the planet who will not eat salad. But I do love soup. I make vegetable soup almost every weekend. It's amazing the variety out there. Also, "hide" spinach in a morning smoothie with a banana and you won't even know it's there.
I think that because peanuts are legumes, they can cause bloating. Almonds or other nuts may not do that to you. Nuts = yes in my book.
It's the process not the product that matters.
I did Whole30 and stuck to it. The idea behind it of figuring out your food sensitivities is good - I learned that I have no problem with gluten or wheat and I don't do well with a bunch of eggs in my diet. But I quickly gained back the weight I lost when I was done.
I am also a banana person in the same way that I'm a nut person. Yes, they're high in sugar or fat - but they're great foods for you, full of nutrients. So I eat them and log them and consider them to be a good decision.
I'm not a big resolutions person but I do love the "clean" feel of a new year. I'm going to eat more fiber this year and return to hiking and get more sleep. Thanks for the thread!
I am so late in responding to this but I'm going to anyway. My favorite "first" hike is Wallace Falls on Highway 2. It's fairly easy to find and the trail is beautiful, even if you don't make it to the top. Another great one is just past North Bend on I-90 called Rattlesnake Ridge. Another one that is gorgeous even if you…
Hi Natalie, Good for you making this commitment! It's great to look around here and see all the success stories and know that you can do it. Stay strong! - Becky
Good for you! Yes, must start somewhere. You're not too fat to exercise (although I know the feeling). I'm inspired by a friend of mine who lost 60+ pounds and her exercise was daily walking. Best wishes to you in this! Becky
Hello. I live in Seattle and I'm on Weight Watchers but my friend asked me to try this out. So far, it's very cool! Becky