

  • I'd never heard of this cake, so I'm glad you posted it; it sounds like a good healthy alternative to my normal energy bar, actually. Here's a recipe I found that has 216 calories per serving; don't know if you would consider that high or not but here it is for your reference:…
  • Agreed. I consistently go over my protein, but never meet my carbs, but I prefer a higher protein diet anyway, and it seems to be working for me so far.
  • Agreed; I went a week coming under my daily calorie allowance, thinking that would help and was frustrated by lack of progress, so I upped my calories one day, and boom: jumped on the scale and down two pounds. It definitely changed my way of thinking; I was so proud of myself for not reaching my limit, but it turns out I…
  • Personally, I go over my protein allowance, which is fine for me because I too think the protein allowance is too low; I never hit my carb allowance, which I think is too high. Diabetes runs in my family, so personally, I'd rather have a high-protein/low-carb diet than the other way around.
  • Ha! I love the show, and I love Adam, but this pic made me chuckle. You can definitely notice that his waistline had grown along with his popularity.
  • I weigh daily too, and I see it as a necessary evil, you could say. I went months without weighing daily, while not monitoring my diet, and slowly but surely, I allowed about 15 lbs to creep back up on me. If I don't have that check in, I tend to turn a blind eye towards my caloric intake and sure enough, my clothes…
  • What about slipping in a Cliff Bar or two during the day? Not a lot of food, but each one has about 220 calories, and pack in the carbs that you'll need for exercise and training! It's the only kind of energy bar I can eat that I actually enjoy the taste of and I usually have one for breakfast. The Carrot Cake and White…
  • Do you like bananas? I always find them a great substitute for ice cream; I wait until they're very ripe, and throw them in a bag into the freezer because I think they have a wonder, creamy consistency that makes me feel like I'm eating ice cream. Here's a low cal adaptable recipe that I use; low calorie, high protein; you…
  • If you're craving something sweet at night, as others suggested, why not save up some calories for a snack at night that will also help you sleep? I always have some frozen bananas in the freezer (also a great use for those bananas that are very ripe), you could try blending that up with some skim milk and maybe a T. of…