angelicpiece101 Member


  • I'm 4'11" with calorie intake about 1240. Currently 180 lbs, with a goal weight of 127 lbs.
  • I'm 34, and trying to get back on track. I've got about 50 lbs I'd like to lose. I'd love some ppl to try and help keep me motivated.
  • Mine is kind of like this except no plateau, but the slacking on the exercise is still the same lol thats where I am personally.....thanks for the laugh tho! I really got a kick out of your draft phase the most.
  • welcome :) everyone has already said it, this place is great for motivation! feel free to add me if you'd like :) good luck with your journey
  • most definitely the second one!!!!!! the scrunching makes you look more confident, and i think it accents your body, and I love the bead work at the top! i think it just has MORE to it, and it doesnt look as plain.
  • well like they all have said any workout is better then none, but its best to exercise for at least 30min straight with cardio to tap into the stored body fat that you are trying to get rid of. before the 30 mins you arent tapping into your reserved energy to keep your body going to work through the exercise. I recently…
  • i cant believe after all you've done for yourself in loosing as much weight as you have that your doctor didnt think you were loosing it fast enough....thats just silly, and im sorry. They should have been praising your accomplishment in just the fact that you are taking initiative and loosing it on your own without the…
  • the only weird thing about that site was that my fat spots were still the same in both pictures which I sure as heck hope arent when I lose all my weight!! lol it was just funny to see me at 106 lbs with the same size love handles as I have now....but my face was tiny, either way kind of interesting to see
  • my husband was in the army for a few years. nows not the greatest time to be joining tho, they have done away with bonuses even, and they are at 104% for their capacity so job/MOS choices aren't necessarily the greatest either. and right now the govt hasnt even decided on a budget for our military so we may not even get…
  • try making a habit of exercising a little each day and then you'll find it easier to stay under your extra calories that you worked helps cure that hunger you've been feeling and you're not freaking out about staying under 1200 calories either. by staying under your 1200 too much can also cause your body to go…
  • First off the question should be how long have you been at this??? you cant expect to see instant results......and even though weight watchers doesnt count veggies and fruit, they DO have calories which I basically part of the point on here to stay under, so you SHOULD be counting them on your daily they…
  • Thats not bad for one meal, just make your lunch your big meal of the day today, and eat something small later for your dinner. Don't fret over it you'll be fine, and if you feel like you want to burn off some of the calories you took in for that meal later go for it, it might make you feel better. I know I get a guilty…
  • :laugh: glad you cleared that up for us! I'll be sure to tell this one to my husband, he'll get a kick out of it.
  • I agree with getting rid of them. this site is for you to get positive feedback, to help you want to reach your goals...not make you feel like crap. good luck and keep your head up!
  • OK, took my measurements today. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I have lost in inches :) which I can handle Im Down: hips-3/4 in legs-3/4 in(each) left arm-1/4 in right arm-3/4in my arms are always different sizes but they are equaling out now. not bad losses i think for only one week on the shred.
  • Im back in the game :) did my shred for seems to be getting easier then in the beginning of the week. I did 30 min on my elliptical too at a 6 resistance. I'll take my measurements on Sunday see if anythings changing.
  • ok, so im going to confess now and get it off my chest.......I haven't shred in 2 days, but it isnt for the lack of wanting to or anything like that I was at the hospital for family for 3 days....practically straight (thank god I got it done the first day before everything started going on) but I fully intend to do my…
  • I did my second day with the 30ds, and 37min on elliptical. boy i know tomorrow ill def be hurting like crazy, but im excited that everyone is starting now, i just hope i can walk in the really surprised some of you have done the second level along with the first one??? i thought you did just the one level…
  • Well i did my first day yesterday, and MAN OH MAN I am SOOOOOOOO sore!!!!! good luck to you women starting today, i've got to really stretch before I try it again today LOL. Im sure ill be cursing heavy today at Jillian for kicking my butt......
  • what a great job! you are doing amazing......keep it up
  • great results!! congrats on meeting your goal
  • i literally JUST asked this same question today and everyone told me they record it as circuit training.
  • im horrible when it comes to weighing myself. I am that type when it goes up even a little i get discouraged. i think you ladies are on the right track with giving it up for a while(im not catholic either) but giving it up for lent sounds wonderful, and less stressful. i only worry that ill freak out not knowing whats…
  • I started it today actually, but heck, ill give it a shot for the 6 days a week.......maybe doing it with everyone will give me the motivation to get it done!
  • I had a dr tell me that even one soda a day diet or not can make you keep on 10lbs a yr!! not tooooooo bad, but think you could be 10lbs lighter! As for me, that ONE thing i've cut out is Soda! go figure huh. I used to be addicted to my 1 mtn dew a day.....the funny thing is now if I order a soda with a meal or anything it…
  • Im with these two!!
  • dont buy the snacks, or keep them in the house :) cant eat them if they arent for while you're out if you're worried you'll want to snack, bring a healthy snack like a fruit bar/ special k bar, that kind of stuff so you wont be tempted to buy something bad for you. I JUST read a dr oz article on something he…
  • congrats on reaching your goal. the pinup pics are a fantastic idea, and a great way to show off your new found confidence after loosing the weight. you look amazing :) I think you just gave me an idea for when I reach my goal
  • You asked for exercises that would help tone and work your lower abs....well the BEST thing i've ever done and tried is called the Bender ball.....they sell them at walmart or you can get them online the great thing about the bender ball is that it lifts up the lower body and positions you…
  • ive never heard of that happening before, keep your chin up anyways and hopefully soon you'll see some results clothes wise