

  • I used bad knees as a crutch for the longest time as a reason to not run. I'm not saying everyone does this or even lots of people. It's very important to make sure you have medical clearance before you begin any kind of regiment that will stress your body. That being said, my muscle and knee endurance has improved…
  • Pretty much spot on. The key thing here on the protein is "1g protein per pound of lean tissue." Most people read this as "1g protein per pound." In any event, I have been keeping pretty steady around 40/30/30 carb/protein/fat. I just try to make sure that my macros come from really healthy, clean foods. Turkey, chicken,…
  • Calorie is a calorie is a bit of wordplay. Yes a calorie is a unit of measurement just as an inch is a unit of measurement. The difference comes into play when we look at where those calories are sourced from. Whether its a fat gram, protein gram, or carbohydrate. There are also numerous other factors that dictate how the…
  • These posts are pretty spot on. The point is to not feel full, its training your mind to realize that you aren't hungry any more. The second poster is completely accurate in that you will typically eat faster than your mind can realize that you are no longer hungry. This leads to people eating in excess. The key is to…
  • The part of your body where you most want to lose weight is likely the part that will lose it last. You can't spot reduce. Keep pushing...
  • Fantastic, tagging this for trials!
  • This is exactly what I do. However, I have to note that my cardio/strength training is done in the afternoon/evening so it is easy for me to come home, take a quick shower, drink a shake, and then an hour or so later, eat my dinner. I also will typically have a protein shake with my breakfast in the morning.
  • All That Remains and Bullet For My Valentine usually fill up my gym playlist.
  • I agree and am amazed at how many people missed it...
  • My thoughts are, if it is out of the norm for your work day, i.e. part of your job duties do not include marching up and down the stairs, then log it. I am in IT, my job involves sitting at my desk for 90% of the day. If during breaks I decide to go out and walk around the office complex, I log that as exercise, even if I…
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