How'd your marathon turn out?
I know you can do this too! The most important part is to give yourself time to train so you make it to the Start line uninjured...after that it's a matter of trusting your training and enjoying the ride. I just turned 60 yesterday and finished my first ever marathon (Disney World) 2 weeks ago:…
Over the past 2 years, your main focus has been weight loss, and you've succeeded. Now, in addition to maintenance, try focusing on a new long-term goal. In my case it was training for a marathon (which I just completed)...but it not only needs to be fitness oriented (but it does blend nicely with maintenance), it can also…
The 1\2 marathons now sell out within hours of the day registration opens. You need to be prepared to be on-line with valid credit card in hand and ready to commit the time & money then and there.
Sign up for a 5K that takes place in about 6-8 weeks; pick a training plan & stick to it up to the day of the race; finish the 5K and then check back here again for further instructions....see you in February.
I just got back from my final looonnngg run...Gallowaying 26.2 miles at a 3/2 run/walk interval. I survived my poor, battered bones are hanging out in my recliner. Bring on the taper!! Oh how I LOVE the taper! Now I can start making checklists, gathering together my gear and tying up all the loose ends (boy, do I…
HOORAY YOU!! Welcome to Onederland!!! Tie on your sneakers and stay....FOREVER!!
Super! Congrats and happy training! I'm doing my first marathon in January (Disney World).
Is it Metatarsalgia?
Whichever you choose, if you REALLY want to do a marathon, I recommend you sign up & put your cash on the line as soon as possible--nothing adds motivation to a training plan like the thought of wasting cash. Until I hit the 'order' button on the registration sign-up page, and the entrance fee was now officially…
Congrats on your success! You're proof that we lose weight in the kitchen--not the gym. Sometimes we fool ourselves trying to out-exercise a bad diet. I personally liked using diet & exercise in my weight loss program, but it's great to be reminded that if ever I couldn't exercise, the other option works alone. Much luck…
My 4th 1/2 marathon Sunday :o
If you don't mind taking advice from this "almost" 60 year old lady who is currently training to run-walk her first marathon in January 2015...if you have the time, health and inclination to do a full marathon--do it. I've completed three 1/2 marathons in the last year (with a 4th coming up tomorrow) using a run-walk…
1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk 1 TBSP Regular Metimucil 1 TBSP Ground Flax 1 Scoop of Body Fortress Cookies & Cream Protein Whey (have to order form 1 oz each: frozen banana, strawberries, blueberries Whiz together everything but fruit to blend dry ingredients first; then add frozen fruit and whiz…
Go out and find a worthwhile cause..feeding the hungry; mentoring kids; Big Sister; have entirely too much time spent worrying about yourself. The rewards you receive in making a difference in the lives of others will make you realize what REALLY matters in the end.
For me, the very best part of running is looking forward to rest days and the taper...I guess that's because I didn't start till I was 58. (Bring on the "trouble"...I can handle it--after my nap).
Fabulous! Happy Birthday to the new and improved YOU! Onward and downward to your next goal!
Thanks Abakan..I managed to complete my 16-miler yesterday and lived to write about it...and was relieved to find that when I woke up today my body hadn't completely turned to hamburger. Next week I scale back to 'only' 8 miles before making a run (run-walk) at 18 miles =-P. As if time doesn't pass swiftly enough for this…
Started running last year at age 58 (after dropping 80 pounds). Found that the "various generic 1/2 & full marathon training plans," even at the beginner level were out of my league--they all seem to be "one age fits all.". I found that I needed more rest days between runs since the old bod takes more time to knit. In the…
Ditto on the Danskins Capri's from Walmart. Make sure you get the ones marked PERFORMANCE Capri's on the label that are spandex and NOT the cotton ones.
Congrats on your 1st HM! So what tips do you have to pass along to 1st timers based on your experience?
Have you thought about walking it? How long is the time limit to finish?
BRAVO!! You are a superstar! CONGRATS ON YOUR SUCCESS!
All great advise...especially starting slow (make the first couple songs on your playlist slow and soothing--NOT "The Eye of the Tiger"!!...try some classical music that you like or some Barry White). I highly recommend...f at all possible, go out to the location with the map of the race course a day or two before the race…
Winning!!! Congrats on a super job!
...also consider "taping" your foot with athletic tape or KT tape. Google for taping techniques and instructions...or better, have a good Sports medic show you how. When taped property, the tape can "assist" the tendons, ligaments and muscles that hold the foot in place while walking to allow the inflammation to ease. .
I'm an alum from part happy to hear you actually signed up for a 5K! Good 4're gonna love it! After this sign up for another and also sign up for a 1\2 to keep your training focused. I'm doing my 1st full marathon at Disney World this coming January (just did my 10 mile long run in drenching humidity--not…
Welcome! I'm retired AF and after retirement headed down that slippery and very unhealthy slope. Was finally able to shake it off and with the help of MFP turned it around. I'm now beating the "odds" and in July I had been retired for 17 years and am now in training to run/walk my first full marathon (at age 60) in…
What was your running background before you signed up for a marathon? You mentioned that running 4x a week plus cross training was exhausting...what was the longest race you've completed previously. I was 58 when I started training for a 1/2 marathon (I'm 59 now) and I was following a run-walking program that required 4…