Aloha - I look forward to the experience.

I'm Wallace Carmichael. Some call me Wally, Coach or Top, others call me... well, other things. I'm an Army Medic and will be retiring soon so I have been planning for my transition to civilian life.

Part of that transition includes staying healthy and fit. I don't know if you realize this, but the average life span after military retired life is 5 - 8 years. It's hard to believe but it's true. Yes, in general, active military is healthier than the general population. However, the average military retired population get's less healthy very fast.

So, I've dedicated my last two years of service to my health as well as that of the health of others in my age group and background. Of course I assist others as well. For instance, my neighborhood is made up CEOs of various companies who work hard and have little time to eat healthy and workout. That's where I come in. I help them find the time to take care of themselves so they can be around for many years for their family.


  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Welcome! I'm retired AF and after retirement headed down that slippery and very unhealthy slope. Was finally able to shake it off and with the help of MFP turned it around.

    I'm now beating the "odds" and in July I had been retired for 17 years and am now in training to run/walk my first full marathon (at age 60) in January.

    Hope you enjoy a very long and happy retirement!
  • CountryBabe75
    CountryBabe75 Posts: 120 Member
    Feel free to add me!