

  • These are all great ideas! I would take the "my doctor said so" one further, and say "My endocrinologist suggested it." I do see an endo for my thyroid. Many grains are goitrogens and it is often suggested that I avoid goitrogens as a hypothyroid patient, so my solution is right there.
  • I need to find ways to sneak more fat into my diet. Normally my weight refuses to budge at all (I have hypothyroid, as well as having IBD) but on the days I eat a lot of fat I actually lose. Other than keeping a jar of coconut oil and a spoon in my desk at work, I just need some creative ways to load that stuff in my belly…
  • Mmm, I lurve squashghetti, and mashed cauliflower. I just got Practical Paleo from the library, and I'm not really a fan of how it's organized recipe-wise. Other than that, it has pretty good recipes. Otherwise I cheat and pin recipes on Pinterest to my recipe board. I also cruise blogs like there's no tomorrow. I am a fan…
  • My sister is a very healthy eater but still eats grains, though not nearly as often these days. We both cannot have dairy or soy so at least that works out nicely. But since I do the majority of the cooking, I can make what I want and she will eat it no matter what. If she cooks something, I usually end up eating it but…
  • If there's anything I NEED to be addicted to, it's becoming the person I want to be. I would love to become addicted to weight lifting swimming laps, cooking Paleo, getting out in the fresh air, meditating as I should. Like any other pursuit it takes patience and dedication. Are you worth it to yourself?
  • Womever said that low levels of magnesium is most likely the culprit is probably correct. Primary disturbances in magnesium balance, particularly magnesium depletion, produce secondary potassium depletion. Repletion of cell potassium requires correction of the magnesium deficit. You often see the two together in dietary…
  • Yes! That's how I feel. My grandfather used to shoot or fish for his family's dinner. Hunting actually helps to control a booming population of wildlife that might otherwise be prone to disease and starvation. Not to mention that the better the quality of life livestock has, the healthier and more nourshing it will be. It…
  • I say I eat an anti-inflammatory diet which primarily excludes grains/carbs. Which is essentially true. I they question me further I tell the truth again, that I have an autoimmune disease. It's all in the wording.
  • I would join. I need all the support I can get! You can add me on fb if you want.
  • I second the giant fritatta. I just throw in whatever meat & veg I want and when it's cooled enough I cut it up and parcel it out. I make it a point to eat breakfast because I'm not always 100% sure when or if I'll get lunch.
  • I would be interested to hear more about this. I wonder sometimes if MY metabolism is "out of whack" or just broken. I have severe ulcerative colitis which has put me in the hospital several times, with the attending giving a secondary diagnosis of anorexia (at 5'8", 119 lbs.) which just means I simply cannot eat or retain…
  • So here's an update: I have dropped fruit save for berries (which is great because I freakin LURVE those things) and limit it to one serving per day or none if I don't feel the urge. Dairy is a no-go with me because we DO NOT get along in the first place. My next step is to rely less on nuts for snacks or to bulk up other…
  • There are several I have found online. You can enter caliper or tape measurements depending on formula used. Best of all they are FREE. I have the algebraic formula somewhere but I am too lazy to crunch numbers.…
  • I just do what I can within my means. If something is on sale, I buy it. There is also a weekly farmer's market at work from Spring to fall, which is nice. But as far as grass fed and organic goes I get as much as I am able, within my budget. I can think of no reason to live by "all or nothing".
  • I've eaten an avocado half with a spoon, and had veggies that I've already cut up to have on hand on the side. It's quick and easy. Also, I am addicted to those tins of sardines or smoked oysters in olive oil from Trader Joe's. They go with lots of things. I have had to get out of the 'breakfast mindset' to see how…
  • Haven't tried the bulletproof coffee, bu I've been using this for a while now: I use the high speed blender to make it and it's delicious. I can't have my morning coffee any other way now.
  • I have been [trying] to eat primal/paleo for quite a while now. People around me are not that supportive or knowledgeable about it and still worship at the Church of Whole Grain. When I cook for my sister and myself, I tend to stick to "clean eating" concepts as she favors that, but for myself I do much better on low carb…
  • Hi there. I'm new to MFP and other than my sister, don't know anyone just yet. I'd like to get in touch with some clean eating/paleo/primal people to help inspire me to stay on the wagon, so to speak. Please feel free to add me!