- They may not be super low in calories (125-175) but the glycemic index is lower than cookies and cake, and I found that spiking my blood sugar, particularly after dinner was not doing me any favors.
I am so glad you posted this! I had the exact same 'ah ha' moment happen to me about 6 months ago. People ask me what happened to jump start my diet and when I tell them "All of a sudden I realized I was fat and unhealthy... and that food was an addiction" I get a round of 'what? no you're beautiful' and 'life is about…
I had the EXACT same thing happen to me. I cut something from my diet. For me it was going to a paleo diet... but I think it would work with a less extreme case. So think about if its bread, carbs, fast-food, salt etc... it will jump start both you and the diet!
I have been on the paleo diet for 3 weeks, and I don't think I will ever go back. I have never had more energy or slept better. . . not to mention is so easy to loose weight! The best piece of advice I got, was that on day 3-5 you will have a pounding headache... and not feel great. That is your body adapting to the change…
I started at 260, lost 85lb, then I started this program (and I love it) ... My biggest pieces of advice is to make sure you have markers of your success OTHER than the number on the scale... How quickly you complete a mile, take your measurements. If you depend on the scale, at some point you get frustrated. . . and its…
I so understand where you are coming from. Food is an addiction... and its tricky because you can live with out cocaine, alcohol or nicotine, but you can not live without food. It is not as simple as "just doing it". . . but the good news is that once all those carbs and salty fatty goodness are out of your system, it is…
You look younger! Congrats!
Crystal Light! I make my self a jug.... and I water it down a bit. So far its been wonderful! I had to try a few before I found one that hit the sweet spot....