

  • Achievements? Sign me up!
  • I am surprisingly sore today. Like sore in ways & places that didn't happen after the first day of 30DS. Pecs, back, shoulders, glutes, front & outer parts of my quads, and to a lesser extent, my triceps, biceps, and abs under my belly button. This is so much more of a whole body workout than other things I've tried, and…
  • I finally read through NROWL last night and printed off some logs & noted modifications for doing everything at home. I dug around in the basement today and found my husband's curl bar (20 pounds) and used that for squats and bent-over rows. I deflated and lost my last exercise ball ages ago, so planks it was! It's sort of…
  • I've been gone for SO LONG!!! I am working outside the house again after two weeks of baking for farmer's markets. I spent so much time just getting food ready, I was too tired to think of running. Then I got a position in a bakery with the most irregular hours known to man. I couldn't motivate myself to run early in the…
  • I'm happy when I average 16 minute miles. Seriously, the second my 3 mile time is better than 47 minutes, I'm going to do a happy dance. 15:01 has been my fasted mile so far and that was way back in week 2. I was that girl that walked the 1.5 miles in middle school because I had no idea how to pace myself to run.
  • Week 6-2 was MUCH better than 6-1. I didn't break any records, but my overall pace was a minute better than my last run & on par with my the end of Week 5. I did have a major NSV during my run, though. Halfway through the mission, I realized I had my top on inside out. In full view of the other walkers/runners, interstate…
  • I can definitely sympathize over here in Alabama. If I don't get it done by 11am at the latest, I'm not even thinking about going to run until after 6pm unless it's an overcast day.
  • The 5k training missions do not count toward the regular missions.
  • Take it easy, SB, but get right back to it when you can. Injuries have thrown me off of exercising for years at a time :P The first two weeks of the month take me through my birthday, anniversary, and Mother's Day. It's safe to say my eating has gone out the window. Today started Week 6, and I was NOT looking forward to…
  • Yay on getting new shoes, bjhac! Hopefully these feel better on your ankles. I finished out Week 5 today and had the following conversation with my husband: Me: I beat my old 3 mile time! Him: Good job, baby! (goes to give me a high five) Me: By one second!! Him: (manages to complete the high five while laughing)
  • You should be fine, just start slowly and get fitted for running shoes first. All of my initial running setbacks were from being too stingy to get GOOD shoes and my body definitely paid for it. Good shoes and a good sports bra set me back nearly $200, which was enough to give me major anxiety. I eventually realized that…
  • I tend to say things like, "I ran my fastest..." or "Today was my best..." when I tell my family about my accomplishments. I'm guaranteed a high five from my husband, which amuses me to no end.
  • When I tell my former military, lifts heavy things all day at work husband about the huge to me accomplishments, I gently prompt him by saying subtle things like, "This is a big deal. Worship me now!"
  • Yeah, I'm with these guys :D He asked how you were doing on something. You tell him you're excited to have accomplished x & he is dismissive when you JUST SAID how excited you were. That's the sort of thing that makes me try hard to keep from going all stabbity-stabbity on his face or kicking him in the shins. I agree with…
  • 36GG when I started and Freya Active was the best health investment ever, aside from my running shoes.
  • I run in Nike Lunarglide 4's, which I love. Being obnoxiously colored doesn't hurt, either :) I'm trying to convince myself to get out & finish up Week 4 before the rain moves in. It's almost a "cold" day in Alabama, overcast and 58, but none of that dreaded running in the Southern sun to worry about :D
  • I'm 5'6.5", which I almost always round up to 5'7". I started out in January 2013 at my absolute heaviest weight of 215 and am currently at 193. Here are the damning vacation photos from Hawaii at my heaviest: And some of me today after 3 months of progress & 11% body fat loss:
  • For a couple months, I'd exercise away 800-1200 calories 5 days a week and only eat around 1200, basically giving my body NOTHING to work with. I cut way back on exercising to decrease the deficit & am working on on eating at least 1900 but it's a small victory when I manage to net over 1500 for the day. I cut all of the…
  • Yes, you might gain a little weight, but it will go away once your body knows it doesn't have to hoard every last calorie.
  • Take a DEEP BREATH and relax. Your muscles are retaining some extra water right now, that's all. It will go away. It's incredibly hard to permanently get super big muscles in a short amount of time & a woman's body will almost never lend itself to being bulky anyway. Keep doing resistance exercises. You body loves it. It's…
  • My pace today was almost exactly at 16 min/mile and I literally lapped a walker on the track that started out just behind me and passed a couple that were half a lap behind me. My inner competitive nature got a huge ego boost while I just smiled as I passed them!
  • I've always been extremely sedentary...never participated in sports or did much exercising for extended periods. I would stay in a particular weight range for 3-4 years before slowly creeping up 5 or 10 pounds as my metabolism slowed the older I got. The whole time, I would average probably 2 meals a day. I'm also an…
  • I've never been a big eater & my primary focus is to make sure I get enough every day. Normally, my morning shake gets me 600-700 calories, but I ran out of cottage cheese & my whole day was off as a result. I avoid low-fat foods because I NEED those calories and try to eat homemade nut butters or avocado daily. Water is…
  • I'm at that point in the evening when I just start looking around for something to add a few calories before the day's over. I feel like I've been eating all day, but my net is only at 1014. Bread & butter has never been my thing and I already feel full. Maybe there's still a can of macadamia nuts laying around here…
  • Another 3 miles tonight. Considering I didn't log anything for two weeks this month, I'm actually pretty happy with my progress.
  • Fantastic! I can't wait to get to that point. I finished up Week 4 tonight & I was definitely off my game. I haven't been hydrating enough the past few days & also had fries away from home in months. The salt on them KILLED me, even though they were marginally healthier being sweet potato fries. My husband thought I'd done…
  • 6.2 mile walk/jog for today. My dog kept up for about 2.5 miles of that before he had enough. He's a bigger couch potato than anyone in the house :wink:
  • Try doing push ups against a wall, counter top, or stairs so that you're gradually getting lower & supporting more & more of your own weight. The further you put your feet from the wall or counter, the harder it is. The other suggestion is to do box push ups until you're strong enough for knee push ups. Start out on all…
  • There's nothing you can do to reduce any one part of your body. Keep up the cardio and as you burn fat, it will all eventually come down in its own time. I was sure my calves were the one place I didn't have extra weight, but after swimming and aqua zumba, they were one of the first things to slim down a bit on me along…
    in calves Comment by nytefalle April 2013
  • Jumping jacks no longer make me want to die. Jumping rope, on the other hand...