TurquoisWater Member


  • I have been doing it for a while and have not lost a significant amount of weight, but I feel skinnier and my clothes fit better. Giving up sugar is not an exclusion diet. Sugar is not a macro-nutrient. Our bodies don't need added sugar. You'll get all the sugar you need from natural sources like fruit, vegetables, whole…
  • SW: 160 CW:142 GFJ: 136 7/05 Sat: 142 7/12 Sat: 7/19 Sat: 7/26 Sat: End of Month (7/31 Thur):
  • Don't be discouraged, there are a variety or reasons for this. People are often fat on the inside as well, so much of what you may have lost may have come off your organs, for example (fat, which is much more dangerous than that on your hips), or like others have said, it is coming off evenly so you are not noticing it.…
  • I'm the same height as you and started at the same weight. I have lost about 15lb in the meantime and will be kicking it up a notch in the near future. Eat healthy, high fiber food and get your protein (1 gram per pound of lean body mass). You will not speed up your metabolism by under eating. If you are losing anything…
  • Age: 25 SW: 160 CW: 145 GW: 110 -115 Let's get this group started!
  • i'd like to join if there's still room :)
  • Toronto...every summer when I go up north to Muskoka I hope to see a moose. Let this be the year! Am I the only Canadian who has not seen a moose in the wild...or in captivity?
  • Oh, those German men....I'm no stranger to them.
  • I'm at 1200. It depends on your height and the weight you start at. I'm a really small person 5ft so 1200 should be fine. I'm not walking around hungry all day or anything like that. I do usually go over as I always have something sweet or a glass of wine, but unless I eat out it stays under 1500. BEST of luck!
  • Looking for the same thing. Have you found it? I'm 5ft and currently 156lb ): want to get down to 115 or so. You can add me for support if you want. Best wishes!
  • That's a great reward. I would love to go to Norway. Every few months I spend hours online researching it and looking at pictures. It looks amazing. Those fjords...
  • You're hungry a few hours later, because that's normal. You're supposed to have many (4-6) meals a day, so you need to eat every few hours. That's the part that is a chore...making yourself a meal that is healthy every few hours.
  • Have you taken your measurements? Maybe you've lost inches, but gained muscle which is heavier and less spacious? Good luck!
  • You look great and can write pretty darn well too! Congrats. I really enjoyed reading your story.
  • I LOVE wine. Don't try to stop altogether. Just set a limit like 2 glasses max (or half a bottle max) a night. The when you're used to having that, try to only have it every other day. If it's something you love, keep it, but make adjustments so that this habit fits better with your life and goals.
  • You can BBQ. I just did and had an amazing and really cheap dinner. I didn't put anything on the veggies and meat except for a little salt. Had grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, and steamed green beans along with a beef burger (that came frozen. You can get it at any grocery store in packages for relatively cheap). Whatever you…
  • Good job! You should be incredibly proud of yourself. If you were able to lose that much, you'll lose it all! Congrats.
  • Your results are amazing! I'm also 5'0" and just started out at 160lb. Do you mind if I add you? Would love to hear more about what you did to succeed. I don't remember weighing less than 128 in my adult life. My goal is about your weight at this point. Thanks. -A
  • Unfortunately not vegetarian, but would love to talk to you guys and share ideas. I don't know how to lose weight without eating meat. I don't eat much of it, mostly when I go out, but when I'm trying to lose weight I'm hungry all the time unless I eat it. I'm trying to eat more quinoa and egg whites for protein.…
  • Age 24 Height 5'0" Gender: Female Would love to talk to you. I can't find tiny people around here to talk to haha
  • I love ginger lemon tea mixed with peppermint tea. I don't feel the need to add any sugar. You can add ice, it's very refreshing and helps me cut down on coffee. Coffee with 1% milk. Wine - a glass or two every few days. If you drink something else for a couple weeks or so you'll get used to the taste. Or you can have your…
  • These videos are hilarious.
  • Stay motivated. I was recently reading a board where people were discussing the whole "no more than 2lb" a week. I'm not going to get into my opinion on that here, but there was a picture on that board that really helped me out. It was of a pound of human fat (I think it was pudding....in the picture), but that one pound…
  • I was hoping to find someone close to my size to talk to...I'm 5" and weigh 160 (well now my scale has changed, but it's probably water weight that I'm losing). Wondering what works for little people so what to share ideas and what not with others. Oh, and I forgot, I wear size 10-12 pants....I use to wear 6-7 when I…
  • Hey Val, at least you've learned and you know that you can achieve that kind of weight loss if you try. You know that you don't have to doubt that your efforts are taking you there. I'm just starting out my weight loss journey and it's really tough to stay motivated. I try to just get back on track after letting go on a…