hollywoodguy99 Member


  • If you go over a by a few hundred one day you will not gain weight, just not lose any either. The key is to get back on the horse, the bad habits many of us have had is to say screw it and dig the hole deeper. Eat a sensible dinner, lots of water, get plenty of sleep, and start over again tomorrow. That has worked for me…
  • Timely topic. I too had reached a giant plateau and amping up the exercise was not an option with the new twins at home (well not of if I want to stay married/employed). So I researched plateau busters and IF (Intermittent Fasting) seemed doable. I have done one 24 hour fast a week for three weeks now, Lunch to Lunch…
  • You can go the other way and start transitioning to minimalist footwear. This is not for everyone. I also am a larger, 6'2" max weight of 260, (203 presently) I switched to minimalist running footwear and changed my stride after my coworker recommended it because of my complaints of pain while running. Best decision of my…
  • 15% BF is a great goal, and from what I understand, relatively easy to maintain. See this link. http://www.builtlean.com/2012/09/24/body-fat-percentage-men-women/ I have a goal weight of 193 with 15% BF, I am 6'2" I am presently 19.5% at 203lbs. Good luck, this last little bit is tough.
  • I posted this before when somebody else brought up this subject. People said the exact thing to me in my twenties when I got fit, and they are saying it to me now as well. They are used to us looking a certain way. People do not like change. Actually getting to a weight that is healthy and ideal makes them have to evaluate…
  • Most of the online sources believe in eating your work out calories as long as they are not crap calories like booze, junk food and other simple carbs. The whole website www.builtlean.com is worth reading. Of course I use my work out calories for booze on the weekends.
  • Read this article. The short answer is yes, lose fat first. http://www.builtlean.com/2012/05/03/lose-fat-first/
  • Go see a sports medicine specialist. If you have an HMO go see your general practitioner first, than they will refer you, but be sure to ask for the refferal. After you rule out any structural /internal issues, make sure you are doing the movements right and not putting undue stress on your knees. The biggest issue I see…
  • I have to agree with tiffanyhardym. My two cents, I am a guy, but my legs look awesome. After running for three months, three times a week I added in circuit training that included squats and lunges. I have now been running for 6 months straight and can run 3.1 Miles (5K) three times a week at a 8 Minute 30 Second per mile…
  • So the book Born to Run(great read) talks about the ultra-marathoning (50+ Miles) indians of Mexico, the Terahumara making Chia Fresca out of them as some type of superfood/hydrator/nutrient. This book has been credited with the recent explosion of interest in Chia Seeds. Basic recipe is 10 OZ water, 1 TBSP Chia Seeds,…
  • I had the same issue. I bought these Sony's for $8.50, I have been using them for 4 months with no problems, and for that price I am not worried about breaking or losing them. http://www.amazon.com/Sony-MDR-J10-Headphones-Non-Slip-Design/dp/B000092YR6/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1357691346&sr=8-12&keywords=sony+headphone
  • People said the exact thing to me in my twenties when I got fit, and they are saying it to me now as well. They are used to us looking a certain way. People do not like change. Actually getting to a weight that is healthy and ideal makes them have to evaluate there own body and fitness levels. If you were once thin/fit,…
  • This article on builtlean.com covers the question in full. http://www.builtlean.com/2012/05/29/cardio-empty-stomach/ The short answer is you may burn fat a little more, but your exercise may be less intense counter-acting any potential benefits. Also fate burn may suffer more through out the day. Listen to your own body…
  • I am the same way, i do not sweat much during the workout, but after i stop i sweat big time. I have to immediately strip off my shirt and just eat breakfast/ relax and wait for the sweating to stop before showering, otherwise I continue to sweat after my shower in my clothes(gross). Most my immediate family is this way.…
  • To answer the question on midfoot striking I had a co-worker tell me that running while leaning forward like a controlled fall is the first thing. Secondly I took it slow, Thirdly, I can not stress this enough, stretch your calves, achilles, and ankles all the time everyday. Shorten your stride, if you see your feet in…
  • I use this website, it has multiple calculators and methods. I use a few of these as well as the accumeasure body caliper single pinch point chart. I then take the average. The accumeaure single pinch point chart is usually really close to the average. http://linear-software.com/online.html
  • Anna800 is correct that you can't spot lose FAT, but you can tighten up the underlying muscle, or spot train muscle (think bicep curls). Start an ab routine that has lower abdominal exercises. If you have access to a gym, use the Captains Chair (google it), almost across the board (google it) recommended as one of the best…
  • I believe vtmoon is speaking of BMI formula. Body Fat Percentage should only be taken every few weeks/monthly. A accumeasure caliper from Amazon is like $7. See Link. http://www.amazon.com/AccuFitness-Accu-Measure-Body-Fat-Caliper/dp/B000QURRUK/ref=sr_1_sc_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1349976666&sr=8-3-spell&keywords=accumesasure
  • Yes, it is a much better wayto track yourself when you get closer to your goal weight. See the following link for better more info. The whole site is fantastic. http://www.builtlean.com/2010/05/04/ideal-body-weight-formula-how-to-calculate-your-ideal-weight/
  • This may all seem obvious, but too much too soon. Start really really small and work up from there. Suggestion, start off doing a short abdominal routine every other day (see 8 minute abs on you tube) for two weeks. Go at your own pace. Then add in walking/jogging, use the couch to 5k (c25k) program as a guide. I did not…
  • BMI is slowly being discredited, it is only considered an ok tool. See the following to figure out ideal body weight, which IMO gives a far more accurate way to measure ideal body weight. http://www.builtlean.com/2010/05/04/ideal-body-weight-formula-how-to-calculate-your-ideal-weight/
  • I may have missed this, but assume you are doing cardio training only. I have found that adding resistance training may help you through your plateau. That doesn't mean necessarily going to the gym, but adding squats, pushups, ab exercises, etc... is an excellent way to assist weight loss.
  • If your not doing any resistance training, you need to add it in. That will usually help blast through a plateau. You don't need to go to the gym, push ups, crunches, dips and pull ups can all be done at home. Invest $20 in a used dumbbell set (5-8 lbs) and you can exponentially add in other exercises. Youtube has a video…
  • After college 14 years ago I counted calories and exercised my way from 255 to 201 in 7 months. There were definitely plateaus on the way. I eventually lost another 15 pounds and stayed at 185 for a couple of years. Up your exercise and increase your protein intake. Only weigh yourself once a week and at the exact same…