

  • I eat around 1200 calories a day and try to make it count by eating lots of good stuff. Most days I think I meet or even go over my protein requirements. This thing will tell me I am eating too few cals if I am below 1200 when I submit of journal at the end of the day. If you're not hungry and you've been eating like…
  • A grande decaf mocha light frappucino from Starbucks. I am not one of those Starbucks snobs but sadly, it's the only place that has mastered personally tailored coffee drinks. I can't get sugar free, skim, decaf lattes at Wawa, McCafe OR Dunkin Donuts let alone ones that taste as good and normal as that does. Too bad it's…
  • Hi there! Am somewhat in this situation. My boyfriend gets $200 a month for food though he let his add up for a while so I think he's got slightly more available in his account. But I make very little money and barely have enough for buying myself food. It's a real challenge and it's sad that people with little money are…
  • Hope you don't take offense to anything I say... You aren't fat first of all. You do, indeed, have a pretty normal thing going on and that's not bad. You have meat on your bones and I don't mean that in a chubby way, it's healthy muscular sort of meat like a girl who is physically active, maybe on a sports team. I remember…
  • It feels like 600 calories when I do 3. I tend not to do them for this reason, maybe I should!?
  • Wow we're all sort of ending up in a similar boat with this one, aren't we!? Ahaha. I work (usually) in the evening until about 10 or 10:30 so my day starts in the afternoon and ends around 4-5am.
  • Hello :) Pretty far from both of you, just outside Philadelphia, US but probably most active during the same time as you! (night owl). 28 year old here who is really enjoying experimenting with cuisine for the first time. My mum is a cook so there is a lot I've picked up from here over the years so I'm not half bad. Just…
  • Hey, thanks for the replies! The altering of how to enter my stuff vs. as dinner and such sounds like it might be more of what would work best for me, maybe. Still really trying to learn my way around on here so not entirely sure how to do this.
  • Guacamole, at least how I make it based on how On the Border makes it: 3 ripe avocados 1 diced tomato 1/4c.chopped red onion 1/4c. chopped fresh cilantro 1 Tbsp lime juice Salt and Pepper to taste I love to make this cold salad: 1 Can of chick peas 1 avocado diced 1/4c. chopped red onion Half diced tomato 1/2c. frozen corn…