claudiacarmel Member


  • It's a great website to help you get where you want to be! I have had great success. I went from a size 6 to size 16 and I am working my way back to a size 8 now....getting closer. Please feel free to friend me if you would like some one on one support!
  • I found this website to be very helpful and I deal with chronic pain which makes exercise difficult at times. Feel free to friend me if you would like to have some one on one support. :smile:
  • Hi there, please feel free to add me also. We are in the same age group also and I could also use the support. I haven't reached out to anyone on fitness pal for support but it couldn't hurt.
  • This is what I do believe......we can't control what others do, we may not like what others do, it stinks what others may do....what we can do is treat others with kindness, respect and understanding. One wonders what has happened to the aggressor for them to behave in this way????? ....I have been bullied my whole life…
  • Potatoes!!!!!!!!!!
  • I love Chinese Food; chow mein, sweet and sour anything. Only have it once in awhile and it's enough calories, fat, sodium in one meal for a week probably.:devil:
  • Exactly!
  • Vacaville, California
  • I tend to eat the "healthy carbs" like brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain pasta, etc. and I don't always eat those every day. If I bake, I use almond flour. I eat veggies lots of veggies every day and feel like those are healthy carbs. Stay away from "white" carbs. Tend to do high protein. Exercise is just walking...10,000…