

  • If your GP rules out a medical problem, then I would suggest eating a good breakfast, drinking a glass of water half an hour before each meal, and having lots of healthy snacks ready so you can eat when you want to. Things like carrot sticks in the fridge, lots of fruit, low fat yoghurt's, etc. Also try to savour each bite…
  • I had a great day today. Went out with the family, ate fast food and at a restaurant. I tried to make good choices and limit myself (taking into account how much walking I was doing). When I got some I put it all into the calorie counter and I was pretty much bang on! I think I may be getting the hang of this balanced…
  • Thanks, I am very reassured by that I am trying to eat little and often to keep the nausea at bay, but will abandon my calories counting whilst I feel like this:smile:
  • thanks, that helps. I think I was worrying about it too much I have lost a little more this week after all, just enough to tip me over the one stone lost point:happy:
  • I have lost nothing this week and it is hard to stick to the exercise routine. I am also often getting to the end of the day and realising I am only at 1000 calories, so having to go and snack to top me up to 1200. I am scared I will end up doing myself harm if I don't eat enough. Ah this is a hard week:yawn:
  • well done magnet that is great:happy: I have broken through the 170lb barrier. It's only loss from here people:laugh:
  • I have gone over on my calories today (mainly due to two tunnocks caramel wafers :embarassed: ) but still not too bad and I got a couple of workouts. Tomorrow will be better:bigsmile: Anyone here from Scotland?
  • ah a UK group, how ace!:smile: Mind if I join?
  • I am going to a big Halloween party and hope to be a UK size 10 by then...don't know if it is doable but I will give it my best. I ate chocolate for breakfast this morning so possibly not the best start to the week but I should still be under my calories if I workout for an hour and eat a healthy portion of dinner.
  • My twins are full of the cold this morning so I got a friend to take my 3 year old to playgroup whilst I said home with them. My friend had chocolate truffles for the mums coffee break so she gave me one which I ate for breakfast. Not the best start to the week but extremely delicious:laugh: I will never stick to this if I…
  • How do you cope with the urge to late night snack? Last night my husband made pizza at 9.30pm and it was really hard to resist, so I limited myself to 2 small slices which I had the calories for. But I know you should not eat late at night and this is when I do most of my snacking. Help! PS it's not all bad, I am down…
  • thanks everyone for the warm welcome:happy: This looks like a good forum I am having fun looking all around it
  • Hello, does anyone mind if I join in? I am a SAHM to 4 lovely kids. My boys are Ally (5) Monty (3) and Drew (19 months) and my daughter is Scarlett (also 19 months). I put on weight after I had the twins and last weekend weighed in at 180lbs. At 5'5" that is not too good so I am putting a stop to the gain now. I am trying…
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