SAHM 8/31 - 9/6



  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hi all! I have been so busy the last couple of days. Things should be getting back to normal this weekend. Whatever "normal" may be. :laugh:

    Lettuce - How is Caden feeling?

    Stacey - I'm not sure what I use. I end up using a different brand each time depending on what is cheapest at the time. The thing that seems to work best for me is to have 2 cloths to wipe with. I use one to do the main wiping and cleaning, and then a dryer one to finish. This seems to help me with the streaks a bit.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    amy, that's an idea.
    i use windex on the bathroom mirrors and always feel like there's a cloud/residue when i check it from the side. same withthe car windows.
    but i haven't tried 2 cloths.

    thanks lettuce forsharing your brand (same as mine).
    sorry that caden is ill again. poor little guy has had enuf. :frown:

    so far i'm good on cals and did my exercise. i've decided that if i get hungry tonight it's apple/banana/carrot/raisins (some combo). i need that category of food!
    don't see getting hungry tho. tummy is buggin me--common for me, espec when the kids won't let me relax in the bathroom. :grumble:
    if i could just crate them all! :tongue:

    hope everyone else is meeting their goals this week. if not, don't give up! on your next choice, make the right one!! we are here to cheer you.
    (in fact, i keep thinking of all of you when i resist the oreos in the pantry. i don't want to have to report in that i caved. :laugh: )

    thanks!! :heart:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tazzy, tswilliams, others--where are you?? how is your week going?
    tazzy--are those notes helping? check in and share your success!
    i have avoided the junk this week so far. hooray! on sunday we're going to brunch and i know i'll have some treats there. but hopefully, my work this week will make it so that i don't want too much and am satisfied with less. that's the plan anyway. :happy:

    amy, how are your orthotics? are you reaching your 1/2 mile goals?? and staying out of the bldg next door? :tongue:

    whew! lettuce--your first week back is almost done! how is caden?? did you get the results back yet? i hope he at least slept comfortably thru the night so that you could too. sending get well vibes~~

    ok. don't want to be late to school again. so time to load up the kiddos.

    later chicas! do your best cuz you're worth it! :flowerforyou:
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Stacey---thanks for asking about Caden, no fever this morning...keeping fingers crossed he stays this way. My kids are off school today and Monday so right away they get a 4 day weekend, ugh! Good Job on avoiding the junk, I know how hard it is to do :smile:

    It has really been quiet on this thread this week, hope everyone is doing ok.

    I got in a little over 2 mile walk/run this morning so feeling good about that and have stayed in my calories the last couple of days.

    Looking forward to a good stress free weekend (if that is possible with kids!)
  • mika24
    Hello, does anyone mind if I join in?

    I am a SAHM to 4 lovely kids. My boys are Ally (5) Monty (3) and Drew (19 months) and my daughter is Scarlett (also 19 months). I put on weight after I had the twins and last weekend weighed in at 180lbs. At 5'5" that is not too good so I am putting a stop to the gain now. I am trying to restrict myself to around 1300 calories a day (which I am so far finding not too bad) and working out for an hour a day most days.

    Do you guys all weigh in on the same day?

  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Mel--(Mika) Welcome! We are an open group and anyone can join! I have 4 kids too, all boys but not as close in age as yours. Congratulations on deciding to make a change :smile:
    We don't do weigh ins but we do try to motivate and support each other the best we can. Feel free to write about anything here: the kids, your exercise, your food....whatever...if you need to vent then vent!:heart:
  • mika24
    How do you cope with the urge to late night snack? Last night my husband made pizza at 9.30pm and it was really hard to resist, so I limited myself to 2 small slices which I had the calories for. But I know you should not eat late at night and this is when I do most of my snacking. Help!

    PS it's not all bad, I am down 7.8lbs on last week:happy:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome mel/mika! glad that you are here--more voices makes for more fun! :happy:

    couple points--it is my belief that it dsn't matter what time of day you eat (except you must eat breakfast). that whole late night snacking thing is bogus, imho.
    i believe you eat on a schedule or when hungry. and ideally those snacks are good protein or fruit or vege (not a bag of chips ahoy! :laugh: ).

    one caveat, however. for many of us, we have lost the ability to tell true hunger from cravings, boredom, stress etc.
    so some helpful tips--when first wanting that snack-have a glass of water. wait 20min.

    still hungry? can you put together a fiber filling/protein kind of snack (like whole wheat waffle with pnut butt? apple with almond butter or cheese stick? carrots/cel with pb and raisins? oatmeal with nuts and fruit? cucumber?) sometimes that can help.

    you can also plan for a late night snack--you can modify the mfp standards of bf,lunch, dinner... to times. so mine is set up as 6-9am, am snack, 11-1:30PM, 3-4PM, 5:30-7PM, Nite Nosh. That helps me to focus on when and whether i want to eat any given snack.

    lots of ppl suggest journaling when you're wanting that unnecessary food. or finding something to do with your hands so you can't eat (typing here, knitting, polishing your nails, taking a warm bath, cleaning the house etc). or use that time to get out of the house for a short stroll (to get away from the smell and redirect your focus and body chemicals)

    and sometimes you just want it and eat it. for ex, i ate the choc chip pancakes i had made--last night before bed. i wanted a snack with choc and they're homemade with 1/2 whole wheat flour. so i ate them. better than the cookies i could have had. not as good as the grapes or apple or water i could have picked. But...

    and most imp of all--remember this is a journey, a change in your way of being. one "bad" snack here and there is not what made us overwt and certainly isn't going to derail all our efforts. just keep moving forward and choosing differently/better--and you will reach your goals! :flowerforyou:

    again, welcome and please feel free to share ANY of your news ANY time--successes, challenges, wt/fitness related or not.
    this is a great group of women (changing players but all wonderful) :heart:
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Good Morning all! It seems that Caden has passed on a bad cold to me :grumble: This is really getting in the way of me exercising but at least I don't have an appetite either:smile: I just feel like I have been hit by a bus is all!

    Hope everyone is doing well, drinking their water and getting in some exercise (remember, playing with your kids is exercise too...just move!)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    lettuce--sorry you're sick now. just drink your fluids!!

    i'll be sure to make up for your appetite at the paris champagne brunch this am :laugh:

    seriously, i hope the extra day off with dh around will help you feel better :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :drinker: i just wanted to share a proud

    1) did 5mi yesterday
    2) then went to a bat mitzvah and ate only 1 piece of challah and NO dessert (ok, 5 m&m's)
    3) danced with my girls at the bat mitzvah

    4) took the baby for a stroller walk this am and did part of cardio x

    feel so good about myself--eating and exercise-wise
    will thoroughly enjoy our brunch date today!

    ok, off to play cars with the baby! have a great day all--drink your water and enjoy your families!! :flowerforyou:
  • angl421
    stacey way to go!!! great way to start the week.

    lettuce, how is caden feeling?

    Last week was so hectic i did not get to really push myself with the exercise(some walking and yoga), i did make fairly healthy food choices and managed to maintain. no complaints.

    besides having trouble picking up the pace after the lazy days of summer, the first week or two of school is like a difficult puzzle where you have to make all the peices of everybodys different scheduales come togethter to form a fluid family scheduale. i am on the verge of mastering the art of being in two places at once.

    i feel a good week coming on

    A suburban mother's role is to deliver children obstetrically once,
    and by car forever after.  ~Peter De Vries
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Stacey!! I am so proud of you!:bigsmile: That is wonderful, you did such a great job. Keep it up and keep on inspiring us! :heart:

    Angl--Caden is doing some better, thanks for asking but it appears both he and I have bad colds now..just not feeling too great :grumble: and I get what you mean about the first week of school but I know like you that we are going to have a good week this week!

    I am hoping to go at least for a walk tomorrow even if I still don't feel great.

    Why is it whenever the kids get sick I have to get sick too? Yeah, I know that I am tired and immunosuppressed but common, I think mom's should get a free card on this! Oh well, just live with it and grow stronger!!

    See you all tomorrow! Hope everyone is having a good weekend :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks :heart:

    you just inspired me to go drink more water.
    i ate plenty at brunch (after waiting 1 1/2hrs to be seated), and def. had lots of dessert. we decided, tho, that next time the closer local casino is equally good and cheaper (and i like the desserts there better). still, it was wonderful to just be together.

    then we went shopping for his h.s. reunion "outfit". his old stuff is worn out, out of date, ill-fitting. he hasn't worn or bought a sportcoat in many years. anyway, he looks so handsome in his new sportcoat, shirt, straight front pants, and tie. :heart: he's lost wt this summer and did p90x and gained some muscle too. he's my cutie again! and he'll look really good for the reunion (yes, i know how vain/superficial that is, but whatever. i can be that way :tongue: )

    so a very nice day.
    thanks again for the good cheers! and lettuce, hope you and caden get to feeling better soon.

    angl--your description like a puzzle is very appropos. :happy:

    later chicas--
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    did ok last week down 1 lb now back to exercise this week it is 8am and I have had a snack bar and been jogging / power walking for 30 mins burnt 450 cals had a shower and feel great (fat but great) I can do this going to run again tom I take the oldest dog he is a good pace setter if he is walking I am not fast enough so I keep him at a trot and that will do for now I am sure it will do the dog good too especially as he is our flyball dog a but of speed training cant hurt.

    Will check back later gonna get my breccy now a nice healthy bowl of porridge!!! YUM
  • mika24
    My twins are full of the cold this morning so I got a friend to take my 3 year old to playgroup whilst I said home with them. My friend had chocolate truffles for the mums coffee break so she gave me one which I ate for breakfast. Not the best start to the week but extremely delicious:laugh:

    I will never stick to this if I deny myself chocolate though, and I figure as long as I count the calories I will be ok. Hope everyone else is having a good start to the week.
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Here is the link for this week's thread:

    Sorry it took so long to get up, still not feeling well :smile: