SAHM 8/31 - 9/6

lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Welcome to this week's SAHM thread. We are a group of Stay at Home Mom's who support and motivate each other in our quest to live a healthier life. :heart: All our welcome so feel free to jump right in! :happy:


  • being a SAHM is the best job in the world!! :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    good morning sahms, i haven't posted on the sahm thread for a long time. my name is beth and i'm a sahm to two boys, 5 and 3.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks lettuce! hi kimber!

    and so nice to see you beth! you look AWESOME!!

    ok my goals this week:
    burn 400cals 6d/wk
    drink that water
    stay away from brownies/cookies/cookie dough etc etc
    no mcd this week for me or kids

    The hardest one on the list is the sweets! I have got to break that habit b/c it's sabotaging all my efforts. i work out so hard only to have to burn off junk. i want to bust thru this plateau!
    wish me luck!!

    off to do a walk to increase my cal burn for the day. will chk later ladies--:heart:
  • angl421
    angl421 Posts: 47
    hi, hope everyyone is having a good day.

    things here have been very hectic. last two start school tomorrow.

    i was such a good girl at the buffet table last night. followed my plan except for three bites of a peice of bluberry buckle cake.
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    I am back again not gettin much exercise in and been pretty much sabotaging myself of an evening however I have a goal now I am entering my first Champ dog show with the puppy in dec it is going to cost me about £250 to get there etc so I need confidence I need a new suit and I know I will be happier if I could drop 3 st (42lbs) I figure that my slacking off since my miscarriage will have somewhat fixed my body a bit as it can surely not think it is starving anymore as food has been plentiful for the last couple of months hence I gained 20lbs so here goes another fresh start.

    Today I am going to walk the dogs and stick within my cals and not binge tonight I am taking up knitting again something to keep my hands and brain busy in the evening my kids go back to school next wed so i have a plan to get up at 6 eat breccy clean get kids up get them to school go for a jog prob 30 mins then do a dvd whilst still warmed up hopefully jillians there is an hour I have from 9am til 1130am to get this done and dont forget I have to shower before going back to school. then I will walk the dogs with my youngest in the afternoon and have some play time with her until 330pm when I have to pick up the the others from school. I will do this 5 days a week as the weekends are pretty busy as we have agility on sat afternoons and then flyball on sunday mornings ad then I usually iron all the clothes sun afternoon ready for another week so weekends will be my rest time (I will still have dogs to walk though so not totally slack off time) I will pick one tasty treat of less than 300 cals to reward myself with on a mon.

    Mon will be weigh day I will work hard I need to do this I am a skinny person trapped inside this fat body. I WILL WILL WILL WILL do this and I am going to post everyday to remind myself what I want. I want to look good at this show in dec this is a long dream I have had and they do say feeling pass down the leash and if I lose this weight I will have more confidence and then I will pass that on to my beautiful dog as she is stunning and could win I dont want to let her down this show could qualify us for crufts 2010 a life long dream I have to do this.

    Sorry for rambling I needed to get this down.

    Have a good one all.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome back tazzy! good planning--now post sheets around the house of these goals/schedule. seeing it here and there and everywhere can help you stay on track. :heart:

    and i think your motivation is so sweet.
    we are here for you and want you to succeed and stay with it this time!!

  • Hi! I am a SAHM to Samantha, 3 1/2 months. She's our little "surprise" as all 4 of our others are in school. I still need to lose about 7 pounds to get back to pre-baby, but all together want to lose 20-25. I want to feel and look better! I had a great workout this morning. Walk/jogged for 30 minutes, then rode my bike to school with my 2 fourth graders. My legs feel like jello! My main setback food-wise is carbs. I could eat bread all day long! My goal for today: Stay within my calories and drink 2 liters of water. Wish me luck! So glad to have these boards for motivation! :happy:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Stacey I have done what you said in every cupboard in the fridge and in my bag there is a note reminding me what I want and how badly I want it.

    I have a healthy meal in the oven and I am going to finish the ironing and walk the dogs in the rain a shame you dont burn extra for getting soaked but I am committed so I will do it.

    Have a great day
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Got the 2 middle ones off to school!:smile: Now it is just me and the little guy hanging out during the day. My oldest has his class this afternoon at 3:30 but that is when the middle 2 get home.

    I am really dragging today due to getting up early with the kids for school, going to take a little while to adjust to the new schedule.

    I had a couple of glasses of wine last night which probably negated all the good exercise I did yesterday :grumble: Why do we do these things to ourselves?

    Going to try to drink lots of water today especially since I am dehydrated and eating well today....making good choices.

    Taking Caden to the playground and hopefully I will run this evening.

    Have a great day everyone! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    Angl - Good job at the buffet table!! :flowerforyou:

    Lettuce - I'm so glad to hear Caden is better! I hope your kids have a great 1st day of school!

    Welcome, tswilliams! :flowerforyou: This thread is wonderful for helping us Mommies stay on track. Good job on the exercise today!

    Well, I have had a horrible past few weeks when it comes to food and exercise. I will get a bit of exercise in a couple days, but then I slack off the rest of the week. There are still brownies, cookies and chips over in the building next door, and of course, I forgot to pack anything for lunch today. An oatmeal craisin cookie, 2 brownies and an individual size bag of Cool Ranch Doritos does not make a good lunch. At least I'm drinking my water. The sad thing is that I KNOW better! :grumble:

    Well, today's calories are shot. There's no way at this point that I'll be able to stay anywhere close to my recommended amount. So my goals for the day are:

    1. Drink 8 cups water
    2. Walk a mile on the treadmill
  • angl421
    angl421 Posts: 47
    thanx amy, it took alot of will power/self control. unfortunetly i have not found the time to exercise today. i think once all the changes in the scheduales calm down and routine settles in you will be able to start a more regular exercise plan. i know for me this week is more catch as you can with exercising as the whole family is in major scheduale flux. as far as diet -
    just beacause you had some sweeets midday dosn't mean you have "blown the day". make healthy eating choices the rest of the day like you WANT to. you can reach your goals for today.

    good night to all
  • hi girls, hope everyone had a good day yesterday.

    all kids are off at school today. i pushed through the morning chaos and was able to do 60 min yoga and 45 min walk. ate more than i should have for breakfast ( including 300 grams of tofu) but all healthy chioces.

    has any one heard of or read the book die fat or get fit by steve seibold? his mental toughness approach to fitness has peaked my curiosity.
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    I did it I got through yesterday evening without opening the cupboards and bingeing if I can do it one day I can do it again I will not eat carbs after 7pm.

    Check back later
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Tazzy- way to go! Keep up the good work.

    Angl- no, haven't read the book.

    Amy- don't feel bad, I ate horribly yesterday...I had chinese food for dinner and inhaled some Lo Mein and I didn't get to run yesterday. I was just too tired.

    Trying to get into this new routine with school is killing me at first. I really need to start going to bed earlier but I have become a night owl. This is going to take a little while to adjust and it is making me drag. Both boys had a good first day of school yesterday and Caden is begging to go but he doesn't start preschool for another 2 weeks.

    Goals Today:
    Drink Water
    Get 30 min of some kind of Cardio
    Enjoy life's small pleasures and not worry so much!!

    Have a great day ladies!!!:flowerforyou:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Angl - I hope your kids had a great 1st day of school!

    I was so happy when I got on the scale this morning. I figured part of my problem lately has been water weight (not all ... lets face it, brownies don't help either!:laugh: ). I got on the scale yesterday morning at 154.2 lbs. After being active yesterday and drinking lots more water, I got on the scale this morning (my normal weigh-in day) at 152.6! I didn't actually get my walking in yesterday, but I stayed active all day.

    Lettuce - I totally get the problem of trying to get into a new routine. I got used to the school year routine last year to have it change to the summer routine. I thought the summer routine would be better. Boy was I wrong! Now that I got used to sleeping in (don't have to be at work until 9), I've got to get up at 6:30 am at the latest. Hard to do when you're used to going to bed around midnight or 1am! I'm glad your boys had a good first day yesterday!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Lettuce - I totally get the problem of trying to get into a new routine. I got used to the school year routine last year to have it change to the summer routine. I thought the summer routine would be better. Boy was I wrong! Now that I got used to sleeping in (don't have to be at work until 9), I've got to get up at 6:30 am at the latest. Hard to do when you're used to going to bed around midnight or 1am! I'm glad your boys had a good first day yesterday!

    Amy--- this is too funny! I am having the exact same routine problems at the same times. :bigsmile:
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Good Morning everyone!
    It has been a beautiful morning so I was able to go for a 2 mile run/walk and burn some calories finally! :bigsmile:
    Have lots of errands to run today so everyone have a great day!!!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi all! glad to see everyone's working hard this week!! :drinker:

    i had a GREAT workout last night and i was able to do some of the stretch dvd this am. will finish more later.
    today might otherwise be a "rest" day as i have to get some errands, laundry and mopping done today. i can only tolerate so much mess/chaos.

    will drink my water,, stay close to my cals, no cookies etc.

    and cook that chicken!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    totally off topic

    what cleaner do you use for your mirrors and/or car windows?
    everything i've tried leaves streaks or is cloudy. what's with that?

    lmk what works for you, please.
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!
    Caden again is running a fever. I took him back to the doctor but they think it is just viral. They cultured his urine again so we will see.
    Am a little tired today but hope I can do some strength training later and maybe walk.

    Stacey-- I use just windex and it works fine, no streaks. I have also used vinegar and newspapers and it really does work.
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