

  • Goggle differnt body, for a pear shaped woman they should avoid cutting too much fat out of their food as that only affects the top half of your body.
  • Definatley a toxin thing...I've been noticing the same since I changed my diet as well, especially with upping the exercise and the heat (summer in NZ) combined.
  • Its NZ sizing which I cant compare to US sizing as its very confusing. A 12 measures 33" around your back (under bust). ETA...38" bust
  • Your feet swell during exercise. Loosen the laces on your shoes and the numbness will disappear. Or alternatively try tying your laces lighty before a work out to allow for swelling.
  • I must admit I am super excited to see the results and comparison at the end.
  • Load the baby into pushchair, pop in the ear phones and go for gold. I have 4 kids aged between 8 and 1 year and when school is on me and the 1 year old go walking for up to 1 1/2 hours a day. Now's shes a bit older I have to take snacks, but at 5 months they will probably sleep all of it. Go jsut before nap time so you…
  • I was just reading this article... and it makes sense. I hurt my calf a few days ago and its only coming right today.