Feet and Toes going numb?

Whenever I exercise like on my elliptical my toes go numb and today my feet started going a little on numb side but its always the toes and it drives me crazy!!!!!

Does this happen to anyone else and what I can do for them not to go numb?!?

Thanks everyone :)


  • klininger
    I recently bought some new shoes and now my toes go numb while I'm walking on the treadmill. I wonder why too...
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I was told it was the way I was lacing up my shoes......When that happens I loosen them a bit and it works no more numbness!
  • Lindsey72386
    It drives me absolutely crazy because trying to stay on the elliptical is hard enough but when my toes go numb I really want to get off and take my shoes off but obvioulsy don't! I've had my shoes for awhile now and it's always happened! I'm hoping to get some new shoes soon but I don't know if thats the real problem!
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Mine go numb on the bottom when I'm on my elliptical and I don't wear shoes which helps a little.
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    I asked a trainer at the gym about this and he said it was perfectly normal.
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    I just started working out on the elliptical a few weeks ago and I've noticed the same thing. I do wear the same shoes to workout in no matter what I'm doing and I haven't noticed it with any other exercise. Am anxious to see what other responses are. Thanks for asking.
  • jdelana
    My toes do the exact same thing!!! I never knew why. I just bit my tongue and went with it, lol.
  • takingbackalison
    Mine do the same when I'm on the elliptical. Its getting better though the more I work out.. Idk if thats why its getting better though or if I'm just done breaking in the new sneakers I bought
  • adurfee
    adurfee Posts: 32 Member
    Same for me on the elliptical. It's annoying. I'm sure the shoes have a lot to do with it. Honestly, since I drag myself out of bed in the morning to do the elliptical first thing, I've taken to doing it just in my slippers. I mean, I'm at my house, gonna get in the shower after the elliptical, so why put shoes on??? Anyhow, doesn't happen as much or as badly. Could also be just the angle or the movement. I've often wondered if I was doing something wrong, or had some weird circulation issues. But I really think it's the shoes/lacing too tight. Hence slippers!!!
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I don't do the elliptical, but just for working out in general, this happens to me when I have my shoes laced up too tight. I have narrow feet and I hate it when my heels slip out of my shoes, so I generally have them on really snug...but once in a while I get them a little too snug.
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    Are you lacing your shoes too tight? I've done that before. New Balance shoelaces are about 2 inches long so I can barely tie them and end up tying my shoes to tight.
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    Here's an article with some tips! Hope this helps:

  • ariayla
    Your feet swell during exercise. Loosen the laces on your shoes and the numbness will disappear. Or alternatively try tying your laces lighty before a work out to allow for swelling.
  • lizfran
    This happens to me on every machine no matter how I tight I tie my shoes. I have very wide feet with really high arches and finding the right fit is a pain! I just wiggle my toes a bit in my shoes and it eases the pain (or lack there of!)
  • starlitesue
    I have a similar problem when I'm on my road bike.

    Definitely try loosening your shoes, and making sure your feet have plenty of room. But if that doesn't work the solution for the numbness in my feet when cycling is a product called "metatarsal buttons" (http://www.roadrunnersports.com/rrs/products/PRO007/).

    I don't know if it would help on the eliptical, but you could certain try them. Good Luck!
  • momofssc
    momofssc Posts: 11 Member
    Mine do the same thing. I just loosen the laces, that helps a little. It also helps to have shoes designed for running. Not just any tennis shoe.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Same thing here.... basically anytime I'm exercising. I had a friend get rid of his treadmill because his doctor told him he had a foot problem for the same exact issue though. So may be worth checking with a podiatrist? But for me, usually if I step off the tready or bike for a min, it's fine. Almost like the blood isn't quite flowing there or something.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    This also happens to me - and I'm actually glad to see I'm not the only one. It's not exactly my toes though, it's more like the balls of my feet. Loosening my sneakers helps. Another option is to go to a good athletic store and have insoles molded to the bottom of your feet. My husband used to be a runner and this is what he had to do. Worked for him :-)
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Here's an article with some tips! Hope this helps:


    DEFINITELY!!! Number 1. on the list, does work. I found this out from a previous poster who said we tend to put a lot of our weight on our toes/front part of the foot. So, I decided to force myself to put my weight on my heels.

    In doing that, omg it puts more resistance on your upper thighs. You'll feel them start to burn!! Watch out for soreness, too.

    It's definitely helped in relieving the numbness/tingling by alternating where I put pressure.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I posted this question a few weeks ago and here's a few things to try:

    Loosen your shoelaces - I didn't think mine were tight, but I made them quite a bit looser anyway and it didn't completely eliminate the tingling/numbness, but it did help.

    Go in reverse for a minute or two every 5-10 minutes. It takes the pressure from your toes and puts more on your heels temporarily.

    Raise one foot and wiggle it around periodically.

    Also, make sure you're getting enough potassium. I have a recurring problem with numbness/tingling that isn't even exercise related and it is because I have a potassium deficiency (I can't change that as my body doesn't properly absorb potassium no matter how much I consume, but making sure I get a lot of it anyway definitely helps).