mamacita99 Member


  • If you have access to Youtube there are many workouts available - search "Functional". I like bands, and kettlebells, which don't take up any space unlike machines. A 20 min kettlebell workout will burn 450 calories when done right.
  • Thinking about starting-finishing up the book now
  • It says today is the last day to join - is that not the case? Just joined - but would not sure how or where to enter my starting weight - can someone get back to me? thank you!
  • Down 22 lbs in 2 1/2 months. Running a little over 20 miles a week. Have about 70 lbs to go. Dr. Only prescribed 3 months- wish I could find a dr who would stick with it until I hit goal weight.
  • Strangest thing. I kept thinking I was peri-menopausal or should've been. I'm 54. Periods have always been like clockwork but especially heavy the last 2 years. Never missed one. Then, in August I accompanied a friend to church on a particularly heavy flow day & spent more time in the bathroom than in the pew. I made it…
  • I know how to eat healthy, and I love to exercise, but at 90lbs overweight it was hard to have the energy I needed to get up and move. People on here will of course, tell you not to do it, it's a crutch, etc. But, if you're like me and have tried everything, and this was a last ditch effort before lap band surgery, then it…
  • I've got the HR charge & love it. I do challenges with other Fitbit users & always try to win. Last week I was at 35 miles for the week. I like tracking sleep patterns & the Fitbit also buzzes me when I have a call & tells me the number calling. I bought the protection plan because I wear it always & they replaced it once…
  • Just hit my first 10.8 pound weight loss goal. My new mini goal is 29.3 and that gets me to onderland. I'm run/walking 2 miles every day on treadmill & doing kettle bell workouts M-W-F. 10,000 steps daily. Fell free to add me if you want accountability buddy.
  • I've been taking it (300 mg)for years. The doctor said it's an antidepressant, stop smoking, sexual enhancer drug, and weight loss was a side effect. Initially it helped me lose 20 lbs. I had more energy & no "speed" feeling. Side effects are increased libido, which can be a good thing. When I stopped For about a year (no…
  • I'd like to join too - too late?
  • Just got a 30 day script - and I'm hoping it will help curb the hunger, and allow me to get my portions under control. My doc said he will prescribe 3 months worth - but I have to come in monthly to check my vitals, and see where I'm at. I already run 2 miles a day, on top of 10,000 steps. Dr. said in 90 days my stomach…
  • Day 2 of Miracle Morning ~ Day 2 of Affirmations, Exercise, Visualization, Meditation, and Journaling. I'm taking a 30 day challenge - 30 days of waking up at 5am to get an extra hour of productivity into my life. This way my day is ahead of me, exercise is done, and I already have a good attitude at 6am. If you've never…
  • Love KB - I did the Kettleworx program and it is the ONLY 12 week program I've ever finished. It's a great set of dvds if you can buy them. I just bought Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30 min dvd's. One uses kettlebell, one uses weights. I absolutely love them. It's a 30 min routine, and for someone starting out it's fairly simple…
  • Mine was when I went to a family reunion and hadn't seen one of my uncles for about 13 years. He got up to hug me and said "You've gotten so big"....when my aunt gave him the stare of death and he came back with "I didn't mean it like that, you just used to be so skinny" :( You can't fault the man for stating the obvious.…
  • Belly flat team Start weight - 235.2 Goal weight - 225 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 235.2 May 8th: 231.4 May 15th: 230 May 22nd:228.3 May 29th:226.4 June 3th: 224.5
  • Belly flat team Start weight - 235.2 Goal weight - 225 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 235.2 May 8th: 231.4 May 15th: 230 May 22nd:228.3 May 29th:226.4 June 5th:
  • Belly flat team Start weight - 235.2 Goal weight - 225 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 235.2 May 8th: 231.4 May 15th: 230 May 22nd:228.3 May 29th: June 5th: Fitness/Health Goals: Walk 11,000 steps per day. Do strength training 3x week.
  • Belly flat team Start weight - 235.2 Goal weight - 225 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 235.2 May 8th: 231.4 May 15th: 230 May 22nd: May 29th: June 5th: Fitness/Health Goals: Walk 11,000 steps per day. Do strength training 3x week. Birthday week, which is always tough because everyone wants to go to lunch, and there is cake and alcohol…
  • Belly flat team Start weight - 235.2 Goal weight - 225 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 235.2 May 8th: 231.4 May 15th: May 22nd: May 29th: June 5th: Fitness/Health Goals: Walk 11,000 steps per day. Do strength training 3x week. I'm assuming the majority of this is water weight and will even out this week, but I'll take it! :) I killed…
  • I'm in! Start Weight (May 1st): 235.2 Goal Weight (June 5th): 220 Weigh-Ins May 1st: 235.2 May 8th: May 15th: May 22nd: May 29th: June 5th: Fitness/Health Goals: Walk 11,000 steps per day. Do strength training 3x week.
  • Goal 11,000 steps a day May 1 - 11,883
  • I'd like to join for May ~ mamacita99
  • Just got the UP band on May 10 - I love it. It has made me more active, and I want to reach that goal every day. So much so that I've taken to jogging 2 miles every morning just to make sure I hit my mark. I know that there's more I can do with it than I'm currently using it for - so I'm still learning all the bells and…
  • Really, designers these days would be smart to make 10's a size 6 and Size 6 a 2...more women would buy them, but they'd still be a 10 or a 6. And don't even get me started if a designer made plus sizes into single digits. I don't look at a scale - I look at the size, and maybe that's wrong, but the scale may say you're…
  • I am actually looking forward to my goal size so that I can say..."see what you could have had if you weren't such a shallow a-hole!" I haven't always been heavy, and my boyfriend of 11 years broke up with me when I was a size 14 (from a size 8) because he was embarrassed to be seen with me because I had gotten "bigger and…
  • Great job - you look fabulous!!! Almost there!!
  • I really enjoy beer & wine - but haven't had a beer in a month at least, and have seen results. I stick to vodka tonic when going out - and a glass or two of red wine during the week. I think it's easier since it's cold and winter months - I tend to enjoy a nice cold beer on a hot day - so I'll just have to lose the weight…