LADIES ONLY: Dating before and after weight loss



  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    I went from a unhealthy weight (poor living conditions, lack of funds), to a higher healthy one. Since my gain I've been getting stopped left and right. :tongue:

    It's all about confidence and how you hold yourself. All body types are beautiful.
  • Angela_Freeborn
    I somewhat agree with the rest of the ladies here, however if this is a guy whom you may have tried to speek to before, but he just shunned you off because of your weight; then really is he worth it? I understand that if we are not happy with what we see then how can the next person be? senerio works,
    but again if this is a guy who clearly knows you; who has not "just" meet you, then he should know what kind of person you are deep within, not just your exterrior. Relationships are saposed to be based on the people within, so if you give him the chance to grace him with your beauty inside and out, and you find yourself questioning yourself will he stick around if I gain a few pounds, then maybe its something thats not worth putting yourself through.
    You will get plenty of oppinions or suggestions here, some agree its ok, some disagree, some dont know, But the right awnser is within yourself hun, its your choice, just think to yourself," would I have done the same thing?"
    Wish you all the best :)
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    "if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” - Marilyn Monroe
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I've been there before. I don't follow it up, unless it's just a fun fling sort of thing, because honestly, their sudden interest tells me that if I were to change, they would probably stop being as interested. Which doesn't work for me, so I avoid getting too invested.

    For some fun, though, hell, why not?
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    This is a tough one..I think I prob won't date someone who became interested AFTER I lost the weight. I had the same problem with men in high school or knew for a long time where they told me they used to be in love with me blah blah years ago, yet never told me. Now I have to wonder if they are more interested now because of my success or what! IDK.
  • mamacita99
    mamacita99 Posts: 66 Member
    I am actually looking forward to my goal size so that I can say..."see what you could have had if you weren't such a shallow a-hole!"
    I haven't always been heavy, and my boyfriend of 11 years broke up with me when I was a size 14 (from a size 8) because he was embarrassed to be seen with me because I had gotten "bigger and bigger".

    Although I am doing this for me - I will enjoy flaunting my gorgeous new self, and say FU ~ because I can lose the weight and he'll ALWAYS be an *kitten*.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I am actually looking forward to my goal size so that I can say..."see what you could have had if you weren't such a shallow a-hole!"
    I haven't always been heavy, and my boyfriend of 11 years broke up with me when I was a size 14 (from a size 8) because he was embarrassed to be seen with me because I had gotten "bigger and bigger".

    Although I am doing this for me - I will enjoy flaunting my gorgeous new self, and say FU ~ because I can lose the weight and he'll ALWAYS be an *kitten*.

    Love it! I hate when people are so superficial about looks and give up good relationships. Like men who cheat on their wives after they give birth when their bodies are not the same. It sounds so shallow.
  • insatiable_need
    insatiable_need Posts: 127 Member
    I actually had this happen. I had a crush on the guy for a long time but he wouldn't give me the time of day at my heaviest. When I lost weight, he started flirting with me, so I went ahead and dated him. I shouldn't have because he was a jerk! Very shallow.
  • juicysmilez
    This is a very old post but I would like to answer for the benefit of anyone else that deals with the same dilemma.

    Yes, I agree men appreciate a healthy slender body opposed to a heavy woman because they value beauty (and status) just like women appreciate men who can work and generate income opposed to a man that is chronically jobless because we value security.

    To answer the OP's question about dating a man who was uninterested in her when she was overweight but likes her new "slimmer" self it is best to weigh all options. Now that you are a slimmer woman and posses the ability to be a "status" symbol for more men than you did before the ball is in your court. You now have more options of men to date and discover then you did before and you are able to be choosier so date them first. I think it is better to meet a new man who didn't know your former self because you may not worry about gaining weight and losing him like you would the other man who suddenly finds you worthy.

    It sounds like you are just curious to be with this man because you have liked him all this time but he should definitely come last on your list of prospects.

    Think of it like this. Pretend you were a man working at McDonalds. You make a modest living but you have everything you need and are ready to settle down. The women you encounter refuse to invest their time into getting to know you because they can't see past your McDonald's manager salary. Then one day you hit the lottery. You are know a hundred-millionaire and woman are falling out of the sky like rain. Would you date the women who were very vocal about there displeasure in your job title or would you start over and attract the woman of your dreams with your new found success? A man would definitely kick all the other woman to the curb, bask in his new found fortune, and share it with the woman of his dreams. Yes, you can say the man there is a chance that if he loses his fortune he may lose his dream girl; just like an obese woman who lost weight can lose a man if she gains it back but it's almost a guarantee if he or she dates people who rejected them when they weren't at there best.

    "If you can't accept me at my worst than you don't deserve me at my best."
    -Marilyn Monroe
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I wouldn't. I struggle with my weight. Always have. Likely always will. Don't want someone who values me more or less based on how much I weigh. Because if we're together for any substantial amount of time, the likelihood is that I will gain weight again at some point.
  • cmiller224
    cmiller224 Posts: 158
    I would say he is burned and can kick rocks.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Excellent response juicysmilez!!!
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    Did you consider that maybe he wasn't attracted to you when you were heavier because you had a poor self image? Maybe it's your newfound confidence in how you look and feel that he finds attractive. You know how most women find confidence attractive? So do guys...