jenwoods87 Member


  • And also the reserves part of your contract is inactive reserve. You are a civilian with no military duties at all. If the need arises, they can call you back to active duty. But that is very very rare. So it is not like the normal reserves you think of.
  • We have an awesome group of people also looking to join. Search future military groups!! I would be willing to be both your accountability buddies. Lol. I need all the motivation I can get! Ha
  • I'm in the same boat Sam. Blah! The Navy didn't seem like they wanted anything to do with me as I'm still a bit over weight..even though I assured them I would make tape. They said to call back in another 15 pounds. wouldn't even meet with me! The AF was super nice though...he was awesome. He said my weight was…
  • I called two recruiters. One yesterday and one today. No answer from either :/. Left messages we will see if try call back. I'm 19 pounds away but based on my measurements I will make tape :)
  • I'm in mountain time zone. I think I'm 2 hours behind you
  • I lost 40 pounds then feel off the wagon. Still trying to figure out something different, if it doesn't work I'm going back to protein meal replacements. 10 pounds a month was amazing :)
  • Am I the only one in a far away time zone?! I want to get in on these meetings but tey are always when I'm at work :(
  • I actually like my last name...and he doesn't mind me keeping it. I'm not like anti his last name it just takes FOREVER to change everything over. BUT our kids (when we have them) will have his last name. and since they will be my dependents in the military I do not know how complicated that will be. I actually do not want…
  • Someone just asked this same question on navydep. haha crazy. oh well if anyone wants to add their input that would be great :)
  • Hey guys I'm Jennifer! I'm 25 and going to join the navy!! I'm honestly not sure why I decided navy...I use to think Air Force but navy has way better uniforms haha. I struggled with deciding between enlisted and officer however I have officially decided I enlisting with the dream rate of CTI. I've already lost 45 pounds…
  • I know it seems like everyone has MA! Like half the people who post at navydep are going as MA
    in Jobs Comment by jenwoods87 December 2012
  • I might suggest you get a better protein shake! Muscle Milk is really is very processed and expensive for what it is! There are much better shakes for the money..its just a matter of finding one you like the taste of (that is my problem). My husband makes muscle milk lol he literally makes it at the factory…
  • If the nurse corps does not work out...I am interested in Air-Traffic Controller (AC), Cryptologic Technician (CT), Intelligence Specialist (IS), Hospital Corpsman (HM), or Quartermaster (QM). I DO NOT want Aviation Boatswain's Mate (AB) or any of the construction ratings lol. Actually there are quite a few aviation…
    in Jobs Comment by jenwoods87 December 2012
  • Also, I am thinking I want to commission as a nurse. Or at least try! I won't know if I qualify until Jan 15th.... If I don't qualify, I don't think I want to go in as any other officer position but I am really interested in CT rates...if I can't pass the DLAB i don't know. I'm still researching! Also, I'm worried about…
  • HAHA I'm glad I am not the only one who think their uniforms are better! Although women get the short end of the stick..especially with dress blues. I want to travel a lot! My husband and I have both lived in the same place since birth. I lived in the same house since I was 18 months lol and moved out when I was 22. I am…
  • Hey! Sorry I have been missing in is soo busy right now. I swear by protein shakes! I know some people are totally against them...but I think without them I would still be struggling. I pretty much eat whatever I want but keep it under 300 calories for lunch and dinner...and then have a shake whenever I feel…
  • I am a nanny so I am at home with kids all day. Kids who are constantly snacking LOL it is really hard to stay away from snacks. So when I started with the shakes, I found that I wasn't hungry and stayed away :) I think that is why it is working for me...I usually only drink them during the weekdays to keep my mind from…
  • Hey everyone! My name is Jennifer :) I am almost 25 (November 25th, the last BIG birthday...I can almost rent a car ha) I have been thinking about the Navy for about the past 6 months. Recently I have really gotten into it, especially after seeing that I can lose weight! I looked into the Air Force when I was a senior in…
  • Hey Grace! I am also losing weight to join the military! I am leaning more towards Navy but also looking into USAF :) I sent ya a friend request :) I found it really helps to have other friends with the same goals