

  • I was very happy at around 122 - 124, but quite a few people said I looked too thin then. I'm currently 141. I'd like to get down to about 126 - 128 but being healthy is my main focus and if I need to stabilise my weight prior to the IVF, then I will.
  • Just so you know, you look beautiful in your profile picture!
  • I used to have BED so if you ever want to have a chat, let me know! I have had a few lapses since having treatment for it, but I would say more in the opposite way, where I've gone to the extremes of not eating enough, but I haven't had a proper binge binge with that uncontrollable feeling for about 8 years now! It's not a…
  • Wow, well done :). What I don't like is when people notice you've lost weight, tell you how well you've done and then if you put a bit on, tell you how amazing you looked you put on 5lbs and that's it, you look awful!!!
  • That's good about people bringing in fruit now instead! I'm a teacher and when it's people's birthdays, we have cake but someone usually brings in a lower fat option because someone is usually trying to eat healthily/lose weight!
  • So annoying - one of the main reasons I don't tell people!!!
  • My first concert was Backstreet Boys, around about 1998. My last concert was Matt Cardle in March of this year!
  • My husband and I said we loved each other within about 2 weeks. Today we have been together 6.5 years and we've been married 2 years next Wednesday!
  • Mmm I know what you mean - more than the problem of cooking two meals every night is the expense!!! It works out so expensive! This time round, I'm having the same meals as my husband, or should I say, he's having the same meals as me haha. I'm just having smaller scale meals. Saturday night we had chicken escalope, jacket…
  • Fruit and veg are good, cereal bars are low calorie but apparently make you hungrier in the long term! Low fat crisps/biscuits as a treat?
  • 3lbs in 2 weeks IS VERY good! I know it's frustrating because we want to lose weight quickly, but it's better to lose it slowly and an average of 1.5lbs per week is fantastic! It also sounds like you're gaining muscle so the weight loss might be showing more quickly in your inch measurements and less quickly on the scales.…
  • Hey, I'm in the UK too - whereabouts are you? I'm 28, I also gained weight coming off the pill and now we're going to be starting IVF so am concentrating on being healthy and losing a little bit of weight too. I'm sure you look lovely, don't put yourself down. I used to be an 8-10 and am now a 12 and would really like to…
  • HI Kelli, I'm fairly new to this site too, so we can support each other! Feel free to add me :). I don't do clean eating, but am attempting to reduce the amount of rubbish I eat, so am eating 'well'. Well done on losing a few lbs already, your profile picture is lovely, you have a lovely face! xx
    in Hi hi Comment by Tors1984 August 2012
  • Hi, I'm fairly new too, but so far I love it here! Everyone's so friendly and the tools are brilliant! I'm not new to dieting though and previously lost quite a bit of weight for our wedding and then marital bliss helped me put it back on lol. Some advice for starting out: Do your weekly shopping in advance and plan your…
    in Hi Comment by Tors1984 August 2012
  • Wow, that's amazing! We have to give it a chance and see if it works! Really really hoping it does. We can have 3 tries on the NHS which is good! xx
  • Thank you! I really hope we are lucky and it works for us! Luckily we get some tries on the NHS here. Obviously I'll keep you all posted! xx
  • Thank you for sharing your story! Fortunately for us, we get some tries of IVF on the NHS here. We have been told it would be a miracle for us to conceive naturally. I know some people do ge told that and they do get pregnant. We will see what happens. I'm sorry to hear of your loss, but I'm glad you're staying positive…
  • Thank you :) I hope so! xx
  • Thank you for your message! Unfortunately IUI isn't an option to us, IVF is the only thing which will help us. Fortunately we get some tries on the NHS. We're actually hoping for twins lol! Triplets would be amazing too! Scary and a lot of work, but so amazing :). Thank you again xx
  • Thank you! That's reassuring to hear - the worst part is actually the fear of it not working! Thank you again xx
  • Yeah I think and hope the needles aren't as scary/big/worrying as I imagine!! Thank you for your message, I will add you! xxx
  • Thank you, I just so hope it works!
  • Thank you for your message! Do you have any tips with the IVF? It's been a bit of a rollercoaster so far and we're still going for tests, so although it's highly likely we will need it, we're still waiting for confirmation. I'm petrified of needles, but I'll do anything, we just want our little baby. I'm more scared of it…